Monday, December 11, 2017

Why You Should Never Date A Koreaboo

I made a huge gamble, and I lost big time. This is the story of why if you're an Asian male, you should never ever date a white female Koreaboo.

For a refresher on my background, my dad is a white American with a German background and my mom is Korean. Therefore, I am an Upstanding Citizen of Korean and German Descent. However, since I identify as Nayeon's Vibrator, I am race-less. However, when I'm living in the real world and not fantasizing about vibrating inside of Nayeon's pussy, I am Korean and German. My Korean features aren't all that strong and most Asians don't believe that I'm Asian at all.

So about a month after my first failed relationship (the girl came from an awful background and had a bad family -- something I know to avoid in the future), I started dating someone else. She was the same age as me (27), so I figured this would be easier than dating someone quite a bit younger than me.

The first red flag was that she liked Kpop and Kdramas. I had a bad feeling, but ignored it and thought it would be easier when we were hanging out after dates. It was, but I learned right there it's better not to share common hobbies.

She kept on talking about how hot (insert idol or actor here) was. I didn't mind it, as I mean, come on, half of the posts here are about idols and actresses whose butts I would pee in. That was the second red flag I had ignored.

Halfway through the relationship, she started seeing an "old friend from high school". I had a good idea what was going on, but here's one thing I did that I believe was right and would over again. I didn't give a fuck. I figured if she was low on enough to cheat on me, I'd found out relatively quickly and knew that she wouldn't be someone worth keeping around.

So we bang (what any Koreaboo wants, to bang a Korean), and a few days after that, she texts me that she's not ready for a relationship. Then, like I had expected, found out less than week later she was dating that same guy she was seeing while dating me and gushing about it all over Facebook about how she makes him so happy. She never mentioned anything about me on FB once, but was constantly talking about her new boyfriend. Then she wanted to continue to be friends, but I had the self respect to cut her out of my life. All I was to her was the vehicle to fulfill her Koreaboo fantasy.

Luckily I went to get STD tests and they all came out negative. That was a nerve racking two weeks to find out the results.

This isn't to say that I'll never date another white woman again. It's just that if I ever meet a non-Asian girl who is a Koreaboo, I am running away faster than a black man runs away from child support.


  1. Hm so your hald Asian and you didn't figure out straight of the bat that the bitch had yellow fever. WTF NOOB, it's like you didn't run this blog for God knows how long having a readership of horny fucks lusting after korean women.
    Most disappointibru.

  2. Schools would be better if they taught useful information like this.

    1. But then schools would actually be teaching useful information. We can't be having that shit!

  3. Did you already go through the screening period (i.e. 3 months for HIV at least) before you test?

  4. Was the other dude black?

    1. Going from shitty Korean dramas to shitty Mexican dramas... not sure if that's a step up or a step down (if that's even possible).

  5. I'm a white woman but I dated a weaboo for some time. Absolutely hellish. Couldn't fuckin breathe without her saying "Anime dudes are the only reason she's bi". Fuck that shit dude.

    1. Yeah, I understand your pain. It's as if you have to pray that anyone you meet isn't into anime or Kpop because a good number of them are undateable.

  6. Well, I hope you at least had a decent fuck.

    1. No, she was really boring in bed. Better off fucking a fleshlight than someone who only wants to do missionary.

  7. Your blog is very useful for me,Thanks for your sharing.


  8. Maybe you should get over your white fever first? I see so many black, or asian creeps fetishizing white women, and then they go and whine about their women being fetishized by white men.


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