Monday, April 25, 2011

ADKF: CN Blue Love Girl Reaction

So I am pretty spiteful towards CN Blue fans, but I like CN Blue for what they are which is an idol boy band. I actually like this song a lot compared to their other tracks.

They even added a slap bass bit in the song which impressed me a lot. It only impressed me because I didn't think the bassist was even trying half the time.

The music video is decent. It's nothing over the top and simple, just the band stalking some girl. Only thing though that went through my mind throughout the MV was why were they stalking such an ugly girl? I mean CN Blue are handsome guys, no homo, but they were following around a homely girl. The end of the MV explains it though so you can find out why for yourself.

Back to the song... I am so glad Yonghwa didn't do his terrible rapping, or whatever it really is, a lot. That's what usually puts me off CN Blue's songs.

This song is a pretty simple addicting pop rock song.

I'd say overall my opinion of it right now is pretty positive, that is until I hear fans tell me it's the best indie rock song of all time.


  1. Hate to say it but you guys have been blinded by basic kpop bitches and can no longer see that this girl is fine as hell. maybe you guys just aren't into girls who look white?

  2. Not just best Indie Rock band, CN Blue is the best Prog-Rock band, the best Hard Rock band, the best Hair Metal band, the best Bluegrass band, the best Power Ballad band, and the best Death Metal band. EVER! :)

  3. No.....

    And yea I'm not really into Eurasian looking girls. One or the other is preferred.

  4. She's not fine as hell, she's so generic looking (like Kiko Mizuhara is a hot halfie), but I'd still fuck that mutt.

    Seriously though, I can't share my rape fantasies on here? After being banned from soompi (LOL but I can still post in the news section retards) I thought this was a place for pariahs and castaways. We're cut from the same damn cloth! Fuckers like us need to stick together!

  5. No, I don't want to lose potential readers just so one guy can post his rape fantasies. I don't care if you want to fuck idols, we all do, but you're the only one who wants to rape them.

  6. Most of us are here to make fun of people who take something like pop music, which many people take way more seriously than it should be, and rip it apart. You try and take rape, which is not taken seriously enough, and make light of it, almost endorse it. There is a huge difference. Make fun of people's biases and looks all you want, but there is no need to drag in serious problems the world is facing.

  7. Who the fuck cares if it's rape. I'm a rapist and a murderer. I slap bitches when they say "no". I'm just saying, if we're trying to offend fangirls, rape is the way to go. Definitely.

  8. Then make your own blog. We just want to offend fangirls, not rape anyone.

  9. It's one thing to offend fangirls and joke around, but offending everyody and making light of something serious shouldn't be tolerated by anyone.

  10. Rape isn't the "way to go" for anything. There's a huge difference between fangirls, which can also be dudes, and women/girls. If you don't like that the founders and the readers of this blog don't like that shit, and don't want to read it, go find or found a rapist blog and you can post your ignorant fantasies all you want.

  11. I'm their fans and I personally think it's a good song. But I couldn't help to laugh my ass off, did someone really said "it's the best indie rock song of all time"? Ewwwwwww, where in the world does she live?

  12. sorry I don't give shit about your opinion
    anti DDong kpop fan sucker. keep it to yourself.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.


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