Tuesday, July 26, 2011

BlowJobs go apeshit for 2NE1 "Ugly" audio teaser (kill me now!!)

While blowjobs are flailing their arms in excitement, Im trying my hardest not to be indifferent to this "ORIGINAL" group's latest release. To be quite fucking honest and it pains me to say this but, Im really bored with this group.

Its either they do the "we're the best,we are hot fire,so go away,cos cant no body hold us down" badass females thing or they're doing the "you broke up with me and now it hurts,I love you but I'm lonely eh eh eh eh,you think I'm ugly,I think I'm ugly eh eh eh" self-pitying shit.
And it is boring as fucking fuck!

BJ ovaries are being over stimulated. Here are some of their unbiased and completely objective thoughts.

this mini album must be the most diverse album in terms of genre.
2NE1's showing why S. Korea should be proud to have them.
Japan better prepare for the debut of these girls, as well as the American industry.
Seriously, what other group can do what these girls can do?
Trot (Minzy), Ballad, Reggae, HipHop, Pop, Eletropop and now, Rock?

Did anyone else think of Bom when they read this? She definitely stepped against the "ridiculous demands of beauty" LOL.

Cant wait till the MV comes out, this shit is going to be indescribable.
I will admit that the lyrics seem promising, but I'm still bored,ed ed ed ed.


  1. 2NE1 is trying to be KISS now? WTF man. I've been over them since a week after I heard To Anyone.

  2. Also WTF @ that fangirl.
    "Trot (Minzy)" Uh, not really.
    "Reggae" Never happened.
    "HipHop" Oh, they'd like to think so.
    "Eletropop" They don't even know what that is.
    "Rock" You can't rock if you can't play guitar.

  3. I like the teaser song.

  4. ^
    These fans are beyond help.We can do nothing to help them from their delusions nothing.I wash my hands of them.

  5. ^hey remove the negative energy will you? LOL its called opinion. and do you even know what's the meaning of delusion? since your pointing an arrow on the comment above, i suppose liking a 2ne1 teaser song already means delusion to you. xD

  6. ^
    Im sorry anon I meant that comment for Ajusshi,see this was before i saw your comment.Im sorry sorry sorry sorry baby.
    I was supposed to do this

  7. YG really have some delusional fans. I admit to be a YG fan but you see you gotta understand that those delusional YG stans are babies. in a sense that they are kinda close minded. they only see their own idols as the best in the world and not bothering looking at other groups. Too circled and engross into their own fandom thinking that no other group can beat their idols. I think YG is at some parts have some fault here. feeding the crazy stans with promises of being different and original xD But I love some BB & 2ne1 songs though.. minus the autotune.

  8. lol the way she says pretty...

    Personally I liked Clap Your Hands, but the other songs that came after IDC and Fire have just gone down hill and are boring as fuck.

    I Hate You and Lonely are decent though, but still pretty boring

  9. these bjs they call themselves suck on yg and 2ne1's ovaries more than any other group i've ever seen.

    their antics include 100 unstable fans posting 100 messages each to get each 2ne1 article 10k post; 10000 unstable fans who refresh the mv 500 times to get their MVs on youtube to 5mill+; trying to say they all kill;

    they even have the audacity to use "haters gonna hate" when they are just shitting on other groups by say 2ne1 is the greatest girl group of all time.

    they have the audacity to use that same line when their own group comes out with a song titled "hate you."

    these 2ne1 fans need to get a life. their delusion is almost diagnosable in the psychiatric field.

    I might have to hibernate in august when another group of stans make a comeback; i'm talking to you Elves..

  10. http://i54.tinypic.com/2jfali1.png

    no pun intended, but people like her really is a yg bjer

    $$$$$$ has it that if 2ne1 didn't suck on yg's dick, they would be a fraction of how big 4minute is

  11. ^
    BJs will give head all day err'day.

  12. 2ne1 would be better without Park Bom.. And not just in looks department. Her voice is so fucking annoying, I have no idea how people can praise it so much. Her vocal technique is average at best and all she has going for her is her 'unique' voice.

    Rania's Jooyi would saved the group but she declined YG.

  13. Sorry in advance about the long post. I used to be indifferent about 2NE1, but 'Hate You' is awful, and I've lost interest in their new music. Whenever an artist makes a cartoon-based music video, it just screams lazy. I don't really care about how talented the artist is, unless the girls themselves drew and designed the music video.

    I hate how the "stans" on YouTube always say shit like "if you were a true fan, you would support 2NE1 no matter what". What does that say about the fans then, if they're mindless drones who have no appreciation for music? What happened to people not liking a particular song but still respecting the artist?

    Regarding 'I Am The Best', I doubt that any American artist who recorded the song in English would have been successful with the song. The translated lyrics are rubbish. The Japanese version is awful, and a poor song choice to market to Japan (boastful, egotistical, etc.), since it clashes with Japanese culture (t) It's just egotistical "autotuned" trash. I'm sick of these feminist girl groups who are terrible role models for girls.

    For one, what kind of message is being sent if plastic surgery is the answer to flaws in one's appearance. To me, that just says that these girls have insecurities with themselves.

    The order in which songs are released and promoted is convoluted. Why would you release heartbroken songs, then empowerment and then back to love songs?

    I'm sick of seeing CL push the male backup dancers (if you want to call them that, they don't really dance) away. If a guy did that to a girl, there would be a Korean media frenzy.

    CL is awful live, and I really don't understand how you can sound awful live when you have a backing track almost all of the time. In live performances, CL usually shouts her "rap" verses, and I dislike how she gets so much to do within the group. Honestly, what's the difference between them and American groups like the Pussy Cat Dolls? So Nicole, I mean, CL is the leader - does that mean she has to always accept awards on behalf of 2NE1?

    I like Bom, but this girl has issues singing live. In 'You and I' performances, she's always off-key, out of tune, etc. I like how her fans always make up excuses for her - "oh, she's sick", "she wasn't feeling well", etc. Even if she was sick, that's no excuse for a mediocre performance.

    I don't have any problems with Minzy. I think she's the most talented of the four. I don't mind Dara either, but she can't sing or dance - so I don't really understand why YG is so invested in her.

    I really don't understand the hype about girl groups. There's a reason why Korean groups haven't been successful in countries like America and Canada. By successful, I mean having a song reach the Top 40.

    It's because the music is awful. If you translate the music into English and read the lyrics, you would see what I'm talking about. Or if you're too lazy, listen to Se7en's 'Girls' or Wonder Girls' 'Nobody' (English Version) and you'll see what I'm talking about.

    The songs are so generic, they lack creativity and artistry. I'm interested in how YG teaches and trains these artists for 4 years - why not teach them song-writing skills or an instrument?

    Because for 4 years, you would expect them to train them to a standard which matches Beyonce's performance ability (I don't like Beyonce, I am just using her as an example as she can sing and dance well live).

    Rant over.

  14. So for you having a positive opinion towards 2ne1 is being delusional? That's crazy o.O
    You don't like 2ne1? Fine, nobody can attract everybody. But that's going too far o.O
    The teaser sounded good, and i've never found 2ne1 boring. I don't like all their songs, i've been disappointed too but of liking it doesn't make me delusional. It's called taste.
    I agree sometimes they are going overboard saying they'll pawn every artists they fight but you can't deny they are versatile. (I don't where trot comes from but whatever) they did reggae (idc), hip-pop (fire, and mostly cl), electronic (i'm busy, I am the best), rock? Let's wait and see.

    This one was long. I like this blog but more than honest opinions, it sometimes feels like a hater feeder.

  15. Even Dara or Bom can't save the group now.

  16. @Piou and every other person who will be butthurt over this.Im not just hating on this because its what i do,im am more than willing to give props where props is due.I like 2ne1 not as much as i did before but i still like them,its just that im bored with what they do.

    Its so repetitive and i suppose thats what kpop does,but it wouldn't annoy me as much if people didnt act like this shit they give out is the most original piece of music they have ever heard.Its insulting.

    I liked 'lonely' and 'it hurts' those are good solid songs, but the songs they are releasing are really starting to bore the shit out of me and i will not praise mediocrity.Its ok to spazz but dont act like this shit is some revolutionary,never been done before kind of shit!

    That is why i think those BJs are delusional,no correction, that is why i think YG stans (majority about 99.999999% of them) are delusional.
    I dont suck this shit out of my thumb its here,the evidence of how far up YG artists asses they are!If that even makes sense.Im not hating just giving an honest opinion about how bored i am with these girls and the music they make.

  17. @liley I'm not delusional. I know they won't take over the world, that they have flaws. That bom is plastic. Dara can't sing. Cl shouts.
    And I didn't even know you can like and find it boring at the same time o.O

  18. 2ne1 really is boring. Their music videos are always repetitive, too.
    You can practically interchange fire, can't nobody, don't stop the music and just about every video i'm the best and they're all the same; they all share that whole theme of "let's look as ridiculous as possible while saying how badass we are!!" How come nobody ever seems to notice this anyways kgjdflkgla
    Shame, though, when they first came out I thought they had some kind of potential to be really unique.

  19. what i find boring are those who dances the same always synchronized moves, same uniform costumes, singing repetitive oppa oppa oppa, ringdingdong, sorry sorry, shooshoo taxi taxi yayaya lolipoli and neverending same MV setting :D but still i'm not gonna judge a single 25sec teaser... not yet.

  20. i think it's more delusional to generalized the whole fandom as delusional from just a couple comments from crazy fans.

  21. i think 2ne1 would be okay if it wasn't for the hype around them tbh.

    and okay i cannot stop laughing at these lyrics to Ugly

  22. why does 2ne1 get sooo much attention, really? i mean this is just a teaser, is it worth making an effort to post an article about it? is 2ne1 big enough to make a fuss over this?

  23. you know its the crazy fans that does the thing.. usually sane YG fans are quite.

  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inMXJ8YmyNU

    2ne1 without their horrible voices = good shit.

  25. i'm liking the teaser, i hope the whole song doesn't disappoint me...

  26. LOL. Did Pioufag just call IDC reggae? ICWUDT.

  27. @9:03 there's a reggae ver of IDC in 2ne1's prev album

  28. As a BLOWJOB, I mean Blackjack, I do have to agree that their songs are either eh eh eh eh eh eh eh Female empowerment or eh he ehehehehe eh eh being dumped and sad.

    I do love bom and she is the best singer in that group, ok I will be honest here and say that Dara is the one who could go and no one would miss.

    A quick recap of all the girls:

    CL---raps, uses autotune, eh eh eh eh, she's got SWAGGER according to BLowjobs

    BOM--the best singer of the group, but has had days where her voice wasn't there. She seems to have some form of assburgers.

    Dara--expendable, cute, but expendable

    Minzy aka Min Ji...well she's just her, shakes her ass a lot for a 12 year old. Probably likes it in the butt too.

  29. @sulli_fag I like dara. awkward and kinda funny

  30. It's just funny to me how so many BlowJobs used to say that 2NE1 was different because they didn't sing about getting hurt, and then the group comes out with a bunch of songs you could play at a pity party. Laaaaaaaame.

  31. what the fuck are those lyrics

  32. I personally thought the song kinda sounded bad from the teaser but maybe that's just me.

  33. WHY IS CL SINGING AGAIN!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? T__T

    FOR FUCK'S SAKE TEDDY. LET MINZY AND BOM HANDLE THE SINGING. Look, I love 2NE1, but if I have to hear CL's nasally singing voice in the next 2NE1 song (since all hope is lost because this is the last song for the mini-album) I am going to stop stanning 2NE1.

    CL sounded okay in "Hate You" because she wasn't belting out anything. But I honestly felt like banging my head into a wall when I heard this teaser. ;__;

    This might be the first song from 2NE1's that I actually hate with all my heart.

    Let's just hope that the studio version of this song doesn't hurt my fucking ears as much as that clip did. Nothing worse than hearing awful singing in bad quality.

    Also, nothing wrong with 2NE1 singing a rock-ish song. It's not like they're claiming that they're rockers now. (And for those who are using Dara's attempt to play the guitar, it's a bit of a stretch. A desperate one.)

  34. I find 2NE1 a little boring too nowadays. I was going to watch and listen to their MV 'IDC' because I wanted to go back and feel that 09' k-pop vibe but I scrolled down and looked at the top comments and it just killed my good mood. :/

  35. @10:33 "Also, nothing wrong with 2NE1 singing a rock-ish song. It's not like they're claiming that they're rockers now."

    They aren't, but I'm pretty damn sure a lot of their fans are going to be boasting that pretty soon.

    As for the song, for a 'female empowerment' group, 2ne1 sure haven't been doing much of that lately.

  36. ^ You're right. I went back to the article and there's a lot of people bragging about it. I give up on my fandom already. I just. Give up. -_-;; They're all stupid, as far as i-fans are concerned.

    I'm not even looking forward to this song anymore. All I have to look forward to is BEG's comeback.

  37. I feel bad for BOM, she probably reads all the "You look like janice the muppet" and cries to herself, poor BOM.
    Blackjacks are the top order delusional fans....

  38. honestly they are getting quite boring lately and that clip was eeew, sorry but it was.

    Omg I commented on a live performance that CL needed to stop shouting and got hella replies i swear for a good month.

    Anyways, Bom can't sing. oK she can hold some notes and has structure but if it wasnt for her unique sounding voice BJs would realize how crappy it is.

    My fav has got to be Minzy, she actually can sing and dance, I just wish they pulled the reigns back a little with her dancing.

    & Dara is well.. Dara lol

  39. What the lyrics for this teaser sounded like was a middle school student who decided to write some lyrics. Like at least from what they released, the lyrics were cra-ppy.

  40. Pink (american artist) has made a successful entire decade career of singing the same story 2NE1 has for 2 years, I hardly think it's a problem that they sing about the same stuff as long as the musical and lyrical material is different enough.

    Guys, if you straight up translate a song from Korean to English, it's not always going to be perfect, I don't claim to know Korean, but between Chinese and English translations things get simplified a lot. As me and my friend were discussing one day, English has a million ways of saying one thing; Korean has far less

    The English version of Can't Nobody is not exactly lyrically brilliant either, but it's something you'd expect Will.I.Am to write which is admittedly shitty but what sells, and seeing as KPop groups and many pop groups don't write songs early on in their careers (GDragon)(Katy Perry, Rihanna for American examples).

    I think the English lyrical quality will solve itself in 4 years if they go abroad and find producers and songwriters there and commit to America (but they won't). And Teddy's not that bad as a producer and an English speaker.

    2NE1 is great for a dance-pop group, you can't get dance-pop without some generic shit attached to it, 2NE1 is like rolling down the windows in a 1996 Dodge Neon on a excruciatingly hot day, you wish there was AC and AC would definitely be better, but at least you can roll down the windows and it's somewhat refreshing and it'll do for now.

    also they need to rein CL in, push Minzy more, get Bom to fix her face, and Dara is ok as is.

  41. ^Agree.

    also 2ne1's new song kinda reminds me of nobody's perfect song by pink.. not exactly the tune or sumthing but kinda going on that lyrical vibe.

  42. 2ne1's singing is truly painful to the ears and IS highly redundant.

  43. Thank you for the "Pioufag". I really appreciated it.
    They had a reggae version of idc (that I didn't like) and for lonely (same thing).
    If you're gonna troll/hate or love/brag, get your facts straight, at least.
    The song wasn't even officially released and there are already hate.

    Btw, they can make the chorus in english, i'll still won't sing "i know i'm ugly".

  44. The difference between Pink and 2NE1 is that Pink has enough talent to write some of her own music and not need an entourage. Last time I checked, Pink isn't a huge autotune user either.

    'Ugly' is another terrible song. And these "stans" are so embarrassing. See the following:

    "2NE1 will receive hateful comments and at times will feel “ugly,” but this song will be a HIT because they will reach fans out there who can relate. Their new mini Album will be #1 because they’re all different styles of music, but with a message of feeling UGLY, they HATE, are LONELY, they CRY, but they DON’T STOP THE MUSIC because THY ARE THE BEST!!"

    I cringe when I see these types of comments.

  45. The song is shit and the music video doesn't even make sense. It has absolutely nothing to do with the (shitty) lyrics at all. Not even a fan but I was confused and dissapointed. Sounds like a bad american 80's rock throwback tbh.

  46. I have mixed feelings on the teaser... I am a Blackjack but, a damn sane one at that. I will have to see the lyrics and more of the song before I can make any judgements...

    It does sound like a cheese-filled rock catastrophe at first listen...


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