Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Girl's Day's "Hug Me Once" MV

Shut the fuck up, and watch it right now. Go on, I can wait.

First off, I would like to point out the uncanny similarity between 'Hug Me Once' and their previous hit, 'Twinkle Twinkle'. It reminisces of the similarities between 'Haru Haru' & 'Lies', or 'Magic' & 'Madonna', so it's not exactly unusual for a group to be doing this sort of thing, but I find it annoying nonetheless (as catchy as this song is).

Anyways. I've never made any attempt to hide my displeasure with Sojin's face as a whole, and I won't make one now: She looks like a 35-year old, Thai version of Han Seungyeon. The only time she looked good was as the camera panned over her body (mmmm). Jihae gives off that creepy, plastic vibe throughout, and almost looks like G.na at times (same surgeon?), which is certainly not a good thing. Minah will be Minah: insanely energetic (almost to a fault), average-looking, and exuding enough aegyo to make Sica shed tears.
Had this been all, we would be talking about a desolate, utterly fapless MV. Luckily, that's not the case. Yura essentially gets two times as much screen-time as the others and looks fucking marvelous. She is also left to the "hold-the-cameraman's-hand-as-if-giving-viewers-a-firsthand-porn-experience" technique (pioneered by SNSD in their 'Genie' MV). I was expecting Hyeri to look absolutely fabulous, and I wasn't disappointed. It's like she's finally reached the height of her potential (physically anyways).

It may seem strange that the 2 new members are the only relevant ones, but then again, it really isn't. I mean, just look over at KARA, they'd be nothing without Hara & Jiyoung.

Oh yeah. The MV was released in unique fashion, with a ticket redirecting you to a possibility of 4 different videos (including a strangely entertaining game). Check it out here.


  1. "I : Where U going~~?"
    Ah... Korea.

  2. lol i really don't get how anyone could think Yura is the prettiest
    she definitely has the plainest face

  3. Don't ever compare Jihae to G.NA.... such an insult. Anyways, I agree with everything else. I still don't like Minah, she s just so annoying and not cute at all. Hyeri has really grown into a sexy woman... I like. Sojin... she isn't as ugly as you made it out to be, but she is nothing special either. They need to do her up right to get my attention.

    All in all, I'm hoping for some more short shorts and skirts in the live performances.

  4. Yura is the prettiest and Jihae looks like G.na.
    I'm sorry guys, am I offending you? :c Well it's just my opinion.
    Thanks for reading!

  5. I don't get offended by a fellow GorJess fan :]

  6. I saw this music video and eagerly waited for the reaction article to it here.

    -That "Han ban ban" part is crazy addictive. I'm glad that they realize that and keep repeating it.

    -Agree that Yura is the best looking

    -It's hilarious that picking "NO" or nothing at all just makes you fail.

    -I don't know the Korean lyrics, but the english part where it went something like "I want to be your lover" was kind of disturbing.

    -The "Game" part of the MV also disturbingly similar to those dating sim games. I clicked the Yura ending expecting that my character was going to get lucky.

  7. I have to agree yura's the most beautiful out of em, even though it took me a while to come to that conclusion. I'm especially glad the bleach blonde hair is gone, which really didn't go well with her. she looks like she could be qri's cherubic little sister. sure, at first I didn't pay her much heed either but then I realised: well, what more could you want?

    the mv was nothing special, nothing to say really except the part at the end with sojin in the pool, it felt like she was trying to drown the audience in the water, so that was kind of disturbing

    LOVE the jessica reference, as always

  8. ps. jihae does have some of that korean classical beauty going on, but her forehead is a little too big for comfort.

  9. ^ You're the one who likes camel face.


  11. David likes meerkats & Charles likes butterface.

    I like 4minute's milkshake.

  12. I always found sojin gorgeous tbh but hate looking at minah. She's not cute to me and her eyesmile always looks like -.-

  13. How many times do I have to say this?
    I don't like her, I think sometimes, she looks good.

  14. ^well yeah... but... Sojin #1.

  15. ^ Destroyed
    Nice article, but "strangely entertaining", psh. Just admit that you loved every second of it, just like me.

  16. some instructions on how to properly enjoy the video http://i.imgur.com/z5EQ7.jpg

  17. yura is so freaken fuckin hot!!!! holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

    she's looks like taller too...

    i will be putting my face so close the my screen each time she's on the screen just like their producer encourages me to

  18. CONGRATS TO antikpofangirl blog...this MV officially links to this blog LOL

    we must be fappin' hard time this time

  19. "52 fans of other girl groups feeling threatened."

    Forever loling my ass off at this. Comments like that which make up excuses for the dislikes are pathetic. The day that Girls Day is threatening...yeah, the thought is simply irrelevant.

  20. How did the music video get the "As Seen On Anti kpop fangirl"???

  21. Dammit David, Sojin > all girls :P

  22. Allkpop only linked to the intro (the 51 second version) while David linked to the actual MV.

  23. I watched the game version of the mv. While i dont have any comments about the actual song since i was too busy fapping to yura's and hyeris part of the mv. Course i had to turn it off once it got to minahs part, couldnt stand looking at her and her ugly ass face.

  24. Charles - Actually, Allkpop originally linked every single video, but I guess it was too lag-inducing, as they've reduced it to only the 51 second videos.

  25. Hyeri is really really stunning now.

    Jihae still has the best ass in the group.

  26. Jihae is gorgeous

  27. ahaha most popular post points to this site too

  28. But i felt awakward watching the "game" because Im a girl, everytime they kissed the camera or so i felt strange lol

  29. "hold-the-cameraman's-hand-as-if-giving-viewers-a-firsthand-porn-experience" technique (pioneered by SNSD in their 'Genie' MV)

    Haha, so true.

  30. i'm still spazzin on this video and it's already past 24 hours.... i think this is a new record

  31. i like how on the music video it says "as seen on antikpopfangirl"

  32. ^LOL I know right? xD

    Anyways, no offense but that leader girl, Sojin should stop acting cute. Thank god I'm not the only who noticed how old looking she looks when she tries to act cute. Why can't she be like KARA's Gyuri? She doesn't need to act cute like the rest of her fellow members to be cute or beautiful. The more Sojin tries to be cute the more it makes me puke as it makes her face look like an ugly turtle.


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