Thursday, July 28, 2011

Another SNSD member decides to rap

SNSD's worst rapping attempt ever.

Fany, please stick to singing.


  1. wot
    it's in english and that alone is better than most idol "rappers"

  2. Lyrics suck ass. Other then that she doesn't sound any worse then other idols attempts at rapping. Or rather what they think is rapping.

    This is why SNSD doesn't have raps, however. They sound stupid when they try.

    That was fkin hilarious.

  4. To be fair, this was about as good as her singing..

  5. ^
    Actually, aside from cracking every once in awhile Tiffany is a pretty good singer. She has a lot of power behind her voice.

  6. Sorry but every idol rapper is ridiculous except for BEG's Miryo.

  7. I see no different compare to other "idol" rappers, well she sounds definitely better than Nickkhun or Minho.

  8. LOL
    genie in dubstep mode

  9. I honestly think she's a better rapper than most of the female kpop rappers. heck even better than taecyeon trololololollolol

  10. fuuuck pls stick to singing no swag or flow is just NO! fckin try hard shiizuz...SM idols and hiphop just don't go together.

  11. @assy ur one of those delusional sm stans much worst than those blowjobs ewww take a reality check will u, shame on u!

  12. I doubt they gave the 'rapping' any real effort though.
    It was just something for the fans, and they lapped it up.
    She was as okay as most idol rappers anyway. I liked her more than Shitho of SHINee

  13. Also, why are you only commenting about this now, haha.
    It's been 2 months since this happened.

  14. the fuck did i just heard. fucking nicole can rap better than this girl and nicole sucks at rapping.

  15. Well, atleast she tried? Okay she never need to do this again in public.

  16. her flow started off bad, but it got better. the lyrics being dreadful is expected....

    not as bad....as the author says it is

    ^^nicole can't rap....have you heard her try?
    that's why kara doesn't do an english rap segment in their songs since their first single/mini....

  17. not bad but just stick to the singing Fany! the only female rapper I like in kpop are Yoon Mi Rae and BEG's Miryo...the rest ughhh...no comment! LOL kara's nicole can't rap at all!

  18. @Scien
    Tiffany good singer? Holy shit, what have you been smoking?

    That girl has some of the worst vocal techniques in K-pop. Have you heard her attempts at vibrato? That shit is painful to listen to.

  19. trolololol tifanny's better than minho.
    and i pretty much respect nicole because at least she wrote her own rap, and she doesn't sound as weird as khun

  20. ^
    changed my mine, she sounds as weird as minho

  21. At least minho actually writes his own lyrics

  22. @7:07
    Eh, she could be a lot worse. lol The only improper vocal technique I've seen out of her is that she sometimes pushes her voice. I've never even heard her attempt vibrato?

    My point is that when she gets it right, she sounds good.

  23. Miryo>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (there really is the need for more >>>s but) >>>>>>>>>CL>>>>>>>>>>>>>Hwayoung>Jia>.Woori>>>>the rest>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>what I just heard
    Minho sucks ass, Nickhun I've never heard. and Taecyeon's actually got OK in "Hands Up" (I smell some Mr.San)

  24. LOL @ASSY ..delusional much. Tiff, oppa-ing Taec wont help u much in rapping.

  25. its avg at best, as much as I love Tiff, hope she doesnt rap :P

    Though her little rap during the lady marmelade was good :D

  26. SNSD going for that street cred, huh?

    I think the fact that she's all into the bible and crap, makes her instantly lose her gangsta cred.

    Also, sica should've rapped....she's more street than fany. lol

  27. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRCai1jrckk

  28. just because one of the members is an english speaker doesn't make her a rapper

  29. the author exaggerates, it's not that bad.
    besides, it was just for a live concert, plus it's SNSD and the fans will freak out over anything. i'm sure if Tiff recorded a rap album it'd hit #1 whether it sucked or not.

  30. lol are there some delusionals on this post??!
    you can't POSSIBLY say that shit up there is good! and i've heard plenty of idol "rappers" that sound better (at least they can keep with the beat).


  31. oh wait, even better. The "Top Comment" on the video is this:

    SM shoud update Fany's profile

    fucking good rapper


  32. to be fair, tiffany never proclaimed to be a rapper, unlike other 'rappers'. haters just keep listening to 2ne1

  33. i think e.via is pretty good although most her songs are crap

  34. Tiffany is a decent singer, better than most idols.
    7:40 - Yeah, I'm almost positive San E contributed to 'Hands Up'.

  35. Oh, and shinee just envieled the jap, ver. of juliette and it sounds good BUT MINHO KEEPS RUINING THE SONG. The song flows good til you reach his part, fuck you minho

  36. I agree some of the comment said she sucks but raps better than Minho and Taecyeon.Taecyeon and Minho are the worst rappers of male groups.

  37. @sulli_fag How does being "into the Bible and crap" instantly make her lose her street cred? Most American rappers are quite religious. Ice Cube is a proud Muslim and raps about his faith a lot. Tupac rapped about God, Heaven and religion all the time.

    If you know nothing about rap, don't bother talking about it.

    I commend Tiffany's effort since I'm pretty sure she wrote it herself for fun. It was cute more than anything that she would attempt this sort of thing. Other idol rappers seem to take themselves pretty seriously too. But if Fany starts rapping on their next Korean album...HELL NO. Leave it at the concert girl.

  38. ^
    I know, its not like there isnt gazillion of rappers in my country (marroco) and they are all muslims lol

  39. @ 12:00

    good troll attempt, son. You're going to have to do better than that next time.

    I know where she grew up, it's no hood, so she should just shut her mouth.

  40. Tiffany's singing is based off on raw talent alone. Give her a year of training, and she'd probably be as good as Taeyeon.
    It's like SunYe vs YeEun. SunYe is technical-good, but YeEun is raw talent good, and YeEun is more enjoyable to listen to.

  41. ^ LOL, raw talent ? Because Tiffany didn't train for years at SME, of course *sarcasm*

    Her rapping sucks and her singing is average. The only singer above average in SNSD is Taeyeon, and she is still overrated anyways. It's sad that SNSD is considered as S.Korea's top girl group when there are so many better girl groups over there.

  42. ^ actually tiffany didn't train for years, she trained less than the rest of the members. I don't like SNSD (or Fany because her personality bothers me) but Tiffany is a natural singer, she just isn't as refined. If she trained she probably would be the best in SNSD because she has a good range and a nice tone. IMO, she sounds like a disney princess or some shizz. And as for Taeyeon yeah she's overrated as hell, she is less natural and more technical but unlike Fany her voice is common and she tends to lack emotion.

  43. let's face it...none of snsd has talent. Sorry, people all the do is their stupid freaking poses and have writers make stuff up for them when they go on tv shows.

  44. Hmm...I think rapping to a lot if the idols is just talking fast and incoherently x)

    On the note of good idol rappers, BEG's Miryo and Bang Yong Guk -the guy that rapped for Secret's Song Ji Eun. And my bias self will say T-ara's Eunjung x]

  45. hate it when someone in commented about fany's rappin being nice and then someone would accuse the former of being delusional...that's their opinion so fuck up!
    just stick to yours...this is why the world aint getting better bcuz of narrow-minded people who think their opinions are always superior than others...

  46. @ 5:05

    Where do we divide the line for sucks/doesn't suck then? There are genuinely bad singers out there (It's not they can't sing, but it's that they don't sing WELL)

    But there are fans who always give praise like:

    xxxx sings so well and they should get more lines
    xxxx will believe they really are good and will see no need to improve.

  47. to those dumb delusional soshits here fuuuck you and stay in ur trash for the rest of ur lives quit whining if u don't like reading opinions of others.

  48. Anon@5:05 - is it OUR OPINION too if we think that the person who commented that Fany rappin is nice was delusional ..that's our opinion, so u fuck up . And u are obviously the narrow minded one for not being able to accept others' opinion.

  49. Well, atleast Fany still has that nice ass.

  50. ^ that nice flat ass....

  51. ^by SNSD standard's it's not that flat lololol

  52. Ew that was crap! She should stick to singing :/

  53. lol'ing forever at Miryo's name throwing. Bitches please, the oly reason why you do that is because 1. you think it's cool to be different
    2. Miryo is the only female kpop rapper you could think of


  54. i swear these video clips of snsd you posted on here have been awful lol. you're like making me hate snsd

  55. @anon 8.26
    Thats because she is the only good IDOL rapper. Theres lots of great female k-rappers, but Miryo is the only good one that is also an idol.

    @anon 6.45
    Tiff lost that ass some time ago. Which is why I have always said, old Tiff was the best.

  56. http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lhd0l1qGoj1qdxkj9o1_500.jpg

    eh, I'm still a fan.

  57. lol! at first I thought you were exaggerating but yeah the rap is horrible.

  58. See, SNSD is smart, they don't have any rappers. But if anyone should rap, it should be Yuri.


    Her part is somewhere around 2:17.

  59. Uhuh, Rotary. Old Fany's ass was super fine. But I'd still pound that tho. Then watch her do that eyesmile as I cum all over her face.

  60. Sooyoung should be the rapper. -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnyJ3sI3Gy0&feature=channel_video_title
    The rapping at 4:05 and at the end (whole vid is quite funny though). Even if she's not great at rapping she's friggin' funny as hell and would give me something to look forward to in snsd songs.
    She sure pwned Yuri's and Yoona's and Tiff's rap.

  61. You are simply biased. STFU.

  62. Not a big fan of SNSD, but TO BE REALLY HONEST, if you hear her rapping in Lady Marmalade, she is definitely better than most of the rappers in K-Pop. Of course she'll need time to reach Miryo's standard, but so far she's a girl with gifted talents, hard work and good looks. For me, she's the most talented girl in the group alongside Taeyeon. Put yourself in your shoes, I don't think lots of you can rap like her in LADY MARMALADE. Mark my words, this song is SUPER hard.

  63. blech tiffany is a bad rapper no matter what anyone else says. i saw her at smtown live and her rap for genie was offbeat :S


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