Friday, September 2, 2016

Hwadog Lands First Leading Role

After her great acting caused T-ara to make more money than any other K-pop girl group, Ryu Hwadog gets her first leading role.

If it wasn't for the sympathy that she gets from Koreans (which means she is a great actress), there's no way someone as ugly as Hwadog could lead a drama. Just like in K-pop, looks are a major factor in dramas. No one is here to stan ugly people, and in order to export dramas to other countries, dramas want to portray Koreans as ridiculously good looking. Now Hwayoung will just have people wondering when the other members are going to eat her because of being a dog.

Great, now because of Hwadog, people are going to start asking me if I eat dogs again. Fuck you, Hwadog.


  1. Hopefully she shows her Hwadoggies.

  2. Honestly, you should stop with Hwadog hate, yall sound like stupid kpop-fangirls bitter about T-ara, i know it's a joke, but it died years ago, so let it go and stan Hwadog's boobies, she's hella fine post-T-ara.

    1. Absolutely agreed.

      Except for the "yall", I think it's just AKF.

    2. I've hated Hwadog ever since she joined the group. One, her looks are bad enough to make Boram look decent. Two, her rapping was so bad that I have a hard time listening to any Hwadog-era T-ara songs. Three, I still find her to be ugly, just like I did in 2010. I'm not going to change my aesthetic preferences in women to appease people.

    3. While I find her face just mediocre (and better than during her awkward T-ara days), the way she's been slutting it out since her T-departure is great and her body isn't bad at all.

      Boram lacks any kind of sexually attractive features. lol

    4. Hwadog may lack determination but she has a nice rack.

    5. Whataver man, it's one thing to find someone ugly, it's other - to shit on somebody every time they appear in media. Hwadog and her determination levels are a dead meme.
      And Boram is Bom-level creepy. She looks like a fucking tadpole.

    6. Maybe he wants to hatefuck her and that's why he keeps posting about her? haha

    7. I think this anonymous above also bitter fangirl of hwayoung. no different.

    8. hwadog is ugly....should have never been added...

    9. She ruined t-ara, we're allowed to be bitter 😂

    10. She ruined t-ara, we're allowed to be bitter 😂

  3. Hwadog has transcended AKF and showed up on other sites, becoming a truly iconic phrase. There are many Hwayoungs, but only one Hwadog.

  4. Where you getting the info on salaries and how much $ they made? I'm still trying to get a good source on how much girl groups make depending on their status, sources, event appearances, etc. What's best source? It's a pretty tight-lipped industry on that score

  5. You can eat all the ugly dogs you want. Please don't eat the cute dogs, or the pretty dogs.

  6. You've got it all wrong. It's because she was blessed by Seungyeon's lips. You think that can happen without results elsewhere? Her whole life was blessed.

  7. She's more beautiful than 3/4 of t-ara, what are you on?

    1. I didn't think you would notice since the entire post screams bitter.

    2. are you high? she makes Boram look hot....girl is ugly

  8. She-s not worse than the average korean celebrity.

  9. Dog meat contains high-quality protein and low-cholesterol fat.


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