Sunday, May 8, 2011

Netizens uncover English tracks similar to f(x)’s Danger, Dangerous & Beautiful Goodbye


SMent & remakes are bffs, the only ones that are unaware of their intimate relationship are newbies in the big bad world of K-pop.

Why would they give a flying f*** about originality anyway since their shareholders just want the cha-ching cha-ching to begin with?

As the saying goes 'You can't teach an old dog new tricks'.

As expected SM stans are flooding the original article on allkpop to defend almighty SMent, quite a lovely scene in the comments section...just grab some popcorn and enjoy the show.


  1. The comments actually weren't that bad until a whole bunch of YG stans began invading the article, posting up a list of G-Dragons "self-produced" songs and claiming them as original. smfh. Fangirls are just so...embarrassing.

  2. SM stans vs YG stans is always entertaining

  3. I find it hilarious that most of them didnt even know many of the songs are remakes and love the songs, now, they are so confused hahaha.

    Why do YG stans always post shit about their fucks on other groups news, good or bad...
    Sure GD has some songs under his belt, but to me, many of it is just generic shit.

  4. ^ I feel the same way. Apart from JYJ fan girls which are just in a class of their own, VIP's are about next in line on the elitist ladder. Always going on about how BB is superior to everything for one reason or another like "gd writes his own songs". Gosh it's like sure he can written some of them, but it's not like the songs are anything special.

  5. Big bang is pretty much just going off on their previous fame. Their new album? Terrible. Its just stupid that once you have a fandom, they can probably sing about taking a shit and fangirls will still eat it up and buy their song.

  6. Big Bang sucks.

  7. fail(x) indeed. Original what?

  8. If Shinee is said to have plagiarized then the fans say "wow wait guys don't jump to conclusions there must be an explanation"

    But once another stars supposedly plagiarizes Shinee fans say "OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS, SONS OF BITCHES ALWAYS COPYING SHINEE"

    Then the article comes out saying that purchased it legally but the fans don't care, they are ready to spew hate at a moments notice with no logical thought involved. Very hypocritical.

  9. who cares if they purchase it legally, it's still a cover of another song. that's why cpop/taiwanese pop sucks donkey balls. every goddamn week they churn out a chinese "cover" of a kpop song.

    why the fuck SM even bothers with cover songs is beyond me.

  10. f(x) = SM's bastard child
    f(x) = SNSD's adopted sisters

  11. The "music" produced by f(x) is akin to an idiot's ramblings. Why can't they disband already given the fact that they FAIL beyond the point of sheer recklessness?

  12. LOL. I've always thought that f(x) was a group made out of SNSD's rejected members, and they get SNSD's rejected songs. I would be surprised if any of f(x)'s songs were original.


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