Monday, August 8, 2016

[MV Review] BLACKPINK - Boombayah

Welp, I was wrong
Okay, I was mostly right. This is 2NE1 2.0, complete with the early-era sound and the nonsense chorus. Basically, this is Fire/I Am The Best, but without the incredible hook. Also, Jisoo is definitely the Dara of this group: completely lacking in charisma or talent, but gosh is she ever pretty!

Aw, she even kinda looks like Dara. So cute, yet so useless.
But oh my god was I ever wrong about Lisa. I don't like her face, I love it. This girl oozes stage presence like nobody's business. She's the CL and the Minzy of this group rolled into one. I mean, Jennie is the CL, because she was overhyped and failed to deliver. Really your analysis here depends on how much you like CL, I guess.

Lisa approves
Rose is cute, I guess! She's trying really hard.

Do less, Rose
As for the song itself, if you're into thudding electro-club nonsense, you'll like it well enough. I very much enjoyed the vaguely Jimin's Puss-adjacent beat. That was a good beat.

BUT, if I could have my dreams and wishes, I would like them to not shriek "Oppa!" at random moments throughout the chorus. Rose and Jisoo's pre-chorus vocal tone is very ... groany. I would like that to stop, also. And the whole thing could be about 20 seconds shorter. Overall, though, I enjoyed the song. They are all really pretty, so props to them for that!

So pretty! Nice work, YG!
This is much, much better than I expected from this group. I welcome our new kpop overlords. Now let's see if they can compete with Twice, lol. I give this a 4/5. Now go argue with me about my unfair biases in the comments, I know you wanna.


  1. I didn't like the song tbh. Something about 'club' songs just rustle my jimmies. But they're really pretty, I guess.

  2. Lisa is my bias. She's Momo of this group. Also, I can't believe that we got a yg group thats actually pleasent to eyes.

    1. How is she the "Momo of this group"? Just because of the blonde hair? lmao

    2. Blonde, foreign main dancer. Not TOO dissimilar.

    3. Hm. Well, they look nothing alike.

    4. Oh yeah, I totally agree with that

  3. I like the 'old school 2NE1' vibe of the song even if its outdated as f. Also, Lisa. Best girl hands down

  4. are you on weed or some kind of stimulant?

    because that is the only way to enjoy these YOLO-sweg BS from YG these days

    1. Nope, I'm dead sober. I agree that this kind of thing isn't for everyone, but I don't mind it! It's not my favourite thing in the world, though.

  5. I remember following some of the development, I thought the prospect of the Pinkpunk thing - a SNSD-esque girl group but with a YG flavour - was exciting. This is just so underwhelming though. Rather than try to avoid 2NE1 comparisons YG gone and embraced it instead. Just more "yayayaya we are best yayayaya we baddest" shit... and snarling. STOP FUCKING SNARLING

    1. also, Lisa looks like Sorn before her face melted

    2. you must be so blind dude

  6. I definitely agree that this should have been shorter. Overall I like the song, sure it can be a little too Yg-ey at some points but overall it's good. I actually kind of liked Rose and Jisoo's pre-chorus.

    1. Oh an remember that 2NE1 summer comeback YG talked about when Minzy left? Well this is it. Enjoy Blackjacks!

    2. Rose's voice is just not doing it for me.

  7. I seriously enjoyed this and Lisa is fucking hot.

    I love messy songs sue me

  8. Hm, I'm sceptical. If they can channel some of the more unique 2NE1 songs, then I can't wait for it, but this song does nothing for me. I know it's just pop, but it feels shallow.

    Also, I don't find Lisa pretty at all. But I'm not into Thais in general (I just read up on the group and only now found out that she is).
    The other three range from quite to very pretty, though.

    1. I really didn't find her pretty in photos (and still kind of don't) but I think she looks a lot better in motion. Some people's faces are just like that, I think.

    2. Just saw their "Whistle" MV, where she's more appealing.
      But hey, as long as she fits the group I'm ok with her. I don't find her repulsive or anything like Sorn.

    3. Generalizing a whole population to feel good about yourself, huh?

  9. The pang pang pang rum pum pum hooked me at thebstart then I half expected thw chorus to be just some dance break. Welp. Its YG

    1. Lisa's thailanese pussy vs Jennie's kiwi pussy stinge vs Rosays Aussie delicate pussay vs Jisoo pure Korean bred tasty virgin vagina, WHO WINS??? Seulgi, Irene and Tzuyu whore pussies BTS and EXO Boy Groups 4 life fuck girl groups.

  10. I'm trying to get into this song, but not feeling it at all...

    1. It took me a couple listens. It coheres better when you know what to expect, lol

  11. I genuinely love Twice but I'm so tired of fans saying "Twice is better." They don't even have the same concept, go yell at Oh My Girl instead. At least direct your hate at the actual competition

    1. Well I think people compare Twice, Red Velvet and (now) BLACKPINK because they are the Big 3-backed girl groups. They're the WG/SNSD/2NE1 of their generation.

    2. Not sure why people compare RV with grous that debuts this year, since RV is already 2 years old.

    3. But Twice is better. Black Pink must refer to a black vagina riddled with some kind of nasty disease because both of their debut songs are really, really bad.

    4. Why? Why did you say that. Now I'm gonna think that every time I see their name

    5. Why? Why did you say that. Now I'm gonna think that every time I see their name

    6. don't google the term "blue waffle"

  12. kinda wish kpop would stop with the native american whooping but hey

    1. Lord. I didn't even notice that the first couple times through. YG, why???

    2. That's the only part I think really needs to go. Native American culture is not hiphop and it's not just being friendly/international/creative like when OMG used Egyptian music elements. It's ignorant as fuck.

    3. Oh my god I just noticed that what the actual fuck YG?

    4. yeaaaaah...and they do the hand over mouth ululation move too ...not a good look

    5. And the dancing in a circle with alternating bows. I spotted it all first watch. I mean it's just ignorance thinking they are welcome to borrow from it like 2NE1 did with stuff from India, but since YG has the biggest presence in America and sells their shit on itunes and everything, they really should have looked into it first.

    6. I don't get it.

      Also, I liked T-ara's Yayaya.

    7. + 아저씨
      You seem to throw cultural appropriation around like no tomorrow. its called 'assimilation' and its not offensive because they are embracing it not copying them and making it their own. Are they in native headress? no. its a gesture used throughout asia not just for native americans. I am south asian and we use it for parties and celebrations. Whats next, "dont do another countries dance move?" sorn showed a dance that ppl in thailand do where u keep a straight face and she welcomed others to do it too.
      "dancing in circle with alternating bows" wow u really have quite an imagination. Its flailing arms, a regular dance move that even white people do. Pls understand that Sk is STILL behind in all this cultural appropriation bs despite being a power house. Thank fully they have hired more foreign workers into their company so they are learning.

    8. Actually, I'm not a hater in general, and I'm always unsure on where to stand with cultural appropriation because there is a LOT of stuff that comes up in those discussions. That's just a whole other talk. But I admit I got really uncomfortable when they were doing the Native American impression. Right away, on the first viewing. I cringed whenever they did it. Now some people are saying that's not what it was. I watched a bunch of reaction videos and people were guessing it was from all different cultures. And every time I hoped they were right and I was wrong. Not because of cultural appropriation. But because that image from old westerns and kids in the 1950s playing "Cowboys and indians" by dancing in a circle with alternating bows while holding their hands up to their mouths and doing a "warriors cry" was declared a insulting stereotype by many native Americans when I was growing up. So my childhood was filled with people being horrified and saying "don't do that" if someone did. Not because it was stealing from native Americans but because it was called an insulting carton carictiture BY native Americans. Sort of like black face or the "mami" character in old movies. Maybe that's not true, or not true anymore, maybe native Americans don't mind. So when they did that I couldn't help but cringe because I hoped they weren't insulting anyone. Same as when some groups accidently used insulting politically incorrect African American references trying to emulate "hip hop". Even black face on an album cover. I know they don't know, I know they mean no harm, they just aren't aware of the changing faces of what's considered an insult. It's the right of an oppressed minority to choose what insults them but if you're very far away culturally you just don't know. There is all kinds of rules about what's rude or not in every culture, and even for a traveler it's hard to know them all. So I just worry they'll accidently insult and get hate when they had no ill intentions. That's what worries me, not cultural appropriation. That is a whole other debate.

    9. I meant "mammy" not "mami". I was typing too fast and not thinking. Sorry!

    10. Yeah sorry kpop cray but you are lacking perspective of a vast history of Native American caricature. I know it when I see it, and some elements are even in the music itself. I didn't say every single thing is a mimicry, and in fact yes a lot of their arm movements are from South Asia. The dancing in the video overall is a very complex blend of various styles, but the Native American elements are perfectly apparent and no it is not okay to just "make it your own" like that.

      Assimilation is Miley taking on twerking because she was getting involved with people who did it and she liked it. Appropriation is saying "oh hey that's cool" to something you see in the sacred practices of an oppressed minority and lifting it when they pretty much unanimously say that's not fucking cool. Also, a key portion of appropriation as an issue can in fact come in when people "make it their own" and do not give proper credit to where they got it from, like high fashion taking hairstyles from the ghetto and acting like it's white genius innovation (yes this really happened, one of countless examples) or similar in white music.

      The end result of this is having/enjoying the stuff from that people and their culture while still rejecting/ignoring the people of that culture. That is entirely different from assimilation. I dunno what your deal is, maybe you decided to listen to your Anthropology professor but not your Sociology professor or something, but reality involves both and it's not too hard to tell when one is being respectful and involved and when they are not. Like I said, it's not a huge deal since they are just being ignorant and some people (such as yourself) won't even realize it or will deny it, but they should be more aware for the future.

    11. I've never understood why cultural appropriation is wrong. If people in kpop think Native American whooping is cool and want to put it in a song why cant they? I don't see why some people can't like certain aspects of another culture, take it, and do whatever they want with it. White people saw black people in the ghetto wearing certain hair styles and thought they looked good, so they copied it. What's wrong with that? Why should black people own certain hairstyles? Maybe it was wrong/douchey that white people acted like they invented it when they didn't, but was it wrong of them to copy it? To me it's comparative to taking a trip to South Korea, seeing they eat kimchi, and then going back home and incorporating kimchi into your American dinners or meals because kimchi is delicious

    12. I just cant with ignorant people esp the one above me. Stay ignorant. God Google cultural appropriation if you dont get it Stupid.

    13. In reality, everyone "appropriates" something. Get over it.

    14. But not something as sacred and special to a marginalised society. But I won't really argue with KPop fans cause I know most of them have fifth grade education.

  13. Replies
    1. It's better than I expected, at least! Teddy is having a (multi-year) rough patch.

    2. at least is not as ridiculous as cheer up, the only good song of twice is ohh aa

    3. you must be really blind

    4. shit? ha ha
      both of their songs are no. 1 & 2 on world digital songs chart, and YOU call that shit?
      here's the link for you babe ;) --> http://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/k-town/7476115/blackpink-debut-boombaya-whistle-world-digital-songs-chart

    5. shit? ha ha
      both of their songs are no. 1 & 2 on world digital songs chart, and YOU call that shit?
      here's the link for you babe ;) --> http://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/k-town/7476115/blackpink-debut-boombaya-whistle-world-digital-songs-chart

    6. Its her opinion. Just Because a song is successful you can't persuade her to like it (my case with cheer up).

      Anyhow twice released the TT MV and bp are coming back on November so I'm ready for the shitstorm that is blackVaginas vs Twix.


    7. Twix is the best chocolate ever HOW DARE YOU

    8. LOL i actually agree twix is so underrated. Wai Twix wai! Twix as a hater name was a half assed effort just like sones as Scones. Tf scones are yummy asfk.

    9. BlackVaginaAKABlinkMarch 3, 2017 at 2:04 PM

      Nayeon's Vibrator and Mina's nipple clamp are more successful than BlackPink's awful career. YG sucks hardcore dickhole deal with it.

  14. Teddy is shit and they need to get way the fuck away from him.

    Lisa is obviously the best. Like OBVIOUSLY.

    I think it's Jennie that has a lovely soft tone to her singing voice but I didn't really pay attention to know for sure.

    The "Oppa!" stuff was actually spot on. It is hard to explain the magical endearing quality of it, but when they started interjecting with those in the rest of the mix I smiled and was like "Oh ho ho, they're playing both sides. Clever girls. /jurassicpark"

  15. He used to be so reliable :( What happened :(

    Yeah it's not even close. I am fond of Jisoo's very soft voice but I think Rose's is so grating...vocalwank galore.

    Haha maybe it just doesn't work on me.

    1. Is Rose the one doing all the terrible technique lifted from Bom? Makes me wonder if she practiced to Bom recordings or if YG thinks that is a "black" way to sing, lol.

    2. She's the one with appropriately-dyed hair (it's pink. Get it? Rose? Argh). And yeah, it's the belt-strain technique.

    3. + 아저씨
      "black" "cultural appropriation" you keep saying those words i dont think u know what it means. her voice is clearer in whistle, she was a church choir singer, im sure her technique is better than boms so why not wait a few more MVs before you rustle up your own feathers.

    4. Talking down to people when you have only earned it in your imagination is not recommended. You are being arrogant based on presumption. You are not talking to a child, nor someone from a single-culture background. When YG artists try to "have swag" they are in fact taking influence from the entirety of their access to R&B/Soul/Hiphop/Rap a.k.a. BLACK artists and this is doubly confirmed in their training programs, special covers, and personally named inspirations. In trying to be authentic to this cultural movement they take on their perception of the vocal affectations of those artists, considering it more of an expression of a particular attitude or style rather than local accents of a minority group. If a businessman tries to "talk black" to relate to a black man, everyone realizes how awkward it is, but in cases like YG artists it is generally overlooked because it is seen as an ignorant endearment rather than a condescension. However, the presence or lack of offense doesn't change the awkwardness of it, especially when it results in such a shitty singing style. If you don't think trying to "sound black" is part of YG, even indirectly, you're completely blind to everything that is going on and should really stop before you embarrass yourself any more.

    5. Also...

      "so why not wait a few more MVs before you rustle up your own feathers"

      Is this the source of your attitude? Are you being all defensive of BlackPink because you think we're getting "rustled" over these things? I never expressed anger in any of my critiques because there is no anger. I'm just analyzing what they are presenting and noting the aspects that aren't so hot that they should work on to make a better product, especially as YG has a mind to push into America more than any other kpop agency.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. who is that girl who says the "blackpink in your areola" part?

  18. who is that girl who says the "blackpink in your areola" part?

  19. This song sucks ass.

    Also, Lisa's the new Bom. She's definitely looks like the one who's smuggling drugs in the group.

    1. drusg are awesome. don't be a debbie downer

    2. Bom used to look way hotter.

    3. Fuck you BP and Red Velvet is better than Twice and other Girly Groups also EXO NCT n Big Bang is better than BTfagS and Seventeen fags. WendyXRosé

  20. Who's BlackPink? my other KPOP friends told me to listen to their songs, so i try, seriously?? there's nothing good in their song compare to other girl group and please who's that girl with blonde hair full of bangs i hate when she dance she look like skeleton dancing so thin oh i guess anorexic?? i don't like the way she moves her hands to be swag, overrated..like CL is the real SWAG, CL is naturally Swag without trying hard..

    1. Who's BlackPink??? basically 2NE1 but much better.

  21. Why do you not like Lisa. She did nothing wrong.
    She was a humble and not arrogant

    1. Lalisa has these stinky thai pussy trust me i know i live in thailand for two weeks, it smells like semen filled ladyboy hairy ballsack like lilymaymac clitdick. Nana Komatsu vagina is much better pure Japanese peach pie pussy yummm

  22. What is this shit?! Even Rookie by RV is 10x better than these BlackPink cunts #EXO>BTS


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