Monday, December 14, 2015

Stupid Things Fangirls Utter 83

After a long wait, the STFU series finally returns. I had planned to start writing the series earlier after I took over this series from Shinbi and PTS, but graduate school ruins your life during the last few weeks of a semester with all of the group projects, final papers, and final exams to work on.

Anyway, like AKF pointed out, my goal is to have two STFU articles per week on Mondays and Tuesdays and then a new series for Wednesdays. It's the holidays and then I have another internship in January before finishing school in the summer and starting full time after that, so I will also be on a scheduled-post schedule.

Anyway, let's get to it. The first batch of these submissions came from AKF himself as he helped me find some material to get the series rebooted.

As you see in the image above, you can see a retarded fangirl wants two faggots from YG to interpret a song and another mental midget agreeing with her. What song, you ask?

I think rap is worse than that feeling you get when you're wiping your ass and you feel the fecal matter rubbing onto your hand. You have to wash your hands with the hottest water they can stand and then bleach them and then wash them several times to get rid of the bleach smell.

However, Supreme Team was regarded as a pretty good group before one of them couldn't stop smoking the mary jane and the other one wanted to be an idol with Jay Park.

Why would you want these buttfucking douchebags to cover any rap song?

This is one of the worst songs I have ever heard. That yeast-infected cunt Bobby couldn't rap to save his life from some Mudslimes in ISIS ready to behead him, so he raps in a voice that makes it sounds like Freddy Krueger is slicing up his asshole from the inside.

Given how bad this trash is, I wouldn't want these two butt buddies to release another song, let alone interpret another group's song.

If you have any submissions for STFU, send them to hanyeseul_fag@yahoo.com or to @antikpopfangirl on Twitter. (I don't use Twitter any longer except to post AKF articles, so don't send them to the HYSF account since I will never see them. Email is the preferred method of communication.)


  1. Bobby is the most horrific looking idol in k-pop.
    What the hell does YG look for in its idols? Because it's obviously not looks, and it's obviously not talent

    1. He looks for SWAG

    2. He's the Benedict cumberbatch of kpop. An overrated alien looking guy.

    3. He's the Benedict cumberbatch of kpop. An overrated alien looking guy.

    4. Good, then he won't sign Brody of Kpop Star Seasons 3 & 5 fame.

  2. Why? Why would anyone want that?
    I feel like it's my duty to recall you that we already got this shit: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FWEOOedoNKs
    Isn't it enough?

  3. It's a shame that this seemingly decent group turned out to be a bunch of swagfags.

    1. Hasn't YG's sthick been swagfag shit for a bit now, though? It's hardly surprising, ever since CL released thw baddest female I had a sinking feeling of dread that YG was going to go the trapyoloswag route eventually.

  4. iKON is able to strive strictly only because they come from YG and YG's power when it comes to marketing and media play. If iKON came from some nugu company they wouldn't be anywhere. Their songs range from bad to generic trendiness with ''Anthem'' being only decent but suffers do to it just being Bobby and BI with the other members jusy doing shit ib the background. Seriously have iKON not been from YG they'd still be at square one with the likes of Topp Dogg. And Topp Dogg is a better group than iKON.

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