Monday, April 18, 2011

Review: A Pink - Seven Springs of Apink

First review. This isn't some bull shit review where I use technical terms every other sentence to make myself sound like I know so much shit about music (I could easily do so since I have taken classes on music), but instead I will just talk about my expectations for it.

As I had previously ranted about, I thought A Pink would be returning to the days of "Into the New World" or "Honey". Thank god I was wrong. Their songs aren't as processed and drowned in auto-tune like recent K-pop songs either which is refreshing from hearing all the other crap lately.

"I Don't Know", their title track, kind of reminds me of an OST for a drama... like the part in a drama where something good just happened to the main character and he/she is riding a bike through the streets all happy-like or as an ending theme song.

Not all their songs on their mini album are like that though. It changes up a bit and I think it shows off their variety and talents very well. They even have a rapper that doesn't totally suck like most other idol groups. The rapping reminds me of T-ara's rapping which is a big plus. My favorite songs are I Don't Know and Boo.

At first I was excited for A Pink, then lost interest, but after hearing their mini album I can say they are better than Rania, CHI CHI, Dal Shabet, (insert more crappy groups). Of course if you aren't a fan of the toned down kind of music that isn't played in clubs than you probably won't like it.

I give A Pink's Seven Springs of Apink a 4/7 based on how many girls I want to bang out of that picture.

Comment and tell me if you liked their album, which songs, or if you hated it tell me why. I love to hear other peoples thoughts.

P.S. I won't ever use a rating system since music is based on opinion and there are so many varieties and variables to consider it would be retarded to try to rank everything on a scale of 5/5 or 10/10. You can tell whether I liked the album or not just by reading or judge for yourself.



  2. I give it a 2/7. First album covers are always fugly though, so I'll continue to have an open mind.

  3. It's okay, it has a nice J-pop feel to it, I was expecting something more hardcore since they're from Cube but it just sounds like a Rainbow 2.0

  4. a really good debut album, all songs were refreshing to hear...plus the one in the middle is really cute...

    wishlist is so addictive...

  5. OK, after finally breaking down and listening to their entire album I have come to a conclusion:

    A Pink is shit.

    Are they better than Chi Chi or Rania, of course. That wasn't a difficult accomplishment to achieve. However, there is no originality to their music, their vocal style, or their image. They are a group that is rehashing 2007 K-pop. For everyone who keeps trying to say they aren't, you are being delusional.

    A Pink is the best girl group to debut recently, but that's like being the smartest kid on the short bus.

  6. People like A Pink because their music is preautotuned Kpop, not because it's original.

  7. I heard plenty of auto tune in Boo, and not using auto tune in their other songs doesn't make them good. I'm starting to think that many people are just being reminiscent for old SNSD.

  8. Which is... good or bad shclotte?

  9. Clever of them for portraying an old version of SNSD to gather some leftover sales and fans from those who prefer the ITNW era.

  10. I don't know what to say...

  11. 'I give A Pink's Seven Springs of Apink a 4/7 based on how many girls I want to bang out of that picture.' < fucking LOL


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