Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Fangirls need to get bitch-slapped by reality.

When you criticize a K-pop idol and say that they're a weak singer or to put it bluntly a rather shiteous excuse for a singer hoards of delusional fangirls start bombarding you with clips of their idols singing whether it be solo stages from their concert or pre-debut clips.

The funny thing is those clips shown goes on to prove my point that they can't sing.

Furthermore they accuse you of being an anti-fan/hater and tell you that 'Oh really I bet you can't sing better than them or even dance better than them' because apparently it's my job to sing and dance for a living...yeah right.

For e.g. Big Bang's TOP/ChoomTOP's (whatever they call him) attempt at singing in 'Oh Mom' makes me want to jump off a cliff, it's great that he's trying something new and putting emotion into his singing however if singing isn't your forte then why embarrass yourself by taking such a risk? You're a 'rapper' so why not work on your rapping skills instead since it isn't really that phenomenal as people make it to be. However if you say that to VIP's or TOP stans and they would ALL show you the same clip of TOP singing 'No diggity' back in 08. Yes 08.

Oh and I forgot to mention why does G-Dragon sing anyway? He's the designated rapper of Big Bang along with TOP, can't he just stick to rapping? So when in BB's 'Cafe' (I do like this song very much btw VIP's) the song is somewhat ruined when GD starts to sing in his falsetto. Surprisingly Seungri (who's known for being the less talented vocalist) does an excellent job but he gets no credit whatsoever because GD stans are too busy fawning over how oppar's voice sounds heavenly and makes them jizz in their panties. Sure.

Ah, last but not the least Wonder Girl's Sohee. This girl can't sing. Point blank. Tell that to Wonderfuls and they shove clips of WG's 'Irony' down your throat where Sohee gets like 4 lines that barely prove anything at all plus the way she sings it sounds very unnatural...like she's in a rush to go to the loo.

I only used these examples since these peeps are the ones that I could recall off the top of my head. There are a lot worse ones out there.



  2. I would actually like TOP a lot more if he just stood around on stage doing nothing except that whole *smouldering* thing at the camera.

  3. the last point goes pretty much to all the faces of the groups ie yoona, dara, hara and all other shit

  4. if I recall.
    Sohee was rated the worst singer in kpop I think. I remember reading an article on it.

  5. How is Sohee a face? She's a troll. Maybe my white half thinks she's so fug or some shit. I don't get how Koreans love her so much.

  6. Anon @ 5:26 - Kindly read the top of the page.

    Koreans liked troll face Sohee's chubby cheeks. Which is funny since if some other female idol had chubby cheeks they would be bashed for being fat. The irony <3

  7. Jea's vocals from B.e.g would eat 95% of these Idols alive, no bqq sauce needed.

  8. Who cares, TOP is hot as hell and that's all I expect of him anyway.

  9. Top looks like fucking Spock. I don't think Spock is hot nor do I think Top is hot.

  10. Okay TOP is hot, but his singing aint, but he's still pretty hot

  11. actually seungri has only 2 lines in cafe, so not much to spazz about.
    and actually (the 2nd) i really think gd did a good job in that song. though i cant understand why he did all the singing and not the SINGERS...

  12. I guess people like the sleezy look of TOP. His face reactions are so greasy.

  13. TOP really has accomplished his mission to troll us hard. They really should just beam him back to his home planet Vulcan.

  14. these guys are nothing compared to Baekchan of 8eight...

  15. TOP's singing isn't that great anymore because he smokes. Doesn't it ruin your vocal chords?

  16. haha i'm a Wonderful XD! but i've never said sohee's singing was awesome. sad that i know some fans that DO think her voice is okay. lol they blame her bad singing on JYP giving sohee high parts and shit like that. quite sad.

  17. Well Top sucked before he smoked so I don't think that's a valid excuse lol.

  18. His singing was passable before. Now it's kind of low and wolfish. I don't mind it too much though. As long as it's not Yoona or Sohee singing.

  19. If tone deaf peeps continue to reign K-pop, I might just quit K-pop in a month or two and become a Bielieber.


    No but seriously TOP & GD suck

  21. I never knew that TOP smokes. Please upload some pics when you find one~!
    I would love to see them and use them as my avatar..LOL

  22. haha I totally know what you mean with the singing thing. "I bet you can't sing better than them" >Damn right, but hey, i'm not getting paid to, this is their job-how are you gonna have a baker who can't bake or surgeon who can't operate: The least they can do is know how to do their job.
    Which is something these STANS need to realize. THIS IS THEIR JOB, they aren't these almighty beings.
    HAHA "Top looks like fucking Spock." i'M happy im not the only one who find him unattractive.

  23. Seriously AntiKpopFanGril, you need to be bitch slapped. Seriously. All you do is hate. God, I fucking hate people like you who ruin peoples opinions. Why do you hate kpop so much if you talk endlessly about it?

  24. Seriously Anon 2:09, you need to be bitch slapped. You have no fucking reading comprehension and can't comprehend the fact that there's 13 authors here.

  25. ahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaahahahahhahaha this blog is good

  26. I like TOP. Oh Mom sucks, though.


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