Sunday, July 31, 2016

Hyuna - How's This?

Fucking shit.

Talk about a fucking auditory nightmare. I feel like Kim Jong Un produced this song to fuck with all of the K-Pop fans. Take a bunch of annoying stock beats, and throw them in a blender and make this monstrosity of an instrumental. Add on top of that Hyuna's chipmunk-gargling-on-cum rap voice and this is one nasty shit sandwich.

To top it off, Hyuna gets uglier by the year.

Man, I miss 4minute.


  1. I can't even fap to this muted because of the spastic cutting and camera work.
    Some of the outfits have potential to be fapable in a photobook or something.

    1. Kinda needless to say, but the song is utter fucking trash and can barely considered music.

  2. Honestly this sounds like a worse version of Roll Deep (which I actually liked). I was hoping that the teaser wouldn't reflect my feeling on the song, but sadly, it did (as in, I don't like it. Not one bit). The video is so spastic, and theres nothing interesting to look at. I like Hyuna. I really enjoyed her "A Talk" EP (thats the one with "Red") years before I really got into kpop. I thought her last solo was pretty good, but this isn't.

  3. Reminds me of Cheetah's "My Number", but way less tolerable.


  4. Are the USD$$$ there to match the white guys or are the white guys there to match the USD$$$?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I will say that the only merit is it is a sexy concept, and that's it. The whole 19+ no vote count really hurts girls like HyunA and helps G-Friend stays on top

    1. G-Friends entire discography is better than anything HyunA's done since 2012. After "Ice Cream" it just went downhill from there.

  7. Holy shit it should not even be considered as music.

  8. More garbage from hyena.

  9. listen to DO IT by make it pop then hyunas version

    For the first time the american ver sounds better

    1. Just watched both the english version and Hyuna's version. I find it hilarious how people in the comments section of the english version say Hyuna "slayed" or "saved" this song. Both songs sound the exact same lol. One's in korean and the other is in english, but it's still the exact same song.

  10. Just watched both the english version and Hyuna's version. I find it hilarious how people in the comments section of the english version say Hyuna "slayed" or "saved" this song. Both songs sound the exact same lol. One's in korean and the other is in english, but it's still the exact same song.

  11. Jesus she keeps shitting out waves upon waves of diarrhea, I keep hoping that she would at least release something listenable but nope.

  12. I want her to go back to RED era

    1. Red would be an improvement on this, for sure.


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