Sunday, May 29, 2011

Hyeri drops her panties

Fuck you DreamTea Entertainment for baiting us, fuck you.

Conservative-ass netizens have expressed their fury at such 'sexual behavior', while lubricant businesses have enjoyed an exponential growth in sales. According to many news reports, Korean men are skipping work and refusing to leave their houses due to this one video (it's already hit 300,000 views). It's been coined 'diaper fashion', which comes off as funny, but is very tempting in actuality. I'm sure Girl's Day is going to get a lot of shit for this, but publicity is publicity. Look where the 'bitch SNSD' controversy got them: Gee, Genie, Oh!, ect.

Hopefully this will eventually boost public awareness of Girl's Day and launch them into a much more successful career. Now if you'll excuse me..


  1. It's okay if the cops never know, right?

    God, jailbait is so tempting.

  2. Its kind of gross and hot at the same time.

  3. I guess won't be surprised if next year People performed on stage NAKED !!! Cuz it will be "NORMAL" By then ..

  4. Love kpop girls. They made improvement from safety pants to diaper. Can't wait for G-string to come. kpop girls are in borderline with porn anyway. Why so surprised?

  5. ^
    ^lol nice creativity anon!! you copied that from one of the youtube comments!!! rofl

    but anyway to perverted guys like you lot on this site this may be fine but these are underaged girls! imagine how you would feel if you had a daughter dressing like a slut and had hundreds of guys drooling over her...you'd be pist huh!

  6. no it's not! they're forced to wear this do you think any girl with self respect would wear that willingly

  7. Yeah, they chose to became idols.

    Honestly, if guys were frothing at the mouth over my daughter, I'd be smiling knowing I did something useful with my life: putting another hot Asian chick on this planet.

  8. If they absolutely didn't want to, they could have refused. But they know what the fans want, wearing panty flashing skirts is good price for fame.
    But don't think that I'm complaining. I like being able to see Hyeri's cameltoe.

  9. her expression didn't show any uncomfortableness means she's okay with it so, no prob *shrugs*

  10. I regret sipping tea while reading this entry.

  11. I regret not having tissue paper in my room.......for my bleeding nose :P

    only girls day can make granny diapers hot.

  12. "but these are underaged girls!"

    only one is underage. the rest are of legal age and fair game. hooray for living in the U.S.A

  13. ahoy there, panties!

  14. Ugh...Seriously, that is just disgusting! How could anyone allow them to wear such outfits? I mean, it looks like they are wearing my granddad's used Depends. They should have gone with some silky boy shorts. And the dresses? It's 2011, so why the hell are they so long? I don't get why Kpop is offensive in their sexual repression...

  15. omg those delicious creamy thighs

  16. I mean how can you say it's too sexy... IT'S FUCKING DIAPERS!!! My grand-mother also wear them, let me just say that there's nothing sexy there.

  17. Grown women acting cute is already disgusting, but this is taking it to another level. I'd like to stab whoever idea it was in the face for doing this cheap trick.

  18. I see England, I see France. I see Hyeri's underpants.

  19. Yuck, this is just so gross! They look like oversized toddlers. I used to like Girl's Day, but not anymore.

  20. awww this is so disgusting i thought their concept supposed to be cute,fresh and....anything associated with that not erotic

  21. This is so fucken hot its unbelievable. Fuck, Hyeri is such a babe!! Girls Day is my new favourite girl band, then snsd then apink


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