Sunday, May 22, 2011

Yunho is sex on ice

Kim Yuna's 'Kiss & Cry' has finally premiered. And boy, the things that happened.

I've always thought of Yunho (of TVXQ) as the most talented idol dancer, and his performance on Kiss & Cry only further confirms my opinion. Charisma, nasty expressions (rawr), and movements that remind me of Blades of Glory (definitely a good thing); he basically annihilated his 'competition'. I did find it funny that everybody was praising his short, little hop though.

Adding on to her labelmate's success was Krystal (of f(x); also the sister of SNSD's Jessica for those of you living in Wyoming). She wore a gorgeous black & red piece, and skated quite gracefully (read: I can't say skillfully, as not even Yunho could be called 'skilled' at this point). Her use of props (chair) pretty much sold me, and the music ('Tango') added an extravagant flair as well.

And finally, we come to IU. I'll be blunt: She was cute as always, but the performance was horrid. Not a single aspect of her performance could be considered extraordinary, even for a beginner. The song choice was horrible, skating- amateurish, and here's the thing that irks me the most: She lip-synced. Her cute noises in the beginning were done to prove that her mic was actually on, but IU rarely lipsyncs, resulting in a terribly obvious lip-sync.

The one positive aspect of this performance? Her adorable stutter while talking to Yuna.


  1. They all did pretty good even IU imo. I know good and well she is in no way coordinated after watching her run and tumble around on Heroes, so it was brave for her to even attempt. I know I would of thought twice about it in fear of embarrassing the hell of my self.

    Being as busy as she is it wasn't to bad, not the best though could've been more fine tuned. But good look on her for even attempting.

    Hell I know if I tried to skate from scratch after 2 months of training I'd still bust my ass all over that ice.

    Interesting show, I'm looking forward to more.

  2. "I've always thought of Yunho (of TVXQ) as the most talented idol dancer" --> good joke

    IU is always cute but I miss the good old times when she wasn't that famous and was doing acoustic gigs with her guitar in front of a small audience...

  3. And its proved again IU is quite overrated =P

    Yeah she is cute and nice thats why she is liked but her singing is nothing special, she is able to carry a tune, her singing is decent but not as good as she praised for...there are lots of better idol singers ^^

  4. Lol, you seem to be a Yunho fangirl/boy but come on, Yunho is far from being the best idol dancer. I find him very overrated when it comes to dancing, he is not bad but his dancing is nothing special and when he "freestyles" he almost always does the same moves, it's boring.

  5. Yunho isn't so much the best in technical skill, but I do agree that he is at (or at least near) the top as a performer. He just has a commanding stage presence. No homo, but geez, that charisma, and dang, those facial expressions.

  6. Agree with the last Anon. Charisma does wonders, especially in the performing arts.

    IU's performance was just... smh

    Isn't Krystal younger than her? Yet she didn't even try a cute concept. True, it's against her usual style, but goddamn IU you're fucking 18.

  7. Yeah, Yunho is good dancer but nothing special

  8. Yunho and Krystal owned. IU was horrible, I feel like I'm starting to hate her.

  9. The real question is this: is the show even worth watching?

  10. IU shouldn't even be on this show.

  11. "I've always thought of Yunho (of TVXQ) as the most talented idol dancer"

    I agree with David. Screw all you guys. Haters to the left.

    IU's performance was a disaster. Had to cover my eyes but my poor ears were bleeding. Seriously, what's with that song she chose?

  12. The real question is this: is the show even worth watching? [2]

    Yunho is charismatic as fuck but in no way is he the most talented.

  13. Honestly, apart from a few more serious attempts (like Yunho's and Krystal's) the show is rather boring.

  14. yunho did way too much dancing in the same couple of spots and not enough skating. ive seen michael jackson dances a thousand times already. i wanted some more skater shit! triple sowcow or some shit.

  15. His performance wasn't bad but by the way you're praising him... bleeeeeeeh :p

    best dancer my ass

    1. He's the best dancer! His moves are smooth and he's got swag. :P....
      Say that to Yunho's face if you can dance better than him :P

    2. He's the best dancer! His moves are smooth and he's got swag. :P....
      Say that to Yunho's face if you can dance better than him :P

  16. LOL! No wonder. I was like....why the hate for JYJ. You are a Yunho fan-boy. OH!!!!!!!!!!!
    Yunho is sex on ice? I never thought much about Yunho and I definitely don't equate him with any kind of sex but now I get it.

    You pathetic bastard. He isn't a talented anything........You pathetic thing. Pretending to have a boner for SNSD when clearly your passions lie elsewhere. No wonder you hate JYJ.

    Did those mean bastards ACTUALLY equate money and freedom from SM as more IMPORTANT than precious Yunho oppar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    NO DAVE! Tell me it ain't so. LOL. Oh this site just keeps getting better but not for the reasons you think it is.

    Go ask Yunho for what you have always wanted. A wild night. Come back to us with his answer in the morning KAY?

    LMAO.....you are seriously a pathetic thing. Lord bless you. Looking at this.....you are going to need it.

  17. LOL! I just can't with you bitches!!!!!!!!!
    Had to come back. What did he say Dave? No maybe? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


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