Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Some Hot Girls & An Apology

Here's OMG's Binnie really going for it. In semi-related news, this week's Girl Group Wars post is going to be delayed until I'm fully moved. Sorry about that -- things should be back to the normal schedule next week, if everything goes according to plan. More pictures of hot girls to apologize for my lack of dedication are below the cut!

Here's Dahye, for that guy who keeps talking about my thighs in the comments: 

Mina preparing to get absolutely destroyed by Pledis Girlz once I tally up those poll results:

Hey remember when Jei kissed a girl in that web series?

Anybody know how Seolhyun's doing these days? Just wondering: 

Okay that's all for now. Back to packing for me, and I will reflect and return soon!


  1. Dahye - near perfection in waist/hip ratio department.... Binnie looks good with longer hair and her shorts in that vid were pinned at the waist - she's got something good lurking under all the frilly cute clothing OMG wears. I look forward to a sexy concept from them....

    I must put a plug in for Bestie's Uji as she has done the toning up thing, and is strong contender for the best butt - decent waist/hip ratio and the toning up as evidenced by her latest pics throwing out a pitch are outstanding....

  2. That Jei picture is not of adequate size for Jei.

    What will you do about the seemingly bogus voting for Pledis Girls?

  3. I'm really curious about the Twice-Pledis Girls thing, theres no way that many people actually like them. Go buy their single if you do. I'm pretty sure it was people that A. Felt bad for PG --- B. People tired of hearing about Twice --- C. Who cares though, because I'm ready to make sure all my nugu babies advance to the next round

  4. Sauce on Dahye's jiggly gif please.

  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYV7H_Y4pK8

    Enjoy your jealousy.

  6. Mina and Jei can step on my face and I won't mind

  7. Dahye's wobble brings all the boys to the yard.


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