Monday, April 25, 2011

Netizens dig up info on Lee Jia and Seo Taiji

So Lee Jia's scandal is still headlining the news. Netizens are discovering past photos and other information on the ex-couple. They should use those detective skills to find Tupac or my lost wallet from 5th grade... but anyways I thought this picture comparison was more interesting.


  1. "They should use those detective skills to find Tupac or my lost wallet from 5th grade" lmfao. i always find it amazing how they can find all this information on celebrities. imagine if people put the same effort into more important things...

    but i guess i can't bash it, i'm guilty of it too

  2. Tupac is currently living in a very nice villa near the Guatemalan border in Mexico, on the Pacific side (ain't no party like a west coast party). Your wallet was taken by a kid with the last name Cummins, and was quickly thrown away afterwords.

  3. You just know G.NA had to suck a lot of dick to get into showbiz with a face like that.

  4. I wouldn't want G.NA sucking my dick. I'd lose my boner just looking at her face.


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