Friday, April 15, 2016


Are you a total dumbass? Then keep reading!!!

It's 2016 and you can't trust hoes these days, I mean just look at this shit!

I really thought she naturally had sparkly purple shadows on her eyes and completely poreless skin!!! [Crying emoji, angry emoji] This is why I got trust issues! 

I really thought she had perfectly fleeked eyebrows and a completely even skin tone with no discoloration what-so-ever!!! (Even though I too don't have those.) I feel so betrayed!!! [Angry emoji, fist emoji, red-x emoji]

This is deception at it's finest!!! She made it seem like her eyes just magically extended with gold sparkles highlighting them! Like she was just born with it! You just can't trust women these days! That's why you should always take them swimming on the first date!! [Swim emoji, water emoji, 100 emoji, red angry-face emoji.]

Let's no leave out the menn!!!!

Look at this crook. He lied without even having to open his buck-toothed mouth!!! I really just thought he was born looking like an emo naturally but no. Apparently a lot of time, effort and precise talent went into making his eyeliner perfectly bring out his eyes. Look at that smile in the second picture, it's like he doesn't even feel bad that he deceives people every single day of his life! TRUST NO ONE Y'ALL!!! [Waving finger emoji, squinting-eyes emoji, 100 emoji]

Remember if they won't go swimming then just show up and hour and half early to watch them apply the make-up! If they do go swimming with make-up and manage to not fuck up their face, then you're dating a wizard bro! It's not like waterproof makeup exists or anything!


  1. "I really just thought he was born looking like an emo naturally"

    I'M DEAD 😂

  2. Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks.

    Both of those Tzuyu pictures are marvelous.

  3. I always thought Tzuyu is gorgeous but she looks eaven better without make-up. Awesome post - funny and insulting to all those stupid netizens who spend their days eating chips and whining how fat and ugly idols are without makeup and photoshop

    1. Tzuyu certainly looks good either way.

    2. Thank you! I agree netz need to stop whining about ugly idols. Sure you don't have to find them unattractive but bashing them online only makes you look like pathetic, not the idol.

  4. This post really just re-enforces the importance of having a strong eyebrow game.

  5. "Are you a total dumbass? Then keep reading!" Oh dear, I kept reading!

  6. tfw tzuyu looks exact same in both pics

    1. She really doesn't look that different without makeup. I don't know why dispatch chose such an unflattering pic of her and Seolhyun when they have tons of pretty make-up free selfies to choose from. It's almost as if they want to start up hate for them.

    2. But neither of those two Tzuyu pics is unflattering.


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