Monday, July 4, 2011

HyunA's new song didn't hurt me as much as Heart to Heart did

I always thought HyunA was one of the most annoying little shits around (her aegyo makes me cry.) and that her voice was incapable of sounding like anything other than a chipmunk on helium (Hot Issue anyone?), but her new song is better than what I expected. Of course, it's not like my expectations were all that high... but still. I'll be honest and immediately thought of Jelly Pop by GP Basic when I heard that her song was going to be called Bubble Pop.

I actually didn't think much of this new style because HyunA doesn't fit the "sporty" concept. (Was anyone else reminded of Avril Lavigne?) She has a hot body and everything (and, as you can tell from the MV, she's good at marketing herself as a commercial good) but I can't see her playing any legit sports. On another note, I thought the random little "ooh ah, WOO"s were a tad disturbing. The song could have done without the aegyo sex sounds. But overall the MV/song doesn't make me want to hurl my lunch. That, considering that this is HyunA, is a huge success.

It's still not going on my iPod though.


  1. Hyunah is your kpop queen. Deal with it.

    1. This is such an old article but, "Kpop queen"? Suck my dick.

  2. From the logo of her album to the MV scenes such as the truck scene, the cartoon-ish lips, the "oh my god"/ "chop chop"/ whatever comic effect in the dating scene, to the orange dress dance break.... they reek of cheap-Hyori-ripped-off-smell... SO fucking BAD.

    Not too surprising about the copied concept, it's CUBE duh~

  3. I'lll BUBBLE BUBBLE POP all over her but will wear protection

  4. Hyuna is an untalented, annoying biatch,

  5. 1:13 - yeah it did remind me too much of Hyori but i didn't mention it because HyunA will never get close to that level

  6. fucking dubstep interlude

  7. surprised to see a review of the mv up so fast, by a female reviewer no less. I've always figured hyuna to be one of the hottest girls in kpop so I was really curious as to how her next solo offering would turn out.

    nothing much to say really. probably the sexiest kpop video I've watched all this year, but considering its hyuna, who can't do much except shake her ass, not a huge surprise. the vocals on the song are decent but any fans expecting a vocal renaissance will probably be disappointed by the first live perf

    I liked the weirdass sounds she made though haha.

  8. I prefer change

  9. Good post Gilt.

    HyunA is the new KPop Queen ^_^

    Haters need to GTFO. hahaha just kidding.

    its a hot video i think, for most of the boys here like me.. so deal with it. ^_^

  10. ^she's hot as long as she has a shitload of makeup on. without makeup she looks like a toad.


    1. You just proved that she looks pretty without make up xD

    2. she looks fucking stupid here are you serious

  11. I loved Change but yeah this was just meh.

    Ngl, watched the MV for Joon.

  12. It was ok But im a little bit disturbed. Shes only my age ( 17-18 ish) and she dresses like a 25 year old prostitute.... sad.
    But anyway I like your rants and posts :] keep it up! YOUR AMAZING

  13. i watched the m w/out the song because it irritated the hell out of me....it was strange to see sooo much butt shaking (her fans called that dancing?whuut?!) and her face looks REALLY trying hard to be a slut and i noticed she do have a bland face, now i'll go watch that meekshake vid LOL

  14. I'm glad you reviewed this BBBB. I was gonna write a review shitting all over this song, Hyuna's ugly face, etc. I hate it. Give me 2autotune1. I'll list to I'm The Best before I listen to this song again.

  15. she looks old, she's 17? but she looks like 30ish to me like a really worn out cunt...i feel bad for her co'z it looks like she's been over used.

  16. @2:24 19. the best age for what shes wearing! and we both know shes wearing way more clothes than a 25 year old prostitute would wear. step your game up hyunah! next vid better have nothing but bikinis

  17. good at marketing herself as a commercial good LOL

  18. wow.. a lot of simultaneous posts haha. @the second 2:24, yeah all she can really do is shake her ass and yet her fans think that its so amazing and that she's so talented. and @Anti Kpop-Fangirl, haha WOW that's pretty harsh considering ITB sucked buttcrack.

  19. She always struck me as a butterface tbh.

  20. ^ Yeah. Her face is ugly. That's why I was LOL-ing at all the babies on AKP saying that she's the next Lee Hyori.

    Hyori has a pretty face and a hot body.
    Hyuna has an assface and an average body (on a good day).

    Sigh. Not watching this MV again. Not even to ogle at Joon because he is practically her bitch in this. Yuck.

  21. is it me or does she have cellulite? i thought she was more fit.

  22. @3:45 isn't he already her bitch in real life?

  23. Replies
    1. But Dubstep is AWESOME and made the song even better!!!

  24. Wait what people called Hyuna the next Hyori? ROFLOMGLOLWUTISTHISFUCKERY?

  25. @4:03 First, that is how most jiggling skin looks when you darken and gamma adjust the video as much as they did to make it look like she has a tan. Second, only severe cellulite has to do with fitness, and a mild form of it can either just naturally occur or can be caused by metabolic shifts from stress and/or harsh dieting and muscle fiber tissue going through drastic changes from hard work. Third, because of that, many kpop artists get a mild form of it, and a lot of them get injections in their legs to smooth them out, so we know she doesn't do that. Don't let the modeling industry fool you into thinking perfectly aesthetic = perfectly fit.

  26. yeah no way is HyunA the next Hyori/K-Pop Queen. and @SMD - i agree , Change was SO much better than this shit

  27. STFU u dont even kno what ur talking about. hyunah is so pretty and hot and gorgeous and perfect and ur seriously just jealous of her that she's the next hyori lee. she's a really perfect singer and dancer too, her dances really show off her perfect talent and i love this song because it was so good and amazing and it showed off her perfect talents and skill. i even think she's just better than hyori lee and prettier and not as fake! i love you hyunah unni!

    1. You think she can sing perfectly? Well you're obviously messed up in the brain.

  28. @ blackbeltbaybee
    Shut up, you will never gonna be as hot as Hyuna.
    She is hot, you are just jealous.

  29. Not bad... but she'd make more money selling blowjobs for $1K an hour in the streets. Yep, she'd be a millionaire in under 3 days.

  30. lmfao 6:42 - good grammar. and if i were jealous i'd come out and say so LOL

  31. haha this is who hyuna is, hate it or love it. she's just a person who seems to like (and excel?) at dancing like that. as much as you might disagree, i could see her becoming the sex image for kpop. so called an adult-dol.

  32. She is only hot with makeup and the colored contacts.

  33. 7:06 - Narsha of Brown Eyed Girls isn't exactly a sex icon and yet she's still and adult-dol. let's fix up our terminology haha

  34. What sexy? There's no hot. There's no sexy. This is a summer fun video. If THIS is what people call hot or sexy then I hope you aren't in, from, or ever plan to go to the US. Ever. You'll die from the overload.

    But the song is fun. Just like it's supposed to be.

  35. y'all r tripping this song is cute as fcuk, but still sexy
    i've never been a huge 4minute or Hyunah fan, but this really impressed me
    finally someone who's not afraid to just be sexy and fun, honestly that's pretty rare in kpop, especially this year

  36. compared to whatever else has been coming out and my expectations of Hyuna, i am genuinely impressed.

  37. ^ exactly what i thought. but whether i'm impressed or not, i still don't like hyunah or this song lol

  38. also i meant to say before but didn't (only coming here to say it because i'm scared of youtube fangirl/boys) but this song is pretty much a Britney rip off. the "ooh ah" part is How I Roll by Britney
    and i know Britney didn't invent dubstep or anything, but putting it in the brige of pop songs is what Femme Fatale is all about.
    i can't hate Hyunah too much though, cause the song is relatively good (and i doubt she had much to do in the production anyway)

  39. hyuna the next lee hyori ARE U KIDDING ME?! omg~ what happened to kids these days they all gone WRONG!

  40. tbh I didn't mind the song either. It wasn't as painful as Change or half the crap phominute comes out with.
    It wasn't something I liked, but decently catchy and at least she was singing instead of "rapping" [lolwhut]
    I'm a girl and even I kinda really like her ass, but her choreo always tries too hard to be sexy, which is something I could have done without.
    and now that you mention it, it does REALLY remind me of Avril Lavigne O_O

  41. holy motherfucker this is how a girl should move. dont fuck with her being a slut. shes not a slut. a slut may also act this way but a slut gives blowjobs and deepthroats to random people and hyuna doesnt, you shits.

    i dont give a fuck about your hate comments on her face, everyone has his own taste, and shes beautiful to me inside and out.

    im a guy and no matter what hyuna brings on the table, i can see that shes talented and i give my utmost respect to her especially in her dancing..

  42. I'm a girl. I think she looks hot in the mv. But I still think her voice is annoying and she can't sing. Good for the eyes, but not for the ears.

  43. I loved Change but this is just...blah. =_=
    And yes,she has cellulite. But nobody is perfect.
    Anyways,I can't wait for the live performance. I'll LOL so hard with the MR.

  44. just another pop song.....

  45. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk173/moasjnb/ass1.gif

    Still sexy?


    1. Everybody has that fat :) Unless you are very very athletic. You probably have that fat in the back of your thigh as well.....unless your disgustingly skinny xD

  46. I never found butterface Hyuna (although she has a cup boobs and a pancake ass) to be the hottest member in poor minute to be honest. Jiyoon looks like an upgraded version of her and Gayoon is gorgeous. I don't hate the girl but the song's shit, her voice sounds bad, and she has a butterface. All imo.

  47. ^ na. i've seen pancakes with bigger lumps.

    1. lol why are you only getting on her about it? all the kpop girl idols have no butts....and so what if they dont? the world does not revolve around butts xD and i bet you dont have one either xD

  48. ^LOLOLOL

    And her cellulite is seriously gross. But yeah she did try to act too much like Hyori and Avril Lavigne and it didn't work.

  49. She just sell her body. Her voice is totally a no. And what's with the moaning sound? The MV should be OK, but she overdid it, she tried too hard to look sexy, but she eventually wasn't. Gross.

  50. ^
    THIS. she's trying too hard to be sexy while in fact she's not even appealing. blah.

    1. Hyuna is very cute and very beautiful. It saddens me that Cube is doing this and everyone is taking it out on her. If your going to get mad about this then be mad at the Company instead of her. You guys act like Hyuna came up with everything...the choreography...the performance....the song....etc...but she didnt. Use your brains people. Most of Hyunas fans are mad at CUBE not HER for how they are pretraying her. Some of her fans like her sexy image and most are mad and miss her image when she did "Change" most of Hyunas fans started loving her for her rapping and powerful dancing (like me) and those people are kind of confused seeing her with this sexy image and this singing thing all of a sudden

    2. Do you honestly think she didn't have ANY say in her image? Gosh. Besides, she can still act sexy WITHOUT making all those sex-faces.

  51. Thing that pisses me off the most? Annoying dumbass fans saying shit like, "it's not as bad as lady gaga/beyonce or any other American singer" totally bullshit.

    -a sane female Kpop fan.

    1. Technically its not but its true that, that statement has no meaning since asia and america have two completely different cultures.

  52. Hyuna is grossly over-rated, her hard-core stans who thinks she's the most talented and sexiest thing in the world just makes me hate her even more.

  53. I know how she got 10 million views as fast as she did......for her shaking her a$$, because it sure as hell wasn't for her voice. This should have been called booty/booby pop!

    Man people are sooo shallow now a days!

    1. I viewed it because.....it was Hyuna. Hyuna is awesome and i heard she was doing a solo and i was excited! Sadly as i was expecting some more of her awesome rapping and powerful dance moves.....i got this Bubble Pop crap... I miss Hyunas old bad ass image. People respected her more. Its true..Think about it. In "Change", nobody complained about her thrusting her pelvis but now everyones complaining about her shaking her butt. Image has a lot to do with things. I dont like how Cube is making Hyuna at all.

  54. I think Hyuna is cool and awesome, but there is one thing I really hate about her: her rapping. She's the worst idol rapper I've ever encountered in K-pop. Her rapping sucked since Wonder Girls till now. According to Hyuna, rapping = talking in a fast monotone. She's a better vocalist than she is a rapper. However, that's not saying much, since she's not even good enough to be an idol vocalist. For Hyuna, it would be best to stick to rapping, so delusional fanboys and fangirls can keep praising her, so she'll have something other than dancing and her body under her belt. Thank God she didn't rap in Bubble Pop. Otherwise, it would have totally sucked.

    1. Lol you must have bad hearing if you think her singing is better than her rapping. Hyuna cant sing...well she can carry a tune but....barely anyway. Hyuna is a pretty decent rapper. My favorite rap from her was in 4minutes song "SuperStar" i dont care what anybody says you have to admit that she sounded so hot. Hyuna has a lot of potential in rapping and if they keep having her work on it (instead of working on her singing :/) she will just keep getting better and better :D. I think the song Bubble Pop would have be x10 better is she rapped. I love her smoothe, deaper, and sexy rapping voice. She would have probably not have as much haters has she does now also. Theres nothing wrong with the song Bubble Pop...they just must up by giving a cute and bubbly song a sexy dance. Honestly they should have given Bubble Pop to another member of 4minute because they are stronger singers than Hyuna and they need a chance to shine as well. (still love you tho Hyuna :))

  55. oh god. Hyuna is seriously really slutty. or at least that's what she portrays to the audience. i don't know, i just really really hate her concept. Heart to Heart was disgusting thanks to her "act cute" voice and behaviour in the beginning. But Bubblepop was an awesome song but a horrible video.

    1. Hyuna doesnt "act" cute. Everybody knows she most cetainly is a bubbly, cute, and energetic person off stage. You guys are so delusional you think how she is on stage is how she actually is in real life. You guys are really some stupid judgemental people with no brain whats so ever. Once she shows you her personality and how cute she is you think shes trying to "act cute". You guys are freakin rediculous i think you all are just jealous and are just trying to get attention and no matter how small it may be you have to hate on her about SOMETHING! Even if it complete nonsense and totally stupid!

    2. Do you know her personally? You don't know if she's "cute and bubbly" irl or not so please, kindly shut the fuck up.


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