Saturday, July 30, 2011

If You Could Change Your Idol?

Okay, this is more of a question than an article (sorry Shin-B! totally not trying to steal your idea. I wouldn't diss a fellow brony like that :P).

I've noticed we haven't talked much lately about hot girls (we never really talk about hot guys...) so I put a little of that in this post.

So, I wanted to ask our readers, if you could change ONE THING about your favorite kpop idol what would it be? Let's consider ONLY physical traits ;).

Get ready for my LENGTHY entry:

For me, my favorite idol HANDS DOWN/NO COMPETITION is Yubin from the Wonder Girls. Why? I don't fucking know. It's gotten to the point were she can do no wrong in my eyes! She'd have to do seriously terrible shit for me give her the side-eye. Have you ever liked an idol so long that you don't remember or can't pin point exactly what it is you like about them? Yeah, that's where me and Yubin are at. The only absolutely horrible thing she's ever done for kpop is introduce the masses to fucking UEE!

BUT! If I could change one thing on her body, it would have to be her ass. She doesn't have one. I mean, not to be hatin', but most people in kpop don't have asses to begin with. But Yubin's is just...sad. She needs a bigger ass to match her awesome larger-than-a-normal-kpop-girl thighs! It's odd though, because in Korea her body was like this: 

not bad but still too flat for me. though she was cuter~.
But I guess nothing makes you fatter than living in the United States. And Yubin got bigger...in the right places ;).

Please ignore the god-awful rendition of "Boom Boom Pow". Mute it.

So yeah, her ass is getting better for me, but it's still not quite there. So to demonstrate with a recent picture of Yubin (like a week old?). This is what I would change:

So, just in case you forgot the damn question during this unnecessarily long post,

What is ONE physical thing you would change on your favorite kpop idol?


  1. "I've noticed we haven't talked much lately about hot girls"

    That would be happening all day in the chatbox.

    Also I wouldn't change a single thing about my favorite idol. I can't even think of one thing I'd even slightly want to change.

  2. What the balls, woman?! =___="

    Running me out of a job.

    Well, I love Kahi. But she is perfect, so I wouldn't change a thing about her <3 (oh goodness my fangirl came out)

    Except maybe her mind when it comes to freaking heading After School. But I digress.

    I'm watching you now, by the way. You're lucky I secretly heart you though. *brohoof*

  3. this is hard and i feel bad, but i guess i'd want to change Hyosung's face. just make her a bit prettier. because even though i think she shines with charm, and her face definitely isn't ugly, it's not the #1 prettiest ever either.
    but i dunno it might make her too perfect

  4. make it so soyeon has bigger boobs

  5. I would change Junsu's ass size. It's getting too big. Maybe it's full of secrets or something, I don't care! It's gotten huge and it's a tad freaky!

  6. ^ Xiah Junsu? Ever since he left SME he's had more time to sit on it and let it grow.

  7. change taeyeon so she has an ass and tits

  8. Yoobin went to my friend's high school. She sat right next to my friend and her teachers always talk about her haha!

  9. The Aesir's FinestJuly 30, 2011 at 11:27 PM

    For an idol, I would want Suzy to have a slightly bigger chest. Good thing she's still growing. Don't let me down, puberty.

    For an actress, I would want Yoon Eun Hye to have perfect teeth. I already find her absolutely stunning, and the flawed teeth give her a cute look, but I'm really curious as to what she'd look like with a perfect smile.

  10. It's funny because half of her ass in that photo is from her battery pack (I love yoobin btw). I would change Seohyun's aegyo-sal (glorified eyebags) because I love that girl so much and think she's gorgeous but she looks half dead all the damn time because of her eyes tbh and it bothers me to look at them.

  11. You people can't appreciate the elegant, slender beauty of Asian women.

  12. if only gyuri's about atleast 168 cm......
    and nicole have eyebrows and lashes....

  13. Nicole, grow your hair out, you were so pretty with your long/medium hair in If U Wanna.

  14. Narsha with no make-up .. I mean, sure, that woman is beautiful with make-up, she never has too much on in public or on shows, but I was stunned by her bare face (PS-ed lol) beauty every time I saw her without make-up on Invincible Youth ;;

  15. I wouldn't change anything on Miss A's Min but I wish SHE WOULD SHOW HER BOOBS MORE. Like when she was trying to debut in America.


  16. @ajusshi: nope. I like asian women, but i know what i want in a woman IN GENERAL. I don't want them to have the same body shape as my little brother. Some people get off on that shit, not me ;).

    @Shin-B: http://i53.tinypic.com/2lbnq1d.jpg

  17. Yura has a small scar on her right outer thigh.. Nothing plastic surgery can't fix.

  18. Umm.. maybe if all my biases had Yuri's body... o.o

  19. I'd give Lee Hyori better ass and longer legs.

  20. i'd give yejin a bigger ass....and even her chest can be expanded a little more further...

    but nothing really wrong with her...for now...


  21. i'd make hyeri legal age

  22. If I knew what was under his shirt, I may want to change it. I suspect he's not muscular at all.
    But that's okay, I didn't fall for Top because of physical reasons ~~ (but his gaze is just ... Too smexy <3)

  23. idk Seungyeon has pretty much the whole package, she is a bit short though but it;s ok cuase it makes her cute. I like cute girls. The other two of my Kara trio are Hara and JiYoung. Jiyoung could use more ass, and Hara has a nice waist but she could stand to fill out a littme more in the boob area. She has been filling out more, but she could still use a bit more fat in the right places.

  24. Amber so that I can make a woman out of her!

  25. ^That, is brilliant.

  26. Uee, I'll give her an expression.

  27. ^
    @8:56 what a briliant idea =D
    Give sooyounga&hara&yuri boobs, give gyuri&taeyeon height, give nicole%taeyeon eyebrows ;)

  28. i like eunhyuk since his skinny era..lol..anyway, the weird thing is no other guy idol manage to replace him even if more hotter @ cuter idol coming out..so he just perfect..now, if only i could find a REAL guy just like him and his personality on tv (his real life personality might be horrible but idgaf)

  29. Taeyang has an awesome bod, but I so want him to be tall! I mean, I'm taller than him! I want to see how much hotter he'd look if he was TOP's height.

  30. I'd make it so Park Bom never had any plastic surgery. I don't like plastic bags!


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