Friday, May 13, 2016

The Case Against Non-Asians Being in K-Pop

This gif will be the only non-text thing is this post. If you're from any Western country and are under the age of 21, this post will probably trigger your safe space or whatever the fuck you pansies call it these days.

Over the past decade, the Hallyu escaped its confines in Asia and spread throughout the globe thanks to YouTube and social media. This brought a diversity of fans from other countries. Along with that diversity, there were some bad things that arose, and the chief focus in this article are some fans claiming that K-Pop needs to diversify its members. It's not a majority opinion, but it is an opinion that is growing, seen by the acceptance of a black member into Rania. (What people don't seem to grasp is that adding the black girl was simply a publicity stunt to bring attention to a flopping group). For K-Pop to continue its appeal, I believe non-Asians need to be excluded so that K-Pop remains enjoyable.

Non-Asian foreigners would ruin K-Pop for me in an instant. For example, take your typical college freshman. This person has grown up in the "me me me" generation and has no concept of understanding others. This person has grown up being praised for being mediocre, or even worse, terrible, and being awarded for it. With no work ethic, this person expects everything to be handed to him or her. A self-entitled wank stain would not cut it in any Asian country, let alone Korea. He or she would expect to get the same amount of attention as Yoona or Suzy by putting in the same amount of effort as Hwayoung. Do we really need more Hwayoungs in K-Pop?

Along with being entitled, the typical Westerner would look down on Korean society for not being a socialist sanctuary that you see in Europe. Everywhere I go on the Internet for Korean-related entertainment, I see people bitch and moan about how Korean society is different from Western society and how it should mirror Western society more. These are the people who claim to be tolerant as long as you agree with them. Disagree with them and they're all up in your ass. A person with this mindset would cause major discord within a group full of Asians.

By believing his or her culture is superior to Korean culture, this person would not even attempt to assimilate at all. Being the monolingual, entitled Westerner that he or she is, they would make a futile attempt at learning Korean and expect to be praised for their shitty Korean skills. Once his or her severe lack of fluency is pointed out, this entitled dickwad would go off on a tirade of how Koreans triggered his or her safe space while completely ignoring that in order to function in Korea that he or she would need to be able to speak Korean at a conversational level.

While I think the person himself/herself would cause major strife within a group, the bigger issue is whitewashing K-Pop. The majority of non-Asians that try to join K-Pop agencies are white kids. White people already have everything in the West, so why do they feel the need to infiltrate K-Pop? Asians can't even be cast as Asians in Hollywood, as white people often take those roles. As if that isn't enough, white people want to be in K-Pop as well.

Asians in the West don't get represented very well. Growing up, the only Asian actor that I can recall that was able to be cast in non-stereotypical roles was John Cho. For just about everything else, an Asian person had to be a martial artist or the "Dragon Lady" that wants the white cock. For sports, Ichiro was the only Asian sports player I could even look up to. For many Asians, one of the best things about K-Pop (and Asian entertainment in general) is that we can see Asians being portrayed as a normal person in movies and dramas as opposed to caricatures. We can be fans of musicians and idols who look like us for a change.

There are people who want to take away one of the few things that we get to call our own because they feel entitled to. A non-Asian would not assimilate into a K-pop group, and last I heard, the music industry was dominated by whites and blacks in America with little to no Asian representation. We don't need Westeners trying to colonize K-Pop like they have everything else.


  1. seeing white girls in new girl groups would just piss me the fuck off, Idk why. I wouldn't mind anyone who fit in visually and had the right attitude and ambition but I doubt theres someone like that out there

    1. thick yellow rice sausageMay 13, 2016 at 11:16 PM

      maybe a polynesian, merina or native american girl/boy. wouldnt mind seeing them represented in a kpop jpop cpop group. we seriously need to stop catering to whites and go back to being koxinga rather than opium rebellion peasants

  2. "
    While I think the person himself/herself would cause major strife within a group, the bigger issue is whitewashing K-Pop. The majority of non-Asians that try to join K-Pop agencies are white kids. White people already have everything in the West, so why do they feel the need to infiltrate K-Pop? Asians can't even be cast as Asians in Hollywood, as white people often take those roles. As if that isn't enough, white people want to be in K-Pop as well."

    ARe you fucking kidding me with this SJW bullshit? Are you serious? Please be fucking sarcasm, please be sarcasm. You cannot be serious with this cancerous, retarded bullshit, AKF.

    1. I don't see what's wrong with what the author said. It's true!

    2. thick yellow rice sausageMay 13, 2016 at 11:17 PM

      real tough brah

    3. Being a SJW would have demanded that Asians have more representation at the expense of white people. I never stated that. I just pointed out what routinely happens in Hollywood. For example, Jim Sturgess played a Korean in Cloud Atlas.


      That's just insulting. No, not because a white person played an Asian, but because they passed off this piss poor CGI rendition as being Korean.

      Pointing out reality doesn't make one an SJW. It's the asinine solutions that SJWs demand (not offer, but demand -- and usually only at the benefit of their select group while hurting the majority) that makes one an SJW. I didn't make any rally calls for Asians to take whites' roles.

    4. Fuck I'm glad I never watched that movie after being turned off by its duration. That's just fucking disgusting.

    5. thick yellow rice sausageMay 16, 2016 at 12:37 AM

      the same actor whitewashed a movie about a group of infamous east asian university gamblers in the us. if i met him on the street id beat him until he begs for forgiveness

    6. Western entertainment biz is much harsher and causes more burnouts for teenage trainees. Look at how most child actors end up.

    7. Yeah I mean god forbid white people want to be part of their interests. Jesus fuck you have to be a special kind of retard to genuinely think it's whitewashing to put a white person in Kpop. You sound exactly like the retards on /pol/ who sperg all over the place over the mere existence of blacks on this earth.

    8. "White people already have everything in the West, so why do they feel the need to infiltrate K-Pop?"

      They don't feel the need you fucking retard. They have interests and want to explore them and be part of them, holy fuck jump off a bridge you retarded sheltered dumb fuck. And for the record, many black people are into KPOP and are just as delusional as white people, so kindly choke on 50,000 smegma covered chodes for your racism and ignorance and general cancer.

      And I fucking love how you are literally calling for cultural segregation, but I'm 100% sure you're against Germany and other european countries closing their borders to the rapefugees that are being imported in because DAS RAYCIS!!11!!11 Sure, Korea for Koreans but Europe for everyone. I've met your type before. Kill yourself.

    9. thick yellow rice sausage for your daughter, sister, motherMay 18, 2016 at 10:41 AM

      lol retarded white racist with racial anxieties posting three replies for the same comment hahaha

      whats it matter? europe is just north west asia, let them rapefugees enter and have some fun with the local girls - because you know in most cases them local girls are willing to try that new rapefugee exotic meat on the market

    10. >white racist

      Nigger I'm fucking ASIAN. 100% Chinese. So try again, cuntwad.

    11. thick yellow mongoloid rice sausage for your daughter, sister, motherMay 19, 2016 at 3:03 AM

      hahahaha,sure. sure you dont mean caucASIAN? lol
      now to prove that youre fucking asian 100% chinese send me a picture of yours with a time stamp saying :" 19.05.2016 - Nigger I'm fucking ASIAN. 100% Chinese. So try again, cuntwad. they dont feel the need you fucking retard. they have interests...." etc.
      otherwise imma have to shove my thick yellow rice sausage up your white momma's face, but dont you worry, im going to do it lovingly unlike the barbarian rapefugees invading europe right now hahahaha

  3. Replies
    1. thick yellow rice sausageMay 13, 2016 at 11:13 PM

      no - different culture, different people, different race, different look, different customs

      ever heard of north east indian states banning all hindu media and culture and opting for east asian media because of the blatant genocidal mistreatment and racial abuse they encounter on a daily basis? its the same as westerners trying to be big in east asia.

    2. In addition, I don't think most South Asians consider themselves to be in the same racial category as East Asians. For a long time, South Asians weren't considered "Asian" but "White" on the U.S. census, so it seems like a fairly recent (and Western) concept to simplify racial categorization by grouping several minority ethnicities together. As a person of South Asian descent myself, I don't see it happening, unless the people of both regions can bond over their obsession with skin lightening or something.

    3. South Asians are more closely related to whites than East Asians.

    4. thick yellow rice sausageMay 14, 2016 at 8:25 AM

      "nah man, all dem ASIANS are da same. but europe is europe, not north east asia dats for sure !"

    5. thick yellow rice sausageMay 14, 2016 at 8:35 AM

      *"north WEST asia"

  4. LMFAO, like they say every joke always have a bit of the truth. It wouldn't be funny otherwise.

  5. I agree, putting non-Asians into Kpop would ruin the atmosphere. And it baffles me that so many westerners want to join Kpop. You don't see many American/foreign people saying "I want to go to France and join the music industry! I want to break into Spanish pop!" Besides, on a global scale, Kpop really isn't as prevalent as one might think. They would be better off in America, from a financial standpoint.

    Mixed people are fine though, IMO. They have done decently well in the industry, and they usually have great visuals.

    1. thick yellow rice sausageMay 13, 2016 at 11:24 PM

      mixed people are alright, dont mind them at all. though i vastly prefer quarter white/black- 3/4 th asian to half white/black - half asian. they look better and work better and generally turn out to be fairly influential: bruce lee(quarter german), angelababy(quarter german), hayden kuo(quarter american i think), lee hyun jae(quarter american), cecilia cheung(quarter brit), tyson beckford (maternal grandfather was chinese)

    2. Mixed Asians are fine, though I'm surprised at the level of support Somi is getting. I know half Koreans are treated like second-class citizens in Korea, which is the main reason why I didn't want Somi to debut at such a young age. She already receives so much shit for being half white.

    3. thick yellow rice sausageMay 14, 2016 at 8:29 AM

      lol neither is "asian" or "white" or "brit" or "german" or "jamaican". child, what are you trying to say exactly?

    4. thick yellow rice sausageMay 14, 2016 at 8:34 AM

      the difference between western society and east asian society is as followed.

      east asian society shits on you a little if you are a bit different and give you backhanded compliments, but it also has historical biases and preconceptions which may give you both disadvantages and advantages

      western society shits on you a lot, institutionalizes the whole shitting on you affair and then laughs at you behind your back and in front of your face while trying to colonize everything again

      somi being half korean is a positive asset for her career in 21st century south korea(even full east asian korean americans to some extent get preferential treatment)

    5. thick yellow rice sausage: that reply was so racist. There's so much anti black bullshit on this site, why does no one check that? I guess you don't give a fuck unless it's Asian, who you seem to worship. "they look better and work better and generally turn out to be fairly influential". So, the more black they are, the more inferior? wtf.

    6. thick yellow rice sausageMay 16, 2016 at 12:27 AM

      lol when i was being anti black hahaha? i even mentioned tyson beckford who is obviously black jamaican of west african, panamian and chinese descent and considers himself to be blasian. if if was being anti black,then i was also being anti white which you seem to have missed because you must be one ethnocentric mofo who cant even see beyond his own skin. and i dont worship asians, i am east asian.
      now read this properly. once again.
      "mixed people are alright, dont mind them at all. though i vastly prefer quarter white/black- 3/4 th asian to half white/black - half asian. they look better and work better and generally turn out to be fairly influential: bruce lee(quarter german), angelababy(quarter german), hayden kuo(quarter american i think), lee hyun jae(quarter american), cecilia cheung(quarter brit), tyson beckford (maternal grandfather was chinese)"
      there is no denying that quarters are considered to be extremely beautiful by east asian standards, though imo zhang yuqi, gao yixiand and gao wei guang look the best and they are full asian. there is no denying that bruce lee(is there anyone who doesnt know him?, angelababy(high profule actress of china), cecilia cheung(sweetheart of hong kong) and tyson beckford (first black male model doing good shit in the us modeling industry) are influential. what do you not agree with exactly?
      yes, in the context of an east asian entertainment industry a full black or full white person is vastly inferior to an east asian person, obviously. makes sense right? hahahah

    7. In reply to thick yellow rice sausage (again): "In the context of an east asian entertainment industry...". Ok cool. I have no problem with your statement then. It just seems like a lot of people's "preferences" tend to actually stem from "prejudices" and they don't want to admit that. Furthermore, I have seen a ton of anti-black stuff on this site that I guess I lashed out without thinking of your perspective. It seemed as though you were saying more asian = better in general. I now understand you mean that in the context of the east asian industry. But what threw me off was when you mentioned people not in the east asian industry and still added in that quip about how they "look better and work better". Like that still throws me off. But, since you're Asian, maybe you feel that asian people are better in that way? Anyhow, good day.

    8. thick yellow rice sausageMay 16, 2016 at 11:48 PM

      child, you need to learn how to contextualize then hahahaha. my preferences stem from my inborn taste, the trends and customs i see in other peoples societies which I am prejudiced against have nothing to do with it. and if i was prejudiced against any other race, then it would be the caucasoid race, not the black("negroid") race. this world is more anti- mongoloid than it is anti- black, anyway, but I doubt you have actually even thought about that.
      imo, asian = better iq, better bone density, better thickness of hair, better cheekbones, better center of gravity etc. but then again all of those have been examined scientifically lol

      i mentioned bruce lee who made it big in the us and who does look better when compared to his half white half asian contemporaries in hong kong cinema and tyson beckford because I wanted to include someone who is mixed black and asian and "quarter" and who imo also looks better than will demps, boris kodjoe, mendy sekiguchi, exile's elly, tyga.

      i feel asian people are the best in any way, so thats that;).


      thick yellow rice sausage - just for you, bae

  6. Not to mention that non-asians wouldn't agree with the way the company will pay them

    1. "I want a $15/hour minimum wage! I don't want to pay off all of my debt before receiving any money!"

    2. Most aspiring entertainers with a sense of sanity here knows an z list entertainer's pay is at best bare wages. Look at how over it works

      This actually ties into why so few Asians go into entertainment. They aren't disadvantaged minorities like blacks, latino or natives these. Their families don't have to put everything in a silver bullet to get out of poverty. We can find stable white collar jobs easier without the barriers. We didn't felt the need to bust ourselves over several years of borderline poverty just to get into the e-biz.

    3. thick yellow rice sausage daddyMay 18, 2016 at 10:35 AM

      asian americans dont go into entertainment because there are no roles and no jobs for us and if there are you end up as a fucking joke of an inferior chink specimen or some exotified sex meat.

      funny how you went from "they" to "we" lol

  7. I love you AKF for saying what has to be said. Hope you don't get shit on too much by SJWs.

    1. Yeah, I expected to get shit on by SJWs before hitting the submit button, but I figured at least one person with this view needed to write this.

  8. Aside from arguments for why they shouldn't... why /would/ non-Asians want to enter the Korean music industry? It's tough as it is for Koreans, tougher for non-Korean Asians, and it's virtually unheard of for non-Asians to make it big as idols. You'll just have someone like Alex from Rania (who aren't going anywhere) or Brad from Busker Busker--and he's not even an idol, I just mentioned him 'cause I couldn't think of anyone else. Many foreign-born Koreans/other Asians will join Kpop because they'll have a better chance in Korea than in the West, but as a white or black person, you'll find more opportunities in the U.S. or Europe.

    1. Yeah, I don't understand the obsession myself, but I think it's related to the weeaboo dream. A young white teenage kid watches a shitload of anime and thinks that Japan is a paradise to live in. Sure, Japan is a great country, but it has its own host of issues like any other country. In this decade, young white kids now think the same about Korea. They see the glamorous side of an idol's life and want that for themselves.

    2. Nothing is stopping from joining Disney or Nick, same shit really. But looking at how few of the Korean/Japanese young entertainers burn out so badly like a Nick/Disney child celeb makes it look attractive aside from foreign appeal.

  9. You guys have been reading too much kpop forums/sites to find that some people suggests this bullshit idea. I salute you.

    1. I wouldn't have any material for the blog if I didn't lol.

  10. Well then ALL of the female idols need to stop with the blonde hair/blie contacts then. You wanna look white but not have them in the industry, okay cuz that makes sence.

    1. Learn to read the blog before making yourself look like a retard.


      Again, you white people have this superiority complex with other races in that you relate everything another race does with wanting to be white. Asian idols dye their hair among all different colors. It is not just blond so that they can worship white people.

      Considering that every Asian has brown eyes and black hair, the reason for the hair dying and the contacts is to differentiate members during each comeback. Idols are trying to stand out so the group receives recognition, not to blend in and match everyone else.

      But okay, keep up your white superiority complex.

    2. @chantell. Hair dyeing is quite normal for women all over the world. It is not just a Korean (or Asian) thing.

    3. thick yellow rice sausageMay 14, 2016 at 8:38 AM

      lol hopefully youre a troll because that was retarded haha

    4. thick yellow rice sausageMay 14, 2016 at 8:44 AM

      actually all idols with blonde hair are trying to look like blonde hmong and blonde mongols. all idols with blue hair are trying to look like outer space beings. all idols with pink hair are trying to be gods and goddesses of love. if they wanted to look more caucasoid, they'd get a crack addiction and smoke lots and lots while bathing their skin in harmful uv rays + get some plastic surgery to extend their chins, lower their eye sockets and replace their thick hair with fragile strands helf together by a balding scalp ;)

    5. LOL this is like when white people try to claim that anime characters look "white" simply because some have blonde hair and blue/green eyes. Idols have hair colors from all over the rainbow, yet folks only complain when that color happens to be blonde. Colored contacts, overused as they may be, are just supposed to look cool and different.

    6. thick yellow rice sausageMay 14, 2016 at 9:26 AM

      citrus party, they even claim characters look white when they dont have these "white people features", just because they feel entitled to them. berserk's guts and pippin and spike from cowboy bebop are all clearly of the mongoloid racial type(in guts case north east asian, in pippins case mongolian or osage, in spike's case yusaku matsuda), but any english language manga/ anime forum will claim them as "clearly european, large build, strong face,..." etc.

  11. Honestly, there's a reason that Non-Korean Asians go to Korea. KPOP is known for most teens in East/SE Asia. As an Indonesian I know that KPOP is pretty much mainstream for teens here.

    The same way Australians and Canadians go to America to hit it big, non-Korean Asians would go to Korea. (JPOP is also pretty popular but the Korean system might seem more appealing idk)

    Anyway don't argue about mixed kids. If they're half Asian, they're Asian. Case closed.

    1. thick yellow rice sausageMay 14, 2016 at 8:50 AM

      "Anyway don't argue about mixed kids. If they're half Asian, they're Asian. Case closed."

      no, we should be arguing about mixed kids. if they are half asian guys from an wmaf relationship, rape black and other coloured women as police officers while claiming to be white in court and during the forced coital act, then whitewashed east asian women are going to blame us again for all these half asian rapists, half asian murderers, half asian serial killers, half asian maniacs shooting elementary and high schools because our cultures are supposedly "patriarchal"

    2. It is more appealing in the sense while the chances of getting royalties is more uncertain, your private life isn't dictated by some 80 year old fogie who has the worse case of being out with the times if you are guy (Read Johnny Entertainment) or be part of a group of dancing gynoids with your main income being "rebellious" Japanese youth who blow their autismbux on your pretend image that you are forced to uphold even you are edging the age where you are no longer able to marry.

  12. While I agree with your points overall, "Along with being entitled, the typical Westerner would look down on Korean society" - I think South Korea is one of the most fucked up societies among the industrialized countries.

    1. Explain why, if you don't mind. While there are things I dislike about Korean society, one of the main reasons why I like Korean society is that they have yet to succumb to the progressive SJW bullshit that we have been putting up with in the West.

    2. This blog seems to make fun of netizens and the crazy stuff firms do to appease them. Have not seen such a behaviour anywhere else. Isn't it exclusive to Korean society?

    3. thick yellow rice sausageMay 14, 2016 at 8:53 AM

      it's called strategical low- effort capitalism

    4. If I followed Western music closely, I could have the same type of blog. The fanbases for Western artists are just as insane as the K-pop fanbases.

  13. White untalented kids want to join kpop because they need someone to train them and make them debut. Such agencies simply don't exist in the West but if they did I bet they'd join those leaving kpop alone.
    Thanking SK for ignoring these white wannabe idols, I actually have a question:
    What if kpop really took over the world? Could it? Maybe for a bit until white people would copy it and their own kpop version would take over the world.
    White people still run this world. It's not fair but it's true.

    1. In it's current state, and the current state of people in general, I don't think Kpop could take over the world. The primary markets are in Asia, which makes sense since Kpop mainly appeals to Asians. In order for Kpop to gain broader appeal, it would ruin what makes it good in the first place by allowing non-Asians who don't conform into these groups.

      The other aspect is that anything Asian in the West is deemed as nerdy. I don't think Kpop can overcome the inherent pre-conceived bias against it just because of its origin.

    2. thick yellow rice sausageMay 14, 2016 at 9:10 AM

      well, big old zhongguo is going to have the largest movie and tv industry by 2018/2019(not the most influential though, as we're only counting dollars/renmenbi here)and they are already developing tv shows with movie level production value(watch the tribes and empires: storm of prophecy long trailer, just type in "Storm of Prophecy HD trailer 《九州·海上牧云记》 高清片花").

      if we can make use of our diaspora communities and their resources and manage to do a societal "japanese jujutsu beats brazilian combat arts/capoeira and becomes the main combat sport oh see all these white brazilian girls at japanese brazilian rice sausages" in all diasporic countries, in all cultural athletic political financial fields while at the same time keeping that elevated identity to ourselves and not having it taken over and colonized by the majority ethnic of respective country and manipulating respective societys preconceptions and stereotypes of us via mass media, then yes. is it easy? no.

  14. Ideas are nice but kpop is about selling to a market. Seeing how Rania is a flop despite their fap value, if non asians were included in other groups the market would eventually curb the *invasion* after a while, wouldn't it?

  15. To be honest, I was always skeptical of Alex joining Raina (supportive of course but skeptical) because after they settled her VISA issues they have yet to make any announcements or even hint a comeback. It really is looking a lot like a publicity stunt. However they might just be trying to cement her into Korean culture properly for all I know.

    As for the whole "non-Asians" not joining K-pop, sure there would be some issues. They'd have to really be comfortable with the way East-Asian society is ran before jumping into the K-pop scene. I mean, look at the average K-pop fan, most of them know jack shit about Korean culture yet feel the need to bash it without doing proper research on the subject matter (i.e. the pale skin preference.)

    Unrelated-when you said "pansies" I laughed because I thought of the flower.

    1. I believe with the issue of Rania 3 of the members left but I think Alex is still in. I found out by looking up on "A1st Central" on Facebook.

  16. I think you're underestimating some people's ability to be... not terrible? I mean yes, the west is very spoiled, but I think a kid who really wants the idol dream would at least know enough about the industry to be well mannered, because they certainly wouldn't make it over a polite Asian trainee.

    Also, I agree that the people saying k-pop NEEDS to diversify are dumb, because it doesn't HAVE to. It's not a giant melting pot like the U.S., so why would they go out of there way to find hopefuls that aren't asian when there are plenty of asian hopefuls in Korea?

    I appreciate that companies like SM and JYP hold global auditions and don't discriminate against race, but have they ever actually accepted a non-asian trainee? If there ever was a non-asian idol, I'd be curious to see the reaction to it (yeah Alex exists and I like her, but Rania hasn't had a comeback or anything).

    On a side note, whenever I see those videos like "MY SM AUDITION EXPERIENCE!?" I automatically cringe because if they didn't call you back before they certainly aren't going to now.

    1. I believe there was a kpopalypse article about a white guy who was a SM trainee and his AMA on Reddit said he's 100% white.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Lmao and the majority of the time the foreign kids auditioning fucking suck. But tbh Ive seen non white foreigners audition a lot so its not only white kids.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. I swear if I saw white people in kpop I will quit this shit .. I'm already done with westerns trying to white everything ... just thinking about that pisses me off ..gosh

    1. "white everything"

      Take a shotgun to your head. They are literally not trying to "white everything" you fucking retarded genetic failure, they are trying to CHASE THEIR FUCKING DREAMS.

    2. 'CHASE THEIR FUCKING DREAMS'..Go do that somewhere else. Seriously if you're looking for acceptance here kid, its sad

  21. I do agree, to an extent, that I'd like the Asian culture to be kept in kpop. That being said, they tend to take it to the extreme, like how those singers have seizure and continue on dancing, I think it's a bit inhumane.

    But hey what do I know, gfriend got famous for the similar reason.

  22. When you mentioned the whole thing about Westerners feeling like they're entitled to everything I just went "YEEESSSSSS. YES." because that is so true. It's because Westerners are told to fight for what you want, and not listen to people who hate (hence the disrespect for everyone).
    I totally agree with everything, but the biggest problem is that Korean industries wouldn't mind having a non-asian, especially white, at least the dumb CEOs. Somewhat smaller companies will start thinking that it's GREAT TO TAKE RISKS and just throw a white person in there because OOH LOOK ATTENTION LOOK WE HAVE A WHITE PERSON. $$$
    Not only that, but Koreans are obsessed with Western culture. They listen to western music all the time and they're obsessed with keeping their skin as white as possible.
    Sure, blacks in America have been oppressed for so so long, but listen, Asians haven't even been noticed. Please leave Asians alone thnx.

    (Also, I know this isn't ALL Westerners. I'm sorry to those who are being wrongly represented because of other people.)

    1. thick yellow rice sausageMay 16, 2016 at 12:32 AM

      asians have been oppressed in the americas for just as long starting with slaves from the philippines to chinese laborers working in the desert heat on railroads while being massacred by white settlers in their own little temporary settlements rather than just being confined to some small fertile land east of the mississippi and working on cotton fields which if they had wanted to they could have taken over easily just like the slaves did in haiti.

    2. "Not only that, but Koreans are obsessed with Western culture. They listen to western music all the time and they're obsessed with keeping their skin as white as possible."

      Wrong. Asians like pale skin because of class issues, not because of white worship. In the old days, having darker skin meant you were an outside worker while having paler skin meant you were in a higher class who got to stay inside.

    3. pale ASIAN skin is a beauty ideal.

      not pale pink white people skin which easily burns and has comparatively little collagen.

    4. Are you seriously trying to downplay slavery of Africans in America? Go away. Fucking Oppression Olympics.

    5. thick yellow rice sausageMay 16, 2016 at 11:54 PM

      more like comparative oppression olympics hahahaha. at least the majority of african americans were naturalized by the time of the reconstruction. can't say the same for east asian americans lol

      come at me, kid, ill beat you down with, like, you know, historical facts

    6. "When you mentioned the whole thing about Westerners feeling like they're entitled to everything I just went "YEEESSSSSS. YES."

      How little you know of westerners is embarrassing. Tape your mouth shut and throw yourself off of a fucking bridge. They don't feel entitled, they just follow their dreams you retarded cunt. Disrespect for everyone? Are you fucking retarded? Yes, you are. There is nothing wrong with fighting for what you want, if you're too much of a pussy to not do so, that's your own problem. You blame white people for your failures at life. Fucking typical, and I ain't even white.

  23. Is this bait?

    ...Seriously. Is this bait? What happened to you, AKF?

  24. This site is getting raped seoulbeats style.

  25. No invasion by the tumblrinas yet
    I'm surprised

  26. Kpop is koreans version of african american music. It would be silly to have the people you are copying included. Now regular korean music is lovely. It has a style and flavor.

  27. Kpop is koreans version of african american music. It would be silly to have the people you are copying included. Now regular korean music is lovely. It has a style and flavor.

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