Sunday, December 27, 2015

UKMAS is Back!

2015 is finally coming to an end which means it's finally time for The Ultimate Kpop Music Awards Show to make it's return!

I'm sure you all are absolutely ecstatic. 


It's safe to say that this has been an okay year for Kpop. We had our fair share of the usual mainstream pop music, some ballads for those who actually give a shit, some pretty competent rookie group releases, and, well, whatever the fuck this is supposed to be. There's been a lot of overrated and underrated music, which is why I once again call upon you, AKF readers, to bring justice to the music that actually deserves acknowledgement this year.

For those of you who don't know how this works, all you have to do is take the survey and nominate up to five songs for each of the following categories. I will tally the votes and the top seven (it was five the last time but, what the hell, let's have two more) songs for each category with the highest number of votes will make it to the next stage, where you guys will take a poll to decide the final winner.

Here are the categories (I didn't want to have too many like the last time because that shit took forever and a half to tally):
  • Best Song 
  • Best Music Video (whether or not the song is good is irrelevant here)
  • Best Album
  • Best Dance (Male)
  • Best Dance (Female)
  • (And the ever so prestigious) Worst Song
Save me all the trouble and only mention title tracks (or at least anything that has an official music video). You can suggest up to five nominees for each category (UPDATE: Make sure you mention the name of both the artist and the song. Responses only stating the name of the artist will be ignored). Also, it's UKMAS 2015, so yeah, only 2015 musicI'm gonna be having shitloads of exams in the upcoming two months, so I won't have much time to tally votes. I can't tell for sure when I'm gonna post the nominees list so let's just say you guys are gonna have a lot of time to vote. Adios!

Here's the survey


  1. Wow, I can't remember anything that came out this year. Time to watch every music video and listen to every album again haha

  2. VOTED.
    Shout out to AKF for reminded me how much I hate Crazy, so I could put it as "worst song". :>

    1. "You can suggest up to five nominees for each category" - I should have read everything...
      But it wouldn't let me make a line break! So I just assumed it was one per category.

    2. There's a bunch of Crazy, you should be more specific, man. Now, I know you're talking about teh 4Minute song, but AKF is busy! :))

    3. I did write it as "4Minute - Crazy".
      Contrary to popular belief, I am not completely 110% incompetent!

  3. If everyone else doesn't vote for the same stuff as me I will kick up a shirts torment.

  4. Well shit I didn't read the "up to 5 entries" part.

  5. Voted. By the end of the year I'm a little shortsighted since I tend to remember the good songs (which I've listened to multiple times) and forget the bad ones (where I usually exit the MV before it finishes).


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