Sunday, April 24, 2011

Mnet's Top 20 idol bodies

I'm sure you've seen the rankings on other sites. What a joke. Hyosung only at #12? No Yura? Yuri at #6? What is this fuckery?


  1. When i saw Hyosung at #12 i was like WHA DA FOO fuck is this list with these old men in the corner having orgasms every time they do a ass ot titay close up. Uee is there and not Gahee?!?!? Shits ridiculous, they are just trying to please certain fans with this nonsense.

  2. You're right! How the hell did Hyosung make it on that list at all? Uee does have a great body, so she's lucky the rankings didn't deal with faces as well, or she would have been so far down the list. Same with Yuri. And G.NA. Min, Jaekyung and Victoria being on the list is laughable. Can't really judge the dudes since I don't care what their bodies look like. Overall a pretty crap list, but Koreans have weird tastes.

  3. Ok, after watching a couple of the vids just to see what they were looking at, it's obvious they ranked girls based on how much cleavage they can show while wearing padded bras, and not their whole body. With that standard it all makes far more sense.

  4. So that's why Jiyoung even made the list in the first place.

  5. how the hell did Min, and Jiyoung get on the list....
    I wouldve put Jaekyeong higher up, higher then Hyoseong, but Hyoseong to me is a top 10 on that list :)

  6. UEE's man-shoulders dissuade me.

  7. where is YURA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Hyosung should be in the top 10...

    and Jiyoung is there but no HYUNA? UEE's there but no KAHI? NO YURA? they think MIN,VICTORIA and JIYOUNG are sexier than HYUNA, KAHI and YURA? do they even look at these girls?

  9. Why is it that all of those girls look like trannies? Why is it that old Korean guys fap to tranny-looking girls? /facepalm


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