Thursday, June 2, 2016

[MV Review] April - Tinkerbell

Now that Kara has disbanded, will DSP actually start trying with April? After a really rough 2015, April has its work cut out.

Anything that could have gone wrong with a debut went wrong for April. Sojin, one of the DSP trainees trying to get into Kara, and later April, committed suicide. Then Somin, the only hot member in the group, withdrew from the group after one promotion cycle. While those issues are bad, they shouldn't really affect the quality of April's music. However, April's music was the equivalent of expecting a bowl of chocolate ice cream at an ice cream shop and instead getting a hot steaming puddle of baby diarrhea served in a used diaper.

With the release of "Tinkerbell," April is taking a step in the right direction. The song is good enough for me to review. I didn't even want to touch their music videos from last year in fear that I would get the music equivalent of genital warts. If you like lighthearted pop songs such as what A Pink and GFriend release, this song is worth checking out. Otherwise, avoid it.

This group really needs to add a member who is hot, though.


  1. one of the few good song this year so far

  2. I have to say, theres something about them that seems very unpolished to me. I like the song just fine, but their live performances are just lacking something imo

  3. The song is nice, but will it be enough?

  4. I actually can't stand this song. May Oh My Girl shit on this group for years to come and send DSP back to the drawing board

  5. They all just seem like little robots in this video. I thought I was watching Yo Gabba Gabba.

  6. I'm a sucker for cutesy songs, so I actually quite liked this song. Unfortunately it was released at the worst time possible, so Twice and Seventeen shat all over April's first tolerable song.

  7. AKF hyung, please do review for Fiestar too. Apple Pie is one of the good recent release IMO

  8. Probably also one of the better releases recently (Windy Day included), I also dig Exid's L.I.E, not so much Fiestar's stuff though.

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