Sunday, July 10, 2016

Jessica Doesn't Look 18 Anymore? Big Shock.

(Seeing as I just posted an article defending Taeyeon against netizens, it's only natural I do the same for Jessica to piss off all of the TaeyeonGate/JessicaGate stans.)

So Jessica attended a Blacn&Eclare event, and she looks gorgeous as always. However of course salty netz have to shit on her because they feel that anyone with a career is a threat to their lives or something.

2. [+478, -33] Why is she aging so hard recently?? :(

5. [+32, -3] She looks so old now

8. [+21, -3] Her face is looking more and more masculine

10. [+16, -4] Even after all the plastic surgery, procedures, expensive cosmetic treatments, her face only looks like this... ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I can't imagine what she'd look like if she was a poor commoner

I get that Korea is very into keeping up appearances and staying youthful, but isn't this a bit too far? Jessica is 27 (28 in Korean years), and I think she looks fine. Like a normal woman in her late 20s-early 30s. Hell, I can think of some 18 year olds that look older than her (i.e. Kylie Jenner) and even they don't look necessarily bad, just mature.

This is similar to when Hani uploaded a picture of her when she was freaking 5 years old and people were complained about how different and old she looked in comparison. This is fucking creepy and comes off kind of like something a pedophile would say.

My point being is that, it's pretty stupid to expect someone to look the same as they did ten years ago. Idols aren't vampires and will age just like you and me. Even Taeyeon who still looks very young still visibly looks older than she did during SNSD's debut days.

All in all, common sense will tell you that the main reason Jessica doesn't look 18 anymore is because she isn't 18 anymore. It's basic math people.

Here's some last couple of pictures of Jess:


  1. In the last picture she looks like about to spit on some netizen =>

    2. [+478, -33] Why is she not gargling?? I want a flema with the spit :(

    5. [+32, -3] She looks like she won't reach even the photographer, like when she tried pitching.

    8. [+21, -3] Her cheeks are looking more and more weak.

    10. [+16, -4] Even after all the plastic surgery, procedures, expensive cosmetic treatments, her face only looks like this... ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I can't imagine what she'd look like if she was pooing over me

  2. Knetz are so bitter that they even attack her business skills.

  3. I don't see Sica as old because then I'd have to admit that I'm old.

  4. still better than taeyawn's walrus dick face

  5. She doesn't even look old. She looks tired.

    1. Apparently they can't tell the difference.

  6. I hate Jeshitca with a fiery passion but these netizens have to be a special brand of retarded to think she looks old. Nigga she's almost 30 and you have the audacity to say she looks old? If I didn't hate her so much I'd say she looks good for nearing 30 and being a plastic surgery whore.

  7. Women look best in their mid 30s!!!

    1. Agreed. I'm currently 18 and can't wait to be in my 30s.


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