Friday, June 24, 2016

Touch My Body Special Collab on Music Bank

Momo's ass is just what I needed after working a few long nights out of town and having to drive several hours back home.


  1. Why did they mix Momo with that bunch of shit?

    1. 'Cause that "bunch of shit" can actually sing

    2. Bunch of shit? I honestly don't find any of those girls unattractive.

    3. Yuju isn't that bad.

    4. I certainly didn't open the video for the singing.

    5. they were clearly lipsynching though so who cares if the others could sing or not.

    6. Tbh No has bizzare taste. So take his words with a grain of salt.

    7. the person who said "because they can actually sing" is a idiot lmao 1. they were lipsynching 2. Momo was rapping you fucking idiot

  2. It would save me time if we could just agree on a price.
    Does the blonde one come with free shipping?

  3. The long hours you work kind of scare me for your health. I hope your doing well and aren't too overworked.

  4. Yuju is much better looking than Joy - better legs, better waist/hip ratio and better face plus she's a better singer. Did I mention she's a fast runner too - helps keep those legs thin and toned....

    The whole Joy thing is beyond my pay grade - I think she's a vile looking, talentless hag with a way over inflated ego - yuck....

    1. Why are you caring about Yuju vs Joy when a literal Japanese goddess is right next to them.

    2. Allow me to correct my previous oversight - Momo is hot as fuck, I believe this truth to be self evident.... And also - No Sana No Life!

      Momo has a bit of that sulty aura about her - Victoria has it now, Mina has it going on big time, Irene has it, Nana & Jooyeon have it, Hyomin & Jiyeon have it. There are others but it's one of those nearly imperceptible things that not all hotties have - but for those that do it adds another dimension to their beauty that at least for me elevates them to a whole different level of hotness...

  5. I want to think momo is hot, but I just can't get over her teeth. She will be my last pick in the foreign line.

    1. whats wrong with her teeth?

    2. They throw her face off, like they look way too big for her cute little mouth. But that's just me with teeth. I went out with a few guys with teeth like that, just terrible, terrible kisser.

  6. but the cheers for joy is the loudest though,..

  7. Touch her body? Momo doesn't have to tell me Twice!!!

  8. For a moment there I was confused seeing Momo, Yuju, and Joy in one picture


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