Saturday, May 14, 2011

I now know the reason why I think Hyewon is ugly

I'm just not into camels.


  1. You know the Arabic word for camel "jamal" means
    "handsome" or "jamel" means attractive, so you just said you aren't into attractive people.

  2. Motherfuckingbitchasspussy, can't unsee.

    However, to be fair, she still looks nice shoulders down.

  3. Okay DJ, you're saying Soyeon is ugly too? :(
    lol @ David. trololol

  4. Not quite sure how you came to that assumption. I'm sure a pic of Soyeon could be found that was taken at an unflattering angle while singing (I know Hyewon isn't singing here, but you know what I mean) so that her face is distorted into looking like some sort of animal, but that wasn't my point at all. My point is simply that camels are attractive or handsome to Arabic speaking people, and that if I take your comment on Hyewon looking like a camel, fully knowing that you aren't an Arabic speaking person and therefore wouldn't think of the meaning or origins of the word, and twist them into an Arabic context I can make it sound like you aren't into attractive women. (Which personally I sometimes find to be true when you talk about Secret or Rainbow girls being hot, but again, that has nothing to do with this post)

    Essentially I was making a logical, yet contextually not true statement. Some would consider this to be a form of sarcasm often seen in the blogosphere meant to cause people to question if the poster is not similar to a legendary creature common in English, Germanic and Nordic literature often known to dwell near bridges and ask tolls or attack travelers commonly known as a "troll".

  5. 5dolls is a boy group

  6. Hyewon and Soomi are definitely not boys, though Hyewon hopefully carries a paper bag with her at all times. Her selcas are worse than the pic above imo.

  7. Hyewon is not a camel, she's a meerkat people.

  8. Holy shit! She does kinda look like a meerkat. (more in her selcas than the OP's pic. I kinda have to agree with her looking like a camel in his pic.)

  9. learn something new everyday lol

  10. haha awesome. she's a meerkat/camel/human hybrid. i knew something was up with her.

  11. fuck you camels are awesome.


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