Monday, April 18, 2011

Victoria and Sulli for a CF


  1. its all about the visuals :P

  2. You're one of the few who doesn't like Sulli lol. You can dedicate an article to Sulli when Pinocchio comes out lol. Make us all laugh.

  3. Sulli got chubby, but she might have dropped it now. I need to see a performance to be sure. Anyway she is cute and acts way too classy for her age. She could be a total babe when she is older.

  4. Sulli is the ugliest out of f(x). Her face looks like a dude (more so than Amber), and her body has curves in all the wrong places (as compared to Amber just nt having curves at all). Since Victoria is about as boring as stucco wall, I don't see anything visually appealing between these two. Krystal's ear is probably sexier than these two combined.

  5. yea, so true. I just can't believe why sme keep promoting them. Sme, really need to promote someone else. Those two are the worst singers in the whole company. Don't hate on me. It just that they have the weakest skill.

  6. Lol @ Sulli's 'trololol'.
    @djschlotte: While I agree that these two are nothing great, if you think Sulli is the ugliest in f(x), I would encourage you to grow a penis. Don't forget the Manber.
    Also, Victoria and Krystal have great bodies.

  7. Amber may look very much like a dude, but Sulli's face is like the creature from The Goonies that liked Baby Ruth's, but with makeup. Victoria's body is ok, but it's not sexy. The only thing that could make her sexy is her flexibility, but I've had plenty of flexible girls that were still horrible in bed, so that doesn't work for me.

  8. In case you don't know the movie The Goonies, here's a pic of Sulli sans makeup:


  9. well i'd suggest all of you to grow penis and rise boobs fukn shits


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