Monday, January 4, 2016

Guess the 2015 end-of-year best/worst list – survey responses!

Hi everyone, a while ago I did a survey and asked all you nice folks about what you thought I'd pick for my best/worst lists.  Many of you responded, and now that the official lists are out the results can now be published!

I'm not going to repost the fucking results here because I'm too lazy it's full of data tables and crap that are just too hard to recode for this site without breaking everything (mainly my nuts) so instead if you give a shit click the picture of Yooa above to go to the survey results!  Or if you don't care less, just fap!


  1. "Camping outside of a store for the release of a pair of Jordans. I’m on my 10th hour now with 6 more to go." - What a fucking retard. It disgusts me that people like this exist.

    7 people thought CL - Hello Bitches was going to be your #1? Those have to be joke answers.

    1. Yeah I think I had some troll picks. Also "So Crazy" under worst, yeah I don't think so.

  2. "Why is monogamy even a thing??? Why don’t I feel guilty, oppa?"

    Monogamy is fine - in small doses. But it does not represent natural human behavior.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

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