Friday, April 22, 2011

Why I hate Jaejoong and Yoochun.

Yeah, mother fuckers ruined m-flo's been so long. I had to go to the doctor's because my ears wouldn't stop bleeding when I first heard it. The doctor fixed everything he could, but he told me the only way to treat my ears back to 100% is to listen to the original 100 times.

Jaejoong sounds more like a woman than Lisa. What the fuck? I never knew that Verbal's verses could have sounded so bad, but Yoochun had to troll m-flo fans by ruining the flow in the song.

I give Junsu some credit for being in Anyband. I miss them. I wish they had released another song or two.


  1. DBSK is good to be two without those 3 gay singers
    cassies just wont give up on JYJ huh?
    expecting them to return to DBSK

  2. That is a good reason to hate them.
    I meanm apart from: forever acting like victims while driving luxurious cars and leaving in palaces, manipulating their stupid fangirls like there's no tomorrow, blaming the other two members for the end of TVXQ at a fanmeeting while publicly acting like the nice guys, etc.

  3. who are the 5 girls @ the banner?

  4. Yeah, they have it better off compared to other idols and then whine that they don't receive any money from SM.

    The girls are from Girl's Day. Scroll down (or maybe it's on the next page by now) and there's a video for their Maxim photoshoot.

  5. If ever there was a need of justification for the existence of this blog, it's these guys. Its amazing how delusional fan girls of JYJ like to chalk them up as martyrs sacrificing themselves for the entire K-Pop music industry by changing how entertainment companies should treat their artists. And even more incredulous how they manage to blame everything SM.

    New DBSK's album selling well? Obviously its cos SM is buying back all their albums to not lose face.

    Oh whats that, some intelligent figures in the industry calling out JYJ's BS? Yeah it's all part of an organized conspiracy originating from SM to make JYJ look bad.

    Their evidence? JYJ constantly bitching and whining on twitter about how lonely they are. Of course whatever they say is holy speech more absolute than the pope.

    Yeaaaaaahh.... I mean apart from JYJ being pansies on twitter all the time, I don't blame them for wanting more money. More money is always good. But fuck their fans. By far the most annoying fan group. It's true they are kind of in a bubble and if you don't follow DBSK/JYJ you might not hear much of them, but only cos JYJ fans also happen to be elitist fuck heads that pretty much take a shit on everyone else. Which is to say, they don't tend to get involved with other K-Pop because its too lowly and not up to their oh so glorious JYJ's standards.

  6. ^Speaking of which, Ayyy girl and their entire english album sucked shit, and the production value of their "music essay" (how's that for pretentious?) that came after that was pretty crap too.

  7. I used to like Junsu, but my feelings have been eroded to apathy.

  8. What's sad about these guys is than when they keep screwing oer thier fans and these delusionals wake up and get a clue,wonder how "free"JYJ will be then.With all thier"efforts",the fans will want something in return.Nothing is free.

  9. And also when these fans don't have Homin,Avex,and al of SM.That's when thing's will start to get ugly.

  10. Anon 12:06, did you hear the new trick they pulled in Japan? They sold tickets for a charity concert before they had the confirmation from the venue and when eventually the venue didn't give them the authorisation (because of their contract issues) the fans had to pay a cancellation fee when asking for refunds.

  11. Yep @ 1:56,thier fans blamed i think Avex or was it Sm for that one,and thier stans clamied it was another conspiracy to keep them from promoting lol.JYJ are so low to use Japan's disaster to get money/promotions.Anyways Cjes Ceo is known as a shady guy.

  12. no no Cassies aren' the worst... I think ELFs are just as bad xD

  13. Wow the bitterness is strong on this one

  14. Cassie's still include DBSK fans too, so I can't call them the worst. The JYJ subset of Cassie's are worse than ELF's though imo. I think BJ's or SONE's might still be the worst two for me though, but then I don't get nearly as involved in guy idol group discussions as I do with girl idol groups.

  15. WTF happened to Jin Bora?

  16. i hate that fucking manwhore jaejoong

  17. "Anonymous said...

    i hate that fucking manwhore jaejoong
    May 8, 2011 12:35 AM "

    Turned you down did he LOL!

  18. fucking you all who dont like jyj. i'm sorry for you you all just such a bich who jealous with other people work. damn you all.
    my suguestion you should close this blog becuz you fucking slut who judge other people success if you don't like you should be an artist and show your talend if not dont cruse everyone without know the trurth!!!

    1. We are not jealous HUH! We just think with our minds and not with our pussy ;)
      and damn this guy and all JYJ are fucking betrayers. You'll get that when you get more matture HAHAHA you fans of him are SO pathetic, reading ur answers makes me laugh hard and notice how ppl get more stupid every day hahaha. You guys should wipe ur ******* andget real XD
      Jaejoong SUCKS! :D

  19. ^We're not butthurt, YOU are butthurt.

  20. God the funniest part of it all is the delusional fan girls who still think Jaejoong is straight?
    Really girls?

    1. haha.. LOL..You got rejected by him right? Haha poor thing.. Just coz he might be prettier then you.

    2. He's obviously gay. I say this as his fan. There's no way that guy is straight.

  21. I really don't like covers. They almost always ruin the original song.

  22. PERFECT SO PERFECT. I was searching for years for just a little sign why you hate them. And now I finally have it. Wooooooooh. okay gonna read.

  23. ummmm.....
    Sorry to disagree with some (or rather majority) of the opinions here but I think the cover made by the two up there is okay not bad as what others may think of it. Of course, the original will always be the better and I agree with that. Anyhow, I just still don't get the point of hating here. Just saying not really forcing everybody to agree with me here. ^^

    1. I agree with you.. No point of hating ^^

  24. howaaaaa
    enjoy reading this blog as i think this is sarcasm in a good way :P
    i'm newbie cassie and only one year being cassie but thanks God i'm mellow fan and i don't get to the noobs and delusional phase haha

    still can't stand reading comment from delusional fans in dbsk's site complaining about the whole jyj-homin-sm drama like they know everything and think they are so right about everything.

    what i'm trying to say here, can we just stop complaining and guessing since we know nothing about dbsk lawsuit here and JUST enjoy their music now??

    so much for fanwar inside cassie, and harsh words you guys just said.they are all human too, by the way :(

  25. okaaay wow . you people are insane .
    with every fan club, comes die-hard fans ; you must know that. DBSK have been in the game since 2003 ; so OFCOURSE the fans are gonna go wild/haywire when they split up . common. fucking. sense + Cassieopeia is the biggest fanclub.

    idk why you guys hate Jaejoong . I mean , really? Like for real? You don't know him personally and you've only seen him close with Yunho ...so why the hell are you saying he's a manwhore ? Please; do explain .

    LOL & lastly, the Kpop business NEEDS DBSK back. why ? the stock market dropped by 10% after they're separation. You people are so narrow- minded .

  26. Yoochun fucking owns your asses~ nuff said.

  27. in my opinion, jj is a gay... truly...

  28. ^^
    Or is that just wishful thinking? Cuz he gives me no gay vibe besides the fact that he's pretty

  29. ^^
    Or is that just wishful thinking? Cuz he gives me no gay vibe besides the fact that he's pretty

  30. get a life admin! u don't like them, so what???

  31. at least, they made S.Korea proud of them by succeeding in japan n all asia. and even in US. you guys don't have to be so jealous. your idols don't even topped #1. so, shut up! btw, don't ever compare JYJ and DBSK (Homin). I'm sick of that!

  32. I like JYJ, and I like HoMin... But I've been a fan since 2005, and I guess I'm not the kind of flimsy person to just stop supporting based on what the media or other fans say.
    I also realize that the band members are human beings, just as I am. I don't expect perfection. I don't see perfection, either. I would be lying if I said their whining didn't annoy me at times, but I don't know the story behind the scenes. I don't pretend to know shit about the lawsuit either. I think its pretentious that some fans think they have this divine knowledge of the personal lives and private conversations of their idols. You see what they want you to see.

    All fanclubs have members that are extreme and annoying. You get that with any group, though. Be it a fanclub or a religious group or even a rights activist group. It doesn't mean that the entire group is sour, it means that those extremists have a louder voice than the calm, regular fans or members.

    And one more thing. You have every right to not like them. It's personal preference, and you're entitled to your opinion (no matter how overdramatic and unlikely, not to mention childish.)

    Now I guess you guys can go back to ridiculous arguing over who is better. Let's just ignore the fact that not everyone has the same opinion small we? That would be way too mature to do, wouldn't it?

  33. Another thing. I'm seeing a lot of people saying that jaejoong is gay. And? I don't care if he is or isn't, the gender in which he finds preferable doesn't concern me in the least and it has no effect on his musical abilities.
    Seriously, you people are so ignorant and pretentious. Just because someone isn't like you doesn't mean they're wrong.

    He's never told you about what he does in the bedroom and with whom so you need not obsess over it. It's not as though he would ever be with your shallow asses.

  34. do you ever think how jaejoong's feeling when he knows that antis call him a gay?
    seriously....a true cassie always support both of them even they're split now
    just imagine that you're jaejoong,how do you feel?

  35. the fuck this blog

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. What the total fuck?????? Jaejoong is not gay!!!! and JYJ is doing much much better than the present TVXQ with only two useless members!!! HWAITTING JYJ!!!!

    1. 1. Jaejoong is totally gay;
      2. Yunho and Changmin are not useless;
      3. Shut up, you're really retarded.
      -from an OT5

    2. I don't see what's wrong with being gay tho???

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Don't mind those immature kids, they have nothing significant to say so they just blurt out bullshit and make fools of themselves for their homophobic attitude.

  38. Oh can jaejoong hater send me link to their fb, i would love to have more friends that can understand me cause it's so rare to find on fb :/

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. JaeChun's version is by far better are even kidding, I didn't listen to the original song before but after you published it, your ears really needed medication obviously! I'd certainly give Jaechun 20/10 . The original song is annoying as fuck!

  41. Jaejoong is gay,he didnt tattoo an arrow pointing to his butt only for fun.no straight guy will ever do that if they dont want to be misunderstood.its okay to be gay.it doesnt change the fact that he is a good singer.anyway i think,the only straight in dbsk is yoochun since the start until now.junsu and changmin could be straight but they have tendency to be bi now.people like to have experiment in their life which is normal. I will do that too if i were them since they havr plenty of chances to hook up with beautiful girls/ guys.i have seen yunho in person.i didnt get the gay vibe.but my radar had misled with 1 of my gay friend in the past.so i will follow my instinc by saying that he is gay too.and again,its okay to be gay.nothings wrong with that.no big deal.it doesnt change the fact that they are all talented.


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