Friday, April 29, 2011

Jiyeon's plans for when she turns 18

After Jiyeon's scandal last October and her dead-face performance in December, Jiyeon lost a lot of popularity and was blamed for the "downfall" of T-ara, causing them to become less popular compared to before. Eunjung's new popularity has brought back T-ara to where they once were, and with time, people are giving less of a shit about Jiyeon's scandals. There was a short interview with Jiyeon just a short while ago.

Jiyeon was asked what she wanted to do for her 18th birthday. It was a shocking answer, and none of the reporters could believe it.

"I want to make a new stripping video. Since I'll be 18, everything should be fine, right?"

Soon after this interview was posted, search engines were showing "New Jiyeon strip video" topping the search list. Jiyeon concluded with "Everyone, after this video comes out, feel free to masturbate to me. It'll be legal to do so."


  1. LMAO... You are forgetting she can't legally do that in Korea until she's 20. I don't think I could fap over her anyways. At least not if her face is shown.

  2. She'll do it and release it through Japanese websites. Why do you think T-ara is debuting during the summer? Jiyeon turns 18 during the summer. They want Jiyeon to be an AV idol.

    1. were u in managemnet team 2 kno dat what dey want Jiyeon 2 do!!!! don speak as if u were dere!!!! i also heard dat u were plannin to b AV model!!!! hoe is dat wen u hear ppl badmouth 'bout u wen dey eve don know!!!!!! looser>>>>>

  3. Who am I kidding, it's not like she gave a damn about her age before. She'll probably do hard core porn in Japan. 4 dicks at once kinda porn.

  4. Too late she already did that to upper SM management.

    1. ah, i bet u were dere havin coffee wid SM managemnet!!!! as if>>>>

  5. ^^SM management??? Do you mean KKS and his gang?
    @AKF, you've gone too far on this. Just leave Jiyeon alone, please. Don't say I'm delusional and obsessively protecting her 'coz I've stopped protecting her since her scandal be it really her or not. I love T-ara the most and I agree with you on her causing the downfall of T-ara. I just think that this is too much. You guys talk too much about your dicks that you're actually pushing away fangirls which I believe is beyond your objective of trolling us (this is the first post I acknowledge your trolling, btw)

  6. @AKF: You're bit too much...

  7. Eh, I couldn't fap to Jiyeon. Not interested in Frog Porn.

  8. Haha...do you have a link to that interview?

  9. I wouldn't fap to that fucker. She can suck my dick for all I care, and I still won't fap to her.

  10. guess what? she already started early..
    bet the ccm and sm upper enjoying it..

  11. what the hell is your problem releasing fake articles?? i bet you're so damn ugly that u had to ruin others, as your life sucks so bad, huh? get a life bitch

  12. nah, can't wait jiyeon's porn tape, ugly as fuck without makeup. even makeup can't save her ugly eyes

    if i had to i'll probably put my hand across her face then fap but she probably doesn't even have boobs/ass anyway

    1. *can't fap with jiyeon's porn tape i mean

    2. Oi Anonymous.... if u think u'r gud enough den rise 2 da fame c is noe!!! U 2 make a group n den b popular>>>> i bet u cant b successful evn in hunderd years>>>> btw, her eyes r killer!!!

  13. oi all comenters get a lyf... don go 'round bitchin a celb. personal lyf. its 4her lyf n c has all rights 2 do nyth c wants!!!! its okay if u do nth u wished 4 bt nt a cleb. WOw, makin ppl speechless>>>> da reason c has said dis may b bcoz of all dose pervious articles wrote on her widout bein conformed!!!!... Don fuck 'round wid her lyf. if u cant say gud thins 4 her, shut da fuck up n don go bitchin 'round backsatbbin her!!!!

    1. lol this guy ^
      these articles are meant for jokes. Calm yo tits Jiyeon stan.

      and your typing is funny btw i had a good laugh.

  14. I seriously pity you antis.
    We were all born equally weren't we ?
    Why is it that we will be so different.
    I'm able to differentiate false and true.
    You couldn't ?
    I'm good at comprehension , you're good at jumping to conclusions.
    It is truly a misfortune if your parents ever realized what you are actually spouting.
    Pity ...

  15. if someone wants to be famous and be a celebrity they should keep in mind that they can't speak carelessly or else it might become a scandal or rumor. they should also keep in mind that careless actions can also very much ruin them. what is the point of being famous when you ruin yourself with everyone gossiping about you? it is also true that sometimes interviews exaggerate things making it look bad for the celebrities.
    P.S. if you haven't heard the story she told from her side then don't jump to conclusions. it is only right to conclude when both sides of the story is heard.


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