Wednesday, June 22, 2011

For the mentally handicapped Kpop fangirls who visit here

Most of you know the blog post Suckmydee posted where that one blog user tried using their fail English to bitch at us. In the comments section an Anon told me there's more blog posts on that site about the blog. I read some and laughed. They still don't get the point of the site.

We hate Kpop Fangirls. We like Kpop. Why else would we have a blog talking about Kpop if we hated it? The dumbass fangirls cannot comprehend this simple fact: we like Kpop but hate Kpop fangirls. Kpop fangirls make it hard to talk to other Kpop fans on forums such as allkpop and Soompi. You say one thing that doesn't praise an artist/group and the next thing you know you have a couple of PMs of people bitching about what you wrote. This has happened to me at Soompi before. Fangirls can't handle the fact that their favorites aren't perfect.

Retarded fangirls, please get this through your deficient brains: we are antis of people like you. It's pretty fucking sad that I have to write this when another author wrote a fucking disclaimer writing a lot of this shit. Kpop fangirls are so retarded that a kid with Down Syndrome could call them retarded. Kpop fangirls can't comprehend simple facts such as that we hate them but like Kpop.

This blog was created for people to write down their honest opinions. Most of the comments are fairly good but there's always one butthurt fangirl that complains about shit, but for the most part, the blog is turning out how we wanted: a place to honestly talk about Kpop without dumbass rabid Kpop fangirls shitting all over if you don't agree with their opinions.

I'd write more but I wanna read some Liar Game.


  1. You probably have allkpop appear on your facebook feed, so if you bother to look at the comments you'll see that half of them aren't even in English, and 90% of the rest have such terrible grammar/spelling that I would not have a recognizable face if I facepalmed myself as many times as I wished. Not to mention they probably barely had their first periods.

    On another note that banner's pretty hilarious, did you make it yourselves?

  2. I have no idea who made the current one. Another writer would know.

    I took akp off from my Facebook feed for that reason lol. I just follow them on Twitter so I don't have to read the comments.

  3. lol so harsh, not all kpop fangirls are bad lol.

    and OMG Liar's game <3

  4. Well I didn't exactly 'make' the banner, more like pimped the original and added credits in the bottom. Yes, I'm fucking lazy & sorry if it looks a bit shitty only spent 4/5 mins on it lol.

    'It's pretty fucking sad that I have to write this when another author wrote a fucking disclaimer writing a lot of this shit. '

    I spent 5 mins writing that shit and these bitches have the audacity to question our intentions, just wtf.

  5. I hate the fact that you say you hate all kpop fangirl (lol). Im one and I love this site D:

  6. sry2say, this isn't going to do anything either. You should have noticed that they can't read and the few who do lack reading comprehension. Sad world.

  7. We just hate the majority of fangirls. I know quite a few fangirls that are sane but they're vastly outnumbered by the insane.

  8. lol maybe you should put it as the tittle- oh wait... lol

  9. although i like snsd, it seems sones are especially defensive and bitchy. i'm a fan and all but damn chill the fuck out..

  10. Wall of text. I might read it when I have 17 hours of free time.

  11. ^ Learn to read faster. Took me 45 seconds.

  12. Okay, I lied. By speedreading I read it in under 10 seconds.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Is this the one you're talking about?


  15. lol told you there were a few blogs on that site...

  16. @ Suckmydee Yup

    @ Anon 6:35 Yeah I read that one before I posted this article. I was too busy laughing to go through the gifs though lol.

  17. @Anti yeah the gifs were unnecessary...she tried to make it like a tumblr post or something, don't really know

  18. I found a split end...my life is over T_TJune 22, 2011 at 8:54 PM

    I like how there was a cuss word every two words or so in those blog posts - very eyegasmic.

    Delusion is a hard noun to let go.

  19. That's because a majority of international Kpop fans are either:

    1. Retarded 13 y/o kids from S.E.A.

    2. The kids who are/were considered social outcasts in high school because they played Magic the Gathering cards and/or Pokemon like it was their lives.

    3. Ugly nerdy Asians who hang out with ugly nerdy Asians.

    Yeah, I've seen some of the member photos on 6theory thread and they're either really fucked up pictures, or probably stolen pictures from hot people they're friends with on Facebook/Friendster.

    It's fun to troll on them on articles because they can't give you minus points and it makes them sooooo mad. 8)

  20. this post was stupid... you didnt have to explain shit if you hate them, if they are chronically mental that is "their" proplem. They'll just keep bitching about anything you write that has to do with their "oppas" and "unnies" in a negative manner.

  21. i actually have soo much to say on this subject matter, but alas i dont have time to rant all my inner-feelings, as it would take a fucking whole essay. I shall just say FANGIRLS ARE THE BIGGEST HYPOCRITES EVER! I say that cuz i was one..~^^ dont hate im only 14!!!

  22. no you don't have to write this... the fucking idiots (which mostly originate from south east asia) still won't get it.

  23. So much hate on illiterate Southeast Asians...
    I approve.

  24. im from PH, part of SEA, and though you have been bitching about SEA fans, i cant help but agree...

    here in the PH, most fans just entered puberty and/or fans of Dara when she used to cry a lot on a talent show...it's really hard to say something about SUJU and Dara here without someone bitching back on you

  25. i hv same thought with writers here ^^ tht is why i like this site :D

  26. I swear, the rabid K-pop fangirls are fast becoming the rule instead of the exception. It appears that a lot of them are stans whether they admit to it or not. If anyone had been on FaceBook, I am certain that the name "John Nelou Rabe" rings a bell.

  27. Liar Game's great. Too bad I don't know fucking Japanese and the scanlation has been stuck on chapter 127 for like fucking a million years!! FUCK!!

  28. You should really spend your time writing about the crazy fangirls, then, rather than calling idols gay and bashing their dances and calling them ugly.
    What does that have to do with how crazy fangirls are?
    This blog was originally dedicated to calling out the crazies, right? If you're also going to use it to bash idols, maybe you should change the description of your blog. You say you don't hate on groups or individuals except Amber and Kwanghee. I don't know Kwanghee but I know that Amber has some fucked up crazy stans but the girl herself is okay. Why not hate on the fans instead of her? However, every other post is dedicated to saying this idol is a terrible singer or a terrible dancer or has a deformed face. You also use profanity and hurtful words towards idols who have generally worked very hard to get to where they are now. I can understand you calling out crazy fangirls for defending idols in stupid ways but you seem to bash the idols instead.


    Maybe you should make a separate blog for hating on idols because I don't think it belongs here.

    And I'm not a "OMFG OPPAR IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD" type of fangirl. In fact I hate tolerating that ignorance every day. However, instead of getting enraged and bashing the idols they're talking about and making them rabid, I try to calmly talk sense into people. I never bash an idol because the idols don't deserve it, no matter how much you don't like listening to them or watching them. They're still human beings. And the crazy fangirls just need a little rehab.

  29. Oh, and, calling fangirls mentally handicapped?
    Couldn't you be a tad bit more mature about it?
    I mean I know it's your blog and you can do whatever the fuck you want with it and if I don't like it I can just not read it but... come on. You're really pushing your credibility with the insults.
    Just thought I'd give a bit of advice.

  30. it's a bit odd that you hate kpop fangirls but you have TWO kpop fan's who are GIRLS that write for this site. so i'm guessing you have a difference between a kpop fan who is a girl and a kpop fangirl? in that case it seems like the crazy females are the only ones called 'fangirls'. does that mean crazy males (BECAUSE JFC THERE ARE SOME!) can only be fanboys? so sane fans, no matter the gender, are just...kpop fans? sorry it sounds weird. i'm just trying to find were you draw the line. because you obviously don't hate all kpop fans that are girls because of the two writers but at the same time why not hate on batshit crazy kpop fans in general? why just one gender (though majority is fangirls)?

  31. quote Kimmy:
    @ 4:15

    Ngl,you have a point there (this is coming from a female btw).

    However most fanboys I've come across so far can handle an opinion without causing an absolute ruckus unlike most fangirls. There are obviously exceptions in this case as some out there are downright freaky e.g. dude who dragged Taeyeon off the stage etc.

    Girls are more sensitive and emotional, things are worse when they're younger, their hormonal imbalance can really fuck things up. Simple shit turns dramatic + levels of stubbornness shoots up which can easily translate into their comments online, it all reflects their state of mind. Hope this helped.

  32. ^so what do you call yourself since you're a girl? obviously not a "fangirl" since it's seen as a negative thing on this site. just a fan in general?

    also i wish there were a FEW other articles that at least addressed how some fanboys can be stupid as well. especially with girl groups like snsd. come on now, fangirls will pounce more, but fanboys can be delusional as well.

  33. ^ I already made fun of that guy dragging Taeyeon off the stage. http://antikpopfangirl.blogspot.com/2011/04/taeyeon-kidnapped.html

  34. Talk about blowing shit out of proportion. That's what rabid fan girls are good at. They spend so much time drooling over idols and writing homosexual fanfiction that they don't bother to do their homework and thus, leave grammatically incorrect comments in a fit of rage due to their underdeveloped mental state of mind.

    They need to go out and play soccer or some shit. It ain't healthy to be a 13 y/o kid an practically live in front of your computer.

  35. Quote; "This blog was created for people to write down their honest opinions."
    High Five! Well I'd never seen this blog as an troll or anti blog ever since I started following it anyways. So keep up the good work! It's actually erm fun reading the sarcastic and narcissistic yet factual articles that you write. It's also what keeps me from being a typical delusional fanboy make a fool of himself and make troll comments like... oh well you guys know. The usual hardcore fangirl comments you see everyday. Ah I enjoy being open-minded and realistic.
    *Feeds the fishes* You've done well. :3

  36. ^
    ^wow...hardly. but giving me one link/one example doesn't really say too much. all you said was the guy has balls. no major bashing like you do to outrageous fangirls. i go to this site SOOO much and it's funny. but i gotta say, as a girl, it's kinda not cool that you bash on one gender but barely touching the other. i don't know, maybe since i'm a girl that's in a girl group fandom, i see more stupid guys and i wish they were made fun of as well.

  37. ^post above was for Anti Kpop-Fangirl. someone posted before i could get mine up.

  38. The moronic fanboys are at international fan forums. I wrote some troll Jiyeon articles because of the fanboys at Tiara Diadem tried getting me banned. If you'd like to show me where some fanboys act just as moronic as fangirls I'd be happy to make fun of them. I just see fangirls go apeshit and say dumb shit 50 times more than I see fanboys do it.

  39. Sometimes I think someone is a crazy ass fangirl but then I check and it's actually a boy.

    ~You never know~

  40. haha. Really. I love your blogs. I think just like you do. I was a big fan of kpop (and i say 'was' cuz there's not many things left bout kpop), but i had always been a jmusic lover far before i knew the word kpop. And as i compare the two fanbases, and as i get irritated by all these fangirls-that-do-nothing-but-squeak, i decided to quit kpop. Not all of it, since i'm a fan (without the 'girl') of jyp nation. And cuz i now focus only on jmusic, i realize how much it worth my time, more than listening to some autotuned craps. And the fans of jmusic, definitely better. They're encouraging, and like you said, they're civil fans. And japanese idols are much more 'human-like', that's why i love akb48 more than snsd. They're live a normal live, even some of johnny's boys still use trains.

    The point is, i love your blogs, i love how you're not blind like others are. And i totally think in the same way as you. ;-)

    P. S. Sorry for my bad english.

  41. Sup xMichyeo...I didn't know there would be PH fans here. Considering that my fellow people are delusional SONEs, Blackjacks and ELFs. (Okay, 90% of them.)

  42. Pls have more hate articles on the "darling" of kpop-Dara.

    I keep getting attacked on youtube for comments abt her singing and the most common rebuttal her fans are capable of?
    "STFU. She is so pretty. Unnie has the best voice in 2NE1." ummm...really? maybe i'm hearing-impaired.

    Yup, their unnie sh*ts roses and farts perfume, apparently.

  43. I am not going to write an essay because I don't like to waste my time on people like you guys, but I am just saying.
    You say you want to be honest about idols, right? You know, instead of cursing them for the entire post, why don't you, you know, find a more mature way to get your point across. I know this is your blog and you type as you please, but you all show hate towards them in an inappropriate way. Not the fangirls[it should be obvious you do hate them with the title--whoever didn't get THAT part has some issues], but for example, 2ne1. I know how much you guys dislike 2ne1, no...wait...2autotune1. I am not a blackjack, but I like them. I will not, however, say they are the best, and I don't think 'I am the Best' was the best song they made. You guys, however, went all out on bashing them, which is a really immature way to say you don't like the song they made.
    You guys are going to have to admit sometime that you not only hate fangirls, but kpop as well.
    Then again, I could care less on what you do. I just wanted to let you know. :)

  44. There's this one time, I made a comment about so-called idol "rappers", and the fangirls went crazzzyyyy! Cuckoo. I mean, seriously. C.T.F.O. I'm just saying the truth, they're not real rappers, and I did say it in a nice way. But still. crazy fan girls. Btw, this is my new favorite blog.

  45. Ummm... The fanboys are just as bad... I know people think that it's just the girls but fuck that. There is no gender safe from delusion. They are all crazy.

    Speaking of, why in the hell isn't there an Anti Kpop Fanboy site? If I wasn't so lazy, I'd do it myself.

    That being said, I agree with these points for the most part but yeah, both genders of fans have had their less than stellar moments. Equally numbers of course.

    Eh, I'm gonna go play a video game...

  46. ^Ah, edit "Equally" into "Equal". Teehee^_^

  47. Annyeong!
    I am a fangirl, I spazz and I get really emotional over kpop. But I never verbally attack anyone who doesn't share my opinion...? Can you please not generalize like that? Thank you... I also can't take crazy fans who lose sight of reality in their obsession, but come on. Being a fan girl can also simply mean loving a group. It doesn't mean you're crazy. Sincerely, ELF.

  48. Okay...
    I don't know how to start.
    It's not like I hate K-pop or anything just that those fanatic fangirls.. jeez..
    They'll blab about their fave K-pop idols 24/7 that eventually, I grew tired of them.
    Now, I get really irritated when those fanatic fangirls open their mouth about K-pop this and K-pop that.
    By all means, I don't know if I can be classified as a K-pop hater or not now >_>
    Too much of something can really get to you...in a bad way

  49. Oh I agree with this article...the fan girls we're talking about here are those crazy dumb socially-awkward bitches...OK,I also have a lot of K-Pop biases and enjoy dreaming about them (a reason would be cause there are no OK guys here where I live) but some...Especially Tumblr. You know...I really don't want to read about some stupid girl's sexual fantasy with Leejoon for God's sake! That's simply disgusting!! And the saesang fans,we all know about them! Recently I have seen on YouTube Girl's Day "Oh My God!" performance and they were terrible!!! I stated my opinion about their singing and some bitches started insulting me like "stfu!!! Unnie can singing!!1" really? -.- Insult me with proper grammar at least. All in all because of these girls with severe whoremonal problems K-Pop is put in a bad light...I wish they would just stop being so delusional. They are pathetic.

  50. Oh and something else..I have liked a facebook page specially made for K-Pop fans from my country. The ones who take care of it are really nice but there are some crazy girls who overreact. So,the admins weren't so familiar with U-Kiss and a girl said she would help them : she posted a picture with each member. Aaand the bitches came and started arguing over Dongho -.- they were like "mine mine mine mine mine!!" the other "no bitch! You have Eli I have Dongho!!" the first one "noo both!! Mine!!". I was..poker-face...And something else! A girl I know made a group for fans of Nu'Est (from my country) and she posts tons of pictures only with Ren and claims that he belongs to her an blah blah blah "my baby!!" and crap like this one. And I am like "God take me now!"


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