Friday, June 17, 2011

Hyoyeon is the most popular SNSD member in Europe

and Kwanghee's face is all-natural; organic & biodegradable!

Look, I'm not here to shit on the girl, I've done that plenty of times. But I'll be blunt: that's a load of bullshit. She might be slightly more popular in Europe, but she's not the most popular member, not by any stretch of imagination. It's not that the other girls are delusional, no. Rather, I imagine it to be this sort of scenario:

(Cue cheesy flashback music)
You're captain for a dodgeball team, and you spot that one kid who is always picked last. He's a horrid player, but you choose him before anyone else. Why? You know he's not the best choice, but you pity him, and fear he might suicide if someone doesn't boost his self-esteem (read: in this case, suicide would equate to her leaving the group? idk).

I also imagine the above scenario to be the reason why Hyoyeon has any fans in the first place, but I'm sure they'll argue otherwise (if you are one of these rare specimen, feel free to drop a comment).


  1. I get 4-5 dots of fish food from one click? Why?!

  2. AFK might have face palmed when I told him I rank Hyoyeon higher then Yuri HAHA :P
    Though....Yuri is my least favorite member in snsd so Hyoyeon being 8th may seem like a miracle, but I have my reasons :)

  3. so true though

    in the same time, I do like her dancing (back in the old days) and that's what made me like snsd in the first place, but other than that she doesn't have enough charisma on screen when not dancing.

    SM actually promoted her in the beginning and she probably had the most fans next to yoona and tiffany, but she lacked 'variety'. look at sunny, I used to dislike her for being in SNSD cuz i thought she was useless and she wasn't even pretty.

    at least she's funny.

    point is, hyoyeon had her chance and she lost it.

  4. damn you hate hyoyeon with passion

  5. why don't you just put it straight down and bash all the other members too? like serious, none of them are even likeable with all those fake attitudes

    their songs are gay too...

    pretty faces don't change my opinions one bit. you can grab any random pretty bitch from korea and bundle them together. doesn't make them singers. "best of south korea" title is a joke

  6. @Anon 3:17

    rofl. Not even trying.

    Also, she looks decent in those pics above. Shock and awe!

  7. Hyoyeon looks decent when she is fixed up right. Here is what SM needs to do.

    -Lose the blonde hair, makes her look like a troll.
    -Make sure she has long hair, and not in a weird style.

  8. @3:17 you obviously don't know what idols are

  9. how much SM pay for news?

  10. Well i agreed with most of your posts before but this one is kinda ridiculous. She has some fans coz lots of sones feel pity for her. But it's not the reason she's slightly more popular in Europe. May europe pp like some one can somehow move their body , still don't know the damn reasons, lol.
    But the main reason she has least fans coz she looks fuking old, lmao.When they debut i though she was in middle 20, now about 30 .Sunny is the ugliest member but she doesn't look old and she's funny. Hyoyeon has nothing other than dancing but too bad she doesn't have great body. Old face + no great body + no charm on screen = Hyoyeon.

  11. Hyo and her crusade of bandwagon fanatics, nothing new.

  12. I'm french and i was at SM Town Paris. Hyo is the most popular because she's talented but SM don't care about her! In korea she's not popular than her fellows and she deserve more screen time in mv's or tv show! And yes we feel pity for her lol! SM make her ugly because of shitty hairdos, it's like they don't like her because she's not pretty than Tiffany or Jessica (they make the same thing to F(x) Luna)!
    At SM Town Hyo was the happiest member in stage, she was beautifull and all people screem for her more than Yoona, Jessica or Sunny (lol Seohyun has less scream cheh!)
    I like her more and more and nevertheless i'm noooot a snsd fan, I don't like her and their music!

    1. I second this! SM is the one that makes Hyo ugly. I've noticed her weird hairstyles. They can do a better make up but they don't do it, who knows why... I'm not really a fan of any members of SNSD but HyoYeon deserved my attention because of people's hatred towards her and I realized that she's an amazing dancer and she's worthy to be in the group.

      P.S. I don't really think all the other members of SNSD are pretty! XD Well, that's just my opinion! :)

  13. Hyo is the most under-appreciated member of SNSD because, like Yoona, she can't sing. Only dance. The difference between Hyo and Yoona is that everyone in Korea thinks Yoona is the most gorgeous woman to ever walk the earth. (LMAO.)

    The only relevant SM female idol is Boa.

    1. ALOT of people needs to get a hobby, like Big Time!
      If people like Hyoyeon, Then let them. It has absoloutley nothing to dó with you and your dumb-ass opinions... And MY opinion is that Hyoyeon proberly has Got the most international feel about her out of the 9 members... Which are ALL doing a great job.

  14. Old yuri is probably the most popular one and yoona is last

  15. 3:17 - It's clear that I like Jessica.

  16. come on, all her 'fans' would agree that she is fugly as hell IF she wasn't in snsd. if she was just a regular person , they would agree that she freaking looks like a man and her dance is not great.

  17. Man, what the hell are my fellow white people thinking? Hyoyeon is a bigger troll than Manber. At least Manber is appealing to 13 year old fangirls. Hyoyeon is appealing to no one. I'm ashamed at my fellow white people for thinking Hyoyeon is good looking.

    Hyoyeon fans think she's great at dancing. Go on Youtube and look up popping and locking. Hyoyeon blows in comparison. There is no good dancer in Kpop. They couldn't make it on the dance crews so they became idols. Hyoyeon may look good at dancing when she's next to Tiffany, but that's about it.

  18. Only relevant female dancer in k-pop = Kahi.

  19. Why does her face bother me so fucking much? I'm serious, I just can't pin it down.

    But yeah, all the bullshit I've been hearing about "Hyoyeon's beauty appeals to the Westerners more than the rest, that's why she's the most popular!" is just that- bullshit. Ugly is ugly, sorry. It doesn't change because you moved a few countries over.

  20. Yeah i don't understand how my friends think she's so pretty...what's up with her face? her eyes are fine, she has a slim nose, a slim face.....I THINK IT'S THE EYEBROWS...

  21. Anon 7:26

    LOL, don't make me laugh

    Boa hasn't been relevant since 2008

  22. (pardon me.My English is not very good) Something tells me that you loathe Hyoyeon. So anyway everyone was screaming like crazy in SM Town Paris whenever Hyoyeon came to the front, whenever she did her solo dance and whenever she sang her part of the song*. Also as i remember some american guys found her most attractive out of all of snsd.I personally do not see her as attractive(compared to the rest of snsd),but who am i to judge.
    *This also applied to Manber(big suprise)
    I found her somewhat attractive in this picture.http://www.musicasia.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/HyoYeon-11.jpg

  23. Okay, you need proof why Europe likes Hyoyeon? Fact: White people love their 'exotic' asians. Proof of statement above: http://www.allkpop.com/2010/03/american-guys-like-snsds-hyoyeon

    Racist? Sure. White people like some ugly ass, exotic Asians. They think they're "Beautiful". To that I say "Keep em', we (Asian dudes) don't want them anyway"

  24. anon 11:29

    i try but i cant take your comment serious. in my opinion kahi is a boring dancer, but even w/o my personal opinion, lets say kahi is one of the best, how can you let down dancers like boa, minzy, hyoyeon or min...

    back to topic.
    i can confirm that from what i saw at sm town. the audience cheered the most for hyoyeon, sunny and sooyoung equally. no joke.
    maybe people got to like her because they pity her, but still: they like her.

  25. @Nikita are you serious? Kahi is still the best dancer in kpop no matter what

  26. @Anon 2:33 I think you misread the disclaimer.

  27. very honestly i think hyo can be very pretty when she doesn't have some weird hairdo.
    i also think she's really funny when she does speak up, but most of the time she stays quiet.
    i'm not a ~huge~ fan of her but she's ok.

    good dancers always impress me way better than good singers.

  28. I'm half white and my tastes in women are probably closer to a white man's than an Asian man's. That's useless info since Hyoyeon is ugly whether you're white or Asian.

  29. Those "petitions" you see to bring SM Town to certain parts of the world are actually bought and paid for by yours truly, SM. They pay those audiences to create hype around their groups so other misguided sheeple will follow the flock.

  30. European cunts with disgusting taste in women can take Hyoyeon for all I care.

  31. LOL at all the kpop fans from Peru and Mexico who want SM Town to come perform in their countries. 25 fans is not reason enough to hold a concert.

  32. Lol she's only popular among European girls... not guys.

    I would say about 95% of her fans are girls. It's either because they pity her or because she's the only member they don't feel jealous towards. I guess some like her for other reasons, but from what I've noticed, it's mostly like that.

  33. I think Hyoyeon looks good. It's almost like...people have different preferences for beauty? HOLY SHIT, WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN? STOP THE PRESSES!

  34. Sorry Anti Kpop-Fangirl and fellow commenters, you have entered the realm of irrational fallacious statements also known as troll-land.

  35. round of applause david, lots of comments. i know your secretly happy lol dont deny it

  36. @Anon 7:51

    What the fuck do you think this blog is? This is not AKP. Read the disclaimer.

  37. @Anon 1:59AM

    I thought this blog was about *rational criticism*.

    You don't have to be delusional to understand that comments like "Hyoyeon is ugly whether you're white or Asian.", while perhaps humourous, is not really any different than comments like "X unnie/oppa is the best!" that you would hear from alleged fangirls referred to in the title of the blog. The only difference is one is praise, the other isn't. Both are equally stupid. Understand?

  38. Basically what I'm saying is that the idea that is seemingly impossible to like Hyoyeon (which seems to be what the original post + comments suggest) is just as delusional as the delusion that this blog is against, just in the opposite direction. It's a valid opinion, just stupidly expressed.

  39. well Im a european and around my parts its talent over looks, thats why members like hyoyeon are favoured over say yoona. I dont know why people adore her. :/.It amazes me how she's the most popular in korea. Singing=average, Danceing=average, Acting=average.

  40. No, Yoona is terrible in all three. She just fits Korea's beauty standard to a T. Hyoyeon is by far the worse singer in the group (Sooyoung is the second worst.) Since their choreography doesn't have popping and locking, Hyo's dancing skills are irrelevant.

    People are free to like Hyoyeon and it's not hurting anyone most of the time. But Hyoyeon stans shit over Yoona all of the time. From what I know Hyoyeon was promoted more in the beginning but blew it.

    And no Kpop idol is really that great of a dancer compared to real dancers out there. That's why Kara's Nicole is my favorite dancer. She just shakes her ass and shit. Since she can't actually dance she uses her ass a lot. And it works.

  41. ^ You can say the same for Hyoyeon, as it scales.
    Singing = shit all
    Dancing = over average
    Acting = doesn't even act
    there you go.

  42. I have no idea why she is so poplar here -.-
    Iv showed some of my friends pictures of them and yeah they all agree that she is ugly (yuri,jess and soo got the most votes, cause they are hot :D)..and pls which talent does she have? Yoona is at least able to do what she is suppose to, beeing the center and get lots of attention
    Hyoyeons dance isnt even appealing -.- I came to the conclusion she is loved cause she is pitied and as the ugliest member of snsd cassis,elfs& showols are able to accept her too, cause their oppas are save with if they arent gay

  43. Many of her fans pity her just for being unpopular.
    Just like many of Yoona's antis hate her just for being popular. LMAO.

  44. 4:38 - It is possible for any human to be liked, but I find it genuinely hard to believe that people believe Hyoyeon is star material. She isn't. Not even in Korea.

  45. Yes in France we feel pity for her but i think sm waste her talent! She's not the worst member, Yoona sucks a lot, and Sunny is the ugliest (look at her nose)! I saw SNSD closer at the concert and Hyoyeon looks nice compared to Sunny!

  46. I find it hard to believe she is more popular than everyone else in the group. It just seems like she's popular for being unpopular and then everyone's jumping on the bandwagon.

    I don't find her ugly, but her crap hairstyles isn't winning people over.

  47. why the FUCK is everyone having a debate about whether hyoyeon is ugly or not?

    westerners think pippa middleton is the hottest girl in the world so *rolls eyes*

  48. CL without make up > Hyoyeon

  49. pippa middleton is a beast, and I'm not a big fan of her sister either haha.

    yoona gets attention because she can do this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtAscs-GilI

    if hyoyeon tried it, innocent people would die

  50. @ Gilt: pfff it's nothing compared to this
    She rocks and that's all!

  51. lol how to get a lot of comments: raise an arguemtn

  52. I blame SMEnt's publicity teams for this. /facepalm

  53. @4:44 --> Fuck yall

    @June 18-20 ----> yah lets blame SM for poor strategy behind SNSD's rotation... i mean like , fuck, Hyoyeon is fappable just like sunny but i bet soyeon wouldn't agree with me.. my 2 cents.

  54. 'I get 4-5 dots of fish food from one click? Why?!'

    Cause that's what makes it awesome k? Now go feed em until they become obese.

  55. Hyoyeon is fucking ugly, can't sing and is overshadowed by her group members in dancing.
    Let's hop on the bandwagon WE LOVE HYOYEON!

  56. hyoyeon shouldn't even be in SNSD 'cause apparently no one likes her

  57. Hyoyeon is like the sweetest girl ever. I don't understand where all this hate comes from. :/

  58. so such an evil girl..and u are the ultimate pity girl who lonely and im sure u will die alone...

  59. ^The fuck are you trying to say?
    /reads again.
    ...the fuck are you trying to say?

    If you're talking to Hyoyeon: She's not evil, just ugly.
    If to me: I don't mind dying alone, but I'm a dude. Hence the "david".

  60. Hyoyeon is fugly as hell and also underexposed.
    But she isn't underrated.
    In fact,many delusional SONEs think that she is a great dancer(LMFAO at them).

  61. if hyoyeon is fugly as hell i'm quite curious to know how fugly youare. Hyoyeon not a great dancer? i think you should get your eyes repaired. stop saying bullshit

  62. y u a all hate hyoyeon..??i like her becouse she not trying tooooo hard to be sweet and cute and she are very taleted,and y u all so made to her..??did she doing something wrong to you??

  63. hey david fresh,im not talking about hyoyeon..im talking to who give shits to hyoyeon..and im sure u to include

  64. Tsk tsk, calling the girl ugly. Why must be there so many ignorant people these day? *sigh* From what I'm hearing is that you think Hyoyeon(I hope I spelled that correctly) is ugly, talent less or has been outrun by her fellow members, only reason Europe liked her because of pity(really that's stupid why would they just like her for that and we got a few people who have been at the Paris concert event or whatever say that they liked her for her talent as in dancing and being 'real' I don't know how that works out.) Hyoyeon is pretty and way more than average and then of course you would say its plastic surgery(might be, who knows?) Let make the message short: Hyoyeon is a great dancer ( hey, we are not saying she's the best at it but shes good), she might not be popular in Korea but she IS in Europe (pity? Screw that, they like her so just shout up), and one thing that I know is that she is beautiful(Not the best but she is pretty, and don't even start with plastic surgery rap.)
    She is pretty, GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS.

    1. Agreed and honestly, even as an asian i think she is the most beautiful, though SM can do a little better with her style

  65. Haha, typical delusional, holier than thou trolls who think that their "EPIC GOD LIKE TROLL SKILLZ" is so amazing and that everyone should bow down to them and their awesomeness. When sociopaths suffer from depression and anxiety, they often need an outlet to release their frustrations. It's apparent the man who created this blog suffers from some sort of mental illness. He constantly creates a web of lies and hatred to vent his angers and sexual tension. That being said, this draws other sociopaths to this "blog" like flies. It's an environment that allows them to express themselves in ways they cannont in real life. This probably due to bad parenting, or a tramatic event in their life, most likely molestation. Were you molested? Did your little league coach touch you inappropiately? I can't imagine how it feels as a parent to witness their kids face down in their own vomit. I do pity you OP, I hope you get over your disorder and maybe get out there in the world, perhaps see a movie? Take up a hobby other than this festering pool of anger and fallacy. You are quite the abomination, but I'm sure some lucky transexual hooker, will pave your way straight into prison or an institution for some sort of drug and sex related crime. It's where you and the rest of your 'gang' belongs. God bless~

  66. @ Lenni: So they allowed you out of your cage, you stupid feminist bitch? I hope you die a slow and painful death for all the destruction you imbeciles have caused to generations of families all over the world. Feeling superior because you can you use articulate language? Well guess what? I can too. It doesn't make you better than anyone you lonely dried-up slag, so please continue attending to your cats for sustenance you filthy piece of rat shit. That hole and void you feel inside will eat you alive for eternity, and that is only part one of the punishment you will be receiving for the atrocities your kind has committed. Your time is finally up "silly woman."

  67. she's the ugliest member in snsd

  68. Lenni - Are a couple blog posts really enough to judge us as human beings? You're laughable.
    Thanks for reading!

  69. Hyo has the face of an ogre but she also has a nice ass and some stacked thoroughbred legs. I would brown bag it and fuck the shit out of it. Just sayin'

  70. LOL! Are you in love or something?
    This is the what? Zenith post you make about her. Give the bitch a break. We get it OK?

    Why is it that you are like this? Why aren't you confident liking what you like and ignoring the rest? Why do you feel the need to make sure others agree with you and then claim you are "real." What a pitiful person you are.

    Making a site for something you see as mediocre only so you can bag on the ones you think hot? You can just jack off to youtube videos if that is the case.

  71. If she is ugly,so what? If you don't understand why people thinks her pretty,go fuck yourself.Beauty lies on the eyes of the beholder,are you so stupid to know that?

    You say she's ugly,are you damn pretty? You say she can't dance,can you move like her? You know better about yourself.Before pointing to others,you better make sure your fingers are clean,lady.

    Girl,you should leave her alone and go get life.It's not nice to insulting someone that way.It shows how bad you are as a human.I'm pretty sure all of your friends dislike you so much.

  72. ^
    cause that was mature...either way inquiring about Hyoyeon's sudden rise to popularity in Europe isn't that far of a stretch. Especially since it can be seen everwhere else that she is often at the bottom of the barrel in terms of popularity, even in Japan where probably 90% of SNSD fans are girls. Using that as a premise I would say that calling her appeal to the european audience into question is valid. Beauty standards are the same practically world wide, slim women with oval shaped faces, wide eyes, cute "button" like noses with pronounced bridge and a small mouth with full lips. Hyoyeon doesn't really meet these standards and so whether or not I can sing or dance is irrelevent, it's not my chosen profession, but it is hers and aside from not even really doing those things well, she doesn't look good while doing them either.

    I do think it is out of pity, because if it was based on talent then you wouldn't be a fan of her's. It's best if her stans just say it was based on personality.

    Oh and to someone who quoted that youtube video of the FOUR WHOLE American guys...yeah, cause 4 white dudes reflection the opinion of a nation filled with a variety of different races and nationalities or even all white dude...really now?

  73. Ah... i don't really love snsd nor hyoyeon, i think some people might find her pretty (?) because she is the only one whose body is feminine, i mean, the other girls just look flat and their legs look just like pens... anyway, i dont really think shes a great dancer as people say (shes better than clumsy min though lol), i personally would pick kahi and minji as the best dancers currently promoting (fuck boa, its not like she adds something to kpop nowadays). anyway, shes a butterface who like everyone in snsd (and honestly in the whole kpop industry, except for a very strict number of idols) has little to no talent and sadly no looks (maybe she has nice thighs and a nice butt but asians don't seem to find that hot).er pretty (?) because she is the only one whose body is feminine, i mean, the other girls just look flat and their legs look just like pens... anyway, i dont really think shes a great dancer as people say (shes better than clumsy min though lol), i personally would pick kahi and minji as the best dancers currently promoting (fuck boa, its not like she adds something to kpop nowadays). anyway, shes a butterface who like everyone in snsd (and honestly in the whole kpop industry, except for a very strict number of idols) has little to no talent and sadly no looks (maybe she has nice thighs and a nice butt but asians don't seem to find that hot).

  74. Yeah, because all SNSD fans in europe gathered around and said "Hey guys, forget your biases, let's all vote for HyoYeon! Even though she's ugly and not the best singer, we need to vote for her and give her some love too".

    Seriously. People have different tastes, all over the world. Shitting on HyoYeon for looks is one thing, but this post was a complete waste of time. You must have ran out of material or something, because this shit for a blogpost was terribly thought of. But that's okay, it's meant for (trolls) people who hate k-pop fan girls, right?

    Why don't you bitch about how Jessica's poor sport bitch attitude breaks balls on SNSD's good time.... At least something that makes fucking sense then "OH it's fucking blasphemy people actually like a girl who isn't the prettiest or the best singer". FYL

  75. hyo is beautiful. the most beautiful out of 9 girls. she's the one that grab my attention when i first watched GEE MV. and i'm not SONE. i just like hyo!

  76. nice article. Now it's time for you to feed your 61 cats ! Or go mastrubate or something just shut the fuck up.

  77. Hyoyeon is better than the stupid cunt writing the blog.


    Imma Gorjess Spazzer. Just saying.

  79. Actually she was the most popular. I was at SMTown Paris so I witnessed it with my own eyes (ears)

  80. hyo is funny...just like in hello baby, she became herself...although she is not as famous as others, she still happy and never failed made others laugh.her members really love her..they love each other, it's enough to make me love them..

  81. I like Hyoyeon the way she is... Even though some of you said that she has no charm and ugly, there are some other aren't including me... She has her own charm that make her fans in love with her... Hyoyeon is ugly?? Who are you judging her like that?? You might be pretty enough to call her ugly other than jealously...

  82. Honestly, as a professional dancer myself I can garantee you than no kpop idols are that good of a dancer anyways. Hyoyeon's dacing is slightly above average compared to the other SNSD members but she is far from being the awesome dancer her fans believe she is. Fans gush over her "popping" and "locking" but I don't see what's so mind blowing about it, makes me wonder if they ever watched real dancers battling it out. SNSD's choreo may not fit her style of dancing but I've also watched vids of her doing some "hip hop" dances and it wasn't that impressive either, too sloppy for my taste. The same goes for TVXQ's Yunho, his dancing is okay but the man seriously has a long way to go before he can even compete with real korean dancers so him being called the best korean idol dancer (or even the best dancer of S.Korea !) makes me rofl. Heck, he wasn't even the best dancer in TVXQ when they were still 5, Junsu's dancing was much more fluid and natural and his freestyles were better too. Yunho's moves are too repetitive when he freestyles and he tends to be too sloppy and stiff at times, or even fails to match the rythm of the music when he tries freestyling. And the way he exaggerates some of his moves seem so awkward it makes me cringe. I watched his MJ tribute and damn, it was painful. Rain's dancing is way overrated too but at least the man can create his own choreos and his moves are smooth and kind of diversified (when he doesn't only show off his abs). Though if I had to chose the best dancer in kpop I'll probably go for Jay Park. He is a bboy so his dancing is very versatile and acrobatic and the dude can freestyle without always doing the same moves. He also has a natural sense of rythm, his dancing is fluid, powerful and technical. But yeah, he is not the best dancer EVER either.

    And Hyoyeon is indeed ugly.

    1. sok tau lu.... orang katrok, ndeso.
      pasti muka lo jelek. setan orok lu.....

    2. sok tau loe setan....
      muka kamu tu yang jelek....

      sok ngomong malalah ngedance segala...
      loe aja gak ngerti....
      mending diam deh lu, muntah guwe ngebaca tulisan loe..............

  83. This post is really old, but LOOOOOOOOL at all these comments.

  84. Hyo is definitely least prettiest in the group, but not ugly. Some of her features are just lopsided. Her singing is the worst in the group. She's supposed to be the main dancer but more often you will see Yoona, Yuri, or even Soo dancing in the front, but almost never Hyo. Her popping n locking solos in MV's are irrelevant. And most of all, she's not even a great dancer. Just above average(which not even most idols are) Definitely no way she could be a actress (just look at above comments LOL). She's funny though. Maybe after the end of SNSD, she could be a comedian, or if not, get a regular job. She would get more money than she ever got in SNSD.

  85. hyoyeon is prettier than all of you will ever be. it's pathetic how all of you can sit on your computers when we can't even see just how "beautiful" your faces are compared to hers.just because hyoyeon doesn't have that cookie-cutter Korean beauty doesn't mean shes ugly. she has a unique beauty. which is obviously more recognized in america and Europe.

  86. Those who are disliked in Korea, are liked in Europe! I really I love this fact!!!!
    Yoona, Jessica, Tiffany....they received enough love in Korea. Now it's Hyoyeon's, Sooyoung's and others' turn!
    Come on let's show 'em our love and of course, let's show SUPER JUNIOR our love because damn SM is right now giving more attention to Girls' Generation! >.<
    But anyways, we've seen at SMTOWN's whose are more popular in Paris, New York....only one SUPER JUNIOR ♥ fightinggggg~ YEAH!!

  87. i actually think she is pretty dont kill me..and i realllllllyyyyyyy hate snsd because of their aweful singing false "cute" attitudes...but being objective...she is not ugly at all...you shuld all watch your own faces...i dont think what you say is true cause i think its kinda hard it works like that..i only knew this band because of stepmania and hyoyeon was the first to caught my attention and i thought she was really pretty...i can't even imagine what would you say about my face then...lets face it..maybe..(not for me) she is the least atractive member...but no...she is not ugly at all...if she would be a random girl walking on the street i think most sincere people would admit they would turn their heads to see her...

  88. Intellectuals don't tend to bestow great credence to an orgy of anus-licking faggots with regards to feminine beauty. Therefore, the content of this entire article is irrelevant.

    Wipe the man-cum out your eyes, maybe you'll see the world a little clearer afterward.


    1. taylor swift is hyoyeon's fan?.... really?

  90. wow... i got to say... you guys are mean O_O I think all snsd member has a special quality about them on which made them different than the rest of the member in the group. THAT is why we call our girls the 9 angels. And sure, most of them are prettier than the rest but they all have something beautiful about them and that is why we can't help but keep on watching their video. Although you guys call yourselves an anti snsd fan, why do you keep watching their video. If you hate them so much what is the point of watching them? I think you guys just secretly like them but wont allow yourselves yo admit it cause you guys are jealous...

  91. ^lol They never called themselves an anti-snsd fan did they? Why do all these fucking loser sones always assume stuff about people that don't LURVEEEEEEEE their precious unnies? If you think they're so beautiful, then good for you. These blog writers don't give a shit whether they're mean or not. If you have a problem with people insulting SNSD, then get the fuck out of this blog. -_- And oh my god, some of those comments by sones make me want to cry. The grammar...the spelling.......T_T

  92. oh wells. I like her best in SNSD. She may be the least attractive in the group, but hey, at least she's natural. My insides cringe whenever I see the others excessively cute on screen. She's the only one that doesn't do too much of that so I guess she's fine. But then again, everyone's subjected to their own opinion.

  93. **being excessively cute.

  94. yes, she is. and Sooyoung is the second most popular. deal with it. just because your favorite snsd member isn't that loved in Europe it doesn't mean that you need to bash Hyo. people like her for her personality

  95. honestly, I'm not a SONE and i don't like snsd either but i'm watching their videos because Hyoyeon is the only one who caught my attention and that's it!

    Your just a hater anyway, it's up to your own decision to like someone or hate someone :P

  96. Honestly it's because of people like you calling her ugly that Hyoyeon got plastic surgery people deny what you want but that girl has gotten 8X prettier when SNSD debut with Hoot go watch the Japanese the change is huge honestly people like you are the reason that Hyoyeon wanted to be extremely beautiful that she went uncer the knife so many times
    watch RDR her jaw had some issue's I mean I know people look bad she just looked really bad

    then when you watch the Jversion of Gee her jaw is all smoothed out
    after hoot

    i'm to lazy to post everysingle change but ill just show before and after surgery pics it so obvious she did and i'm honestly happy people like you guys won't insult like you used to the only thing i find sad is that people nowadays pay attention to her cause of her looks if you look at the top Hyoyeon tumblr blogs they were all made in 2011 when she got prettier
    Hyoyeons eyes the more she got older the smaller they got it baffles me how people are like the reason she got so much good looking was because of her eyebrows if people could get better looking because of eyebrows then no one would go for surgery,kpop fans need to stop thinking that none of thir idols have gone under the knife


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