Monday, February 29, 2016

Review: Ladies' Code "Galaxy"

Ladies' Code has returned!

Ladies' Code came back with new music this month, a year and a half after the tragic wreck that claimed the lives of group members EunB and Rise.

Returning to work is an enormous task for any group that's been away from the kpop scene for an extended time, even more so for one hit with such tragedy. But despite the enormous task that confronted the group, I think "Galaxy" is just the comeback they needed.

From the start, the three-song mini album, "Myst3ry," emphasizes the group's return as a trio. The music video for "Galaxy" continues this theme as it's filled with references to three, from a chess board, to candles, to triangle-shaped cakes.

The song itself is chill R&B about love, longing and hope. Initially, I had wanted something catchy and upbeat, but I knew that they wouldn't come back like that, nor should they have. So while "Galaxy" isn't the comeback I wanted them to have, it's the comeback they needed to have. And I respect that.

They couldn't very well come back with an upbeat, cute song for their first release since two of the group's members died. And at the same time, I appreciate that they weren't given a memorial song to return with. Although it was not originally intended to do so, "I'm Fine Thank You" became the de facto tribute to EunB and Rise after their deaths. It served that purpose beautifully and also drew attention to a song that, frankly, deserved a lot more in the first place. (I know I slept on it. And regret that fact.)

"I'm Fine Thank You" being the standing tribute to their former members also gave the group a chance to move on with this comeback, to look forward to what they would become. I applaud their company for not trying to add new members (and hope LC continues as a trio in the future). And who knows, maybe they'll never return to the upbeat sound of "Pretty Pretty." That'd be OK, as long as they stuck with music like "Myst3ry," which focused on the other kinds of music Ladies' Code excelled in previously: R&B and soul.

My only real complaint with their new album is that it's just a mini. But as far as minis go, it's pretty decent. The three tracks flow well together, so there's no outliers that don't fit the rest of the album's sound. Of the two non-single offerings, I prefer "Chaconne." It has a romantic, melancholy sound with a French touch. "My Flower" is kind of a melodramatic mess. But it's Soyeon Friend's favorite one, so there's that.

BOTTOM LINE: I wasn't sure Ladies' Code would ever make music again, but I sure am glad they did.


  1. I legit cried when Sojung's voice came in for the chorus. She normally has that melancholic tone that takes you places, but after the tragedy that voice just seems to hit harder than it normally does. I've been a fan of her since she sang that Leessang song on the Voice, and after the accident I thought I would never get to hear her sing again. I'm so happy they came back!

    1. She has such a beautiful, distinct voice. Sojung's always been my favorite Lady.

    2. You guys should listen to the remix version of these mini album. the strip down version of Chaccone (Arieta Remix) literally makes me cry.

  2. This is really their best song. I always found Ladies' Code to somewhat miss the mark with their songs but this is an absolute winner.

    1. I don't think it's their best song (that'd be "Pretty Pretty" or "Hate You," for me), but I agree it's an absolute winner.

  3. I was mostly scared for them because Korean netizens can be such terrible things. I haven't heard of them receiving any ridiculous hate though so I hope they get support and continue.

    1. I would hope even knetz would have more tact than to stoop so low to insult a group who had two members literally die in a painfully horrid way, but maybe I've investing too much faith in them not to be wretches

      either way, I applaud ladies' code for coming back strongly after being struck by such tragedy. i imagine that the death of their fellow group members was a massive mental burden for them to carry, I'm glad to see they've released another good comeback (and a nice song that doesn't make me want to bawl endlessly along the lines of I'll Smile Even if it Hurts)

  4. I really like their comeback, this sound is particularly cool.

    1. It keeps getting stuck in my head, and I'm not sure why. But it's a nice change from "Me Gustas Tu," which has been the default music in my head the past few months.

  5. Beautiful song and great creepy video. Aldo I'm glad they went for this formula instead of relying on tearjerking.

    1. I agree. A tearjerker wouldn't have been a good idea.

  6. In fact, they could come back leaving the "tribute song" aside, because they actually released a tribute song on the crash's anniversary.

    "I'll smile even if it hurts" was released digitally but not promoted (back then, they only appeared in a tribute concert and probably didn't had anything related to a real come back in mind, not yet).

    It was released a few days after their company did a cover with some label-mates of "I'm Fine Thank You".

    I personally love the come back title track, but in terms of catchy-ness and radio-friendly tracks, perhaps I'd chose "Pretty Pretty" and "So Wonderful", although their best track to me is "I Hate You". Lately, I came to appreciate "Kiss Kiss" too, when it came out, I took it as another "Pretty Pretty" type of song, but after listening to it more and actually watching the MV, I saw differences and found its own charm to the song.


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