Friday, November 11, 2016

Twice Covers "So Hot"

Bless Twice.


  1. Nayeon to haters: bite me


  2. god damn, Sana really got a handful of Nayeon's ass near the end XD

    1. She does often kiss/touch the other members.

  3. They covered this on Yoo Hee Yeol's sketchbook, too.

  4. Some of the MPD fancams for this are pretty epic... *cough* Sana *cough*

    Here's a link to a playlist of the fancams:


    1. I'm gonna have to check out the Sana fancam. I had a friend on Twitter telling me to watch that one instead of the video posted above.

    2. You won't be disappointed, except for the few times she tries to pull down her skirt when it hikes half way up her very nice ass.

  5. I have cancerous tumors growing on my back thanks to reading the anti-white, racist comments on the Netizenbuzz 2016 Election thread. I'm neither white nor American but goddamn the comments are making my blood pressure rise.

    1. "Literally no one gives a single shit about your white feelings except white people themselves. White people dont care about POC feelings so why would we care about y'all? fuck you guys :)"

      One of the comment posted there.

    2. I thought i was the only one.

    3. To this (although not an american myself) I have this to say, TRUMP IS BEST BEATS THE REST Bethches.

    4. this is why i don't go to netizenbuzz anymore
      also, people are overreacting to the whole Trump presidency. Do I hate the guy personally? Yeah. Do I think he's an imbecile, and Pence is a piece of shit? Yes. But do I accept that what's done is done and we'll have to wait and see how it'll unfold? Yes.

      I did my part, I voted for who I thought was the lesser evil, in a state I knew would likely be red regardless from an electoral standpoint.

      Hillary lost. People need to stop bemoaning it as if they'll have their rights stripped immediately, the inauguration aint even till January for crying out loud.

    5. Mr Trump has promised to continue to protect South Korea but only if the agencies cut loose with a little nipple and side boob.

    6. Trump actually got more votes from people of color than Romney did.

    7. of course Trump got more votes than Romney did. He actually knows how to manipulate people and contradict / circlejerk his views to garner more votes despite blathering like an idiot. Romney, in all I saw of him back in the 2012 election, merely blathered like an idiot.

  6. Fucking Korean TV channel and their fucking garbage bitrate again.
    Incompetent goddamned assholes.

    1. I think the problem is more with whoever encodes that for youtube upload. For instance the MPD fancams recently upgraded their gear (or figured out the appropriate setting on their fucking editor export option) and now upload 4k content. See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaCbCJiecx8 for example. Not really great quality, given that youtube converts everything to the lowest common denominator playback profile, but at least their faces don't look like minecraft.

      So yeah, the left hand uploading content to the official channel should try to talk to the right hand uploading content to their MPD fancam one.

    2. Here you go https://mega.nz/#!75dChByD!V6dVd2R6W9ecpj7cMA3joWJ_G3CG4311ylRp0VPytGw, a decent fullhd, either progressive 60fps or properly deinterlaced high quality source. So don't go blaming TV channels that easily, the source is all right. As far as I can see they are broadcasting in UHD, just nobody receiving that rips worthy torrents. Which should be considered a crime.

    3. yeah, no kidding, i was surprised to open the vid fullscreen and see just how pixelated it was in "HD"

  7. Tzuyu's fancam for this is perfect.


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