Thursday, August 18, 2016

CL - Lifted

I have a short review and a longer review below the jump.

Short review:

Longer review:

There is not one redeemable thing about this song or music video. The music video starts itself horribly in that I wanted to bleach my eyes out within the first ten seconds of the video. Seeing CL in a bikini is cruel and unusual punishment and my eyes shouldn't be subject to that. This is coming from a person who has watched a lot of videos on efukt.

What I hate most about the video is that CL continues her own self-hatred of being Asian. If you've read her interview, it is the typical "I'm going to put down my own people to portray myself as cooler to fit in with the blacks and whites." I just find it pathetic that CL has to go through the self-hatred route to try to appeal to Americans who won't give a shit about her anyway. Why throw your own race under the bus just to adopt a fake persona that you don't relate to at all. CL tries to act like she's a ghetto ratchet bitch, but she's the daughter of a professor and has lived in safe cities such as Tokyo and Seoul growing up, not the shit stains like Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore or Oakland. CL is as ghetto as I am politically correct. It's just not an image that any Asian should try to be pulling off.

Onto the song, it's a shit show just like CL's other two American debut songs. I'm not going to subject my ears to the torture by listening to the song again. It's filled with retarded lyrics with lazy rhymes on top of a bad beat, but YG fans will lap this shit up just in the same way that CL laps up the bullshit of thinking she's one of the UCAADs.


  1. This culture vulture is really still trying. Iggy who? Dolezal who? At least she has the people shes stealing from in this video.

    1. EXACTLY. She's doing her same ol' whine/grind dance and sits back while the ppl in the video represent the street style dance. At least she isnt trying to be Iggy and mimic the another race while going on a racist rampage on twitter.
      I read ppl were complaining black ppl were "props" in her vid...because apparently... grinding with 2 black guys instead of same ol' asian kwon twins equals, "black ppl are props"...dafuq? theres no winning seriously... she was in heart of hiphop culture in NYC and i saw whites, hispanics, blacks in the vid. *sigh* the harsher judges are longtime kpoppers. I think she'll do just fine in US :)

    2. @kpop cray Hunty youre complete lost and confused. Lol

  2. Well there are asians that live in those shit cities, it's just not as common

  3. As the only black person here. I think the song might actually get a few plays base of the repetitive hook. Even though she fucking phrase shortie wrong. Nevertheless, I didn't know she was privilege, so she might want to be careful or her past will destroy her rep she is trying to portray.

    1. Trust me, she wont have to worry about authenticity or street cred. That's been thrown out the window for quite some time in hip hop. Considering Drake's try-hard lyrics despite his decent background haven't ruined his career, CL should be fine.

    2. I'm a Black girl from Chicago.

    3. "As the only black person here." EL OH EL

  4. Cl has a pretty good body. Decent ass and tits. Her in a bikini is the only redeemable vew seconds of this clichéed piece of boredom.

  5. I couldn't get passed the 1 min mark. It's not as bad as the other two but the video as usual took try-hard to a whole new level.

    1. Also the fact that CL is trying so hard is starting to rub me the wrong way. It always has but now it's getting ridiculous. Instead of bringing her own style to the U.S. she ditches the style that made her and 2NE1 popular and is instead feeding right into the dying trends of the West and it's pathetic. She's tried to remove herself so far from her own heritage that she might be on "The Bluest Eye" level of self-hatred.

      It's also sad because instead of owning where she comes from and as some would say "stay true to the game" (take that as you will) she's practically selling out. Take someone from Chicago, like me, who has every right to not want to be associated with the city (I'm being dead serious), but instead of being all ashamed like a coward I just own the shit. It's where I'm from, not who I am but no one has seamed to let CL know that.

      Look I get that she's trying to branch out and all of that, but there are ways to incorporate your Western audience without making a complete fool out of yourself and roots. I know this is a lot given CL is an idol but if she didn't push the whole "authentic hard core" image so much then this wouldn't be an issue.

  6. Another embarrassment from CL.

  7. Maybe her next US début will go better

  8. At least this song has a melody/rhythm that isn't trying to drill its way into your skull

    That's honestly all I got...

  9. This is sad. After seeing her cover "Doo Wop", I honestly had some hope in CL.

  10. I couldn't help but think that Method Man looked embarrassed to be in the video.

  11. This video is kind of terrible.

    But what does UCAAD mean?

    1. Upstanding Citizen of African American Descent.

    2. The other common acronym you'll see in my articles is UCHO: Upstanding Citizen of Homosexual Orientation.

    3. I've been lurking on this site for awhile, but I was completely clueless about those acronyms. Thanks!

  12. She'd fit in with black people better if she didn't act like this to be honest. We can sense BS from a mile away which is why Iggy got dragged. I hope she stops with her self hate. But I feel like she's been like this for a while even before her US debut, her US debut just made it worse. The reason why I say this is because why YG has always boosted her and 2ne1 by saying they are different from other Korean girls because their style "is edgy" , they don't have the typical cute image in kpop, etc. CL has said stuff like this before in Korea it just wasn't as blunt as that interview cuz she know she would have gotten flack.

    Sometimes I also just feel like she says whatever she thinks people want to hear. When she was in Korea she said "Koreans had more passion for music than the Japanese or Americans" now that she is in American "Asians are basic" she's fake.

  13. I know you don't care [strike]in general[/strike] to respond thread comments; but are you and the rest of the staff interested in making a Top 10, 15 or 20 list of Hallyu idols who could make it in the West?
    CL is okay but I'd rather have a choice of which idol I want to support.

    1. My shortlist:

      Music: CL Jonghyun Hongki Jaypark Hyuna Kemy JDA Jiyoon Seven
      Acting: Soyu Onew Hana Jinah Gyuri JY Choa Jimin Siwan Jiwon Narae Nara Alice TNAF....

    2. If BoA and Utada Hikaru couldn't make it, I don't see anyone making it in my lifetime.

  14. sorry but why are you spreading false article? even me as her fan doesn't find a single article that she says try to fit in black or white ppl . please stop make a fake articel to make CL get more hates. thank you


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