Friday, April 29, 2011

JYJ vs Avex

Go Avex. Seriously. Those three pussies won against SM, so I'd love to see Avex win the lawsuit this round. The faster those three money hungry crybabies are out of the industry, the better. The pussies knew what they were getting into when they signed with SM.


  1. They were contractually obligated to not hold concerts without the consent if the AVEX management and yet they did so anyways. Now they are crying in their penthouses about how they are being tortured by AVEX as well? Jesus Christ Why?

    Not sure how they are gonna find work in GLORIOUS NIPPON now. Correct me if I am wrong but AVEX has a lot more influence over the music industry in Japan as SME did in Korea so this lawsuit may influence the other large Japanese companies such as Sony to not even bother to pick up JYJ after they get dropped by AVEX.

  2. Yeah, in Korea, companies like Mnet and Loen have more power compared to SM. Avex is huge in Japan, so JYJ is fucked. Which is a good thing.

  3. Exactly,and the arguments thier fans make,it's like a bunch of brainless biased dumabasses that make no sense.JYJ sues anyone that doesn't bow down to them and thier stupid fans ttack eveyone.Are they going to sue CJes next?

  4. Avex is vry big company..... does this JYJ hv mind?

  5. JYJ is a complete ripoff of JTL (from H.O.T), and their fate will be the same.

  6. Go go Team Avex!!!

  7. They haven't won the actual lawsuit against SM (yet).

    But yeah, being involved in lawsuits in Japan is a bad move and even worse since it's Avex AND the Avex CEO is accusing their manager of blackmail. They have been very lucky until now but I don't know how they will be able to get away with selling tickets for a concert before getting permission from the arena. Isn't that fraud (in a way)?

  8. I want to see the look on all those delusional fangirls and jyj's faces when they lose.These guys have such an ego thinking thier above the contracts they signed.Either thier stupid or just think that above eveyone else.They've sold thier souls to these crazies and thier downfall will be because of them.When they sold themselves out they should realize that all those people who went all out will want something back.Next they'll be suing fans for harassment.

  9. greedy gays make me sick

  10. Knowing those fangirls, if JYJ lose their court case against AVEX, these girls will most probably go on forever about:

    1) How the judge was biased against the Korean group
    2) How their poor oppas couldn't afford to get good lawyers since they have been mistreated ever since working with the evil SME

    On a side note, I wonder how much of AVEX's total revenue is directly attributed to JYJ. The higher the percentage, the more the buzzing noises of retarded fangirls will be heard by AVEX

  11. Something tells me that if they don't be careful Max Matsurra will spill thier dirt,and I bet it's ugly.I remember reading somewhere and hearing from a Bigeast girl before that CJes wanted Avex to cut ties with SM and that's when Avex did,before it reversed it's decision.No matter if they win or lose JYJ fangirls will forever be whiny,rude,illogical,narrowminded,demanding,and bitchy.

  12. Who is Max Matsurra? Also, I read Bigeast girl as "Biggest girl" and I laughed heartily

  13. Max Matsuura is the CEO/President/Old fucker in charge of Avex.

  14. Did you know Junsu's brother signed with Avex lol.Irony.

  15. JYJ up to their good ol' melodramatic shenanigans. They need to be really fucked up the ass for once just to wake everybody up.

  16. Lol. Well, JYJ cancelled their lawsuit against Avex last week. Pity, I was looking forward to seeing them get torn to shreds. Guess they realized they had no chance in hell winning it, seeing how what they were doing was in direct violation of the whole 'exclusive' part of their exclusive contract with Avex.

    JYJ and their mafia company are for real r-tards though, heard CJes emailed the ticketbuyers their concert loc and info sekkritly so the venue doesn't get yanked on them anymore. Shady as hell!

  17. wow....jyj really is popular....they even have a site dedicated for bashing them...


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