Friday, June 10, 2011

What do you get when you cross Paris Hilton, Britney Spears & Korea?

Answer - AB

Latest rookie on the block, ready and sexed up to take Korea by storm as Korea's answer to Gaga. I saw the pictures and she looked hot, then I clicked on the the video. What a FUCKING DISAPPOINTMENT! The song sucks BALLS, the whole MV just reminds me of Snooki (cheap and desperate)... actually I like Snooki, so lets forget that. I was expecting something great, a new Lee Hyori perhaps but with a better voice. Or a new BoA that is actually fapworthy.

The MV itself is just her bumping and grinding all over the cheap $10 set, whilst some guy does some lame ass UNNECESSARY dancing for half the video.
Now WTF is up with the dude in the video? The girl is shaking her ass and titties all up in your face & you sit looking like you just shat your pants?

The song itself got banned from all music station and w/e . Her company replied saying:
"Although her music video is provocative, please focus on her singing.”

So I decided to ignore the pussy popping and control myself to listen to her singing. Verdict: She's like Paris Hilton, trashy and tonedeaf. But imma keep the faith and hope she comes up with something better.

I give the song: 2/10 only because of the grinding. Sadly it didn't tickle tickle my vagina.

I leave you with the MV and some pics to fap to. What a disappointment. *sigh*



  1. I want the 2 minutes I wasted watching this and the 30 seconds I'm wasting replying to this back.

  2. LOL at the guy's facial expression

  3. Told ya it SUCKS BALLS, i had such high hopes after seeing the pictures. I'm crushed right now.

  4. Can't believe I just watched the entire thing D:

  5. You misspelled "disappointment" :P

    And yeah, this was. The chick is a total butterface. Pasty guy looked frightened. Won't even mention the singing coughautotune. Why do people still produce/listen to europop-ish stuff anyway? It's all bad. All of it!

  6. ^ I thought both europop-ish and kpop were mutually inclusive.

  7. She might have better luck as an AV artist.

  8. actress* not artist

  9. the guy is getting "cruel and unusual" punishment

  10. Holy shit I haven't laughed at an MV in a while. That was absolutely horrendous.

  11. Can someone tell the other girl who writes this blog (the straight one), to write more entries that bash the males? This one is too busy fapping to other women.

  12. ^ Anon.

    The one who bashes Suju strippers etc. & the one who wrote this. Same person. :P

  13. this girl just assumes that she can make it big if she strips..

    i can tell that she doesn't even have the vocal abilities to even match gaga.

    dream on

  14. Did she... sing? Like at all? Seems like she made the same noise over and over. I don't think there were even sentences. Or... words for that matter.

    I'm glad the guy looked so happy. Made the video that much better.

    Also, who was the old guy break dancing?

  15. If she can keep coming up with photos like the last one, I could give a shit what she sings. God made the mute button for a reason.

  16. Haha WOW! First time seeing this and.... umm yeah lol. This slut can't even dance: Moving your 'hips' (if thats what their supposed to be)side to side is not called dancing.
    I was watching it and my brother (5) was sitting next to me (been away from home for about 3 years now, back for the summer so forgot the whole little kid in the room thing) but he says "do you want me to close my eyes?" haha that just made this all the more worse/funny.

  17. waaaaaahahaha poor guy was sighing the entire time

  18. Am i the only one who thinks she's thick around the thighs and waist in the mv?


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