Friday, July 8, 2011

CSJH's perfect, flawless, queen-like comeback

Let's just get this out of the way: Just because they've been on hiatus for... forever, just because they're supposed to be amazing, just because they're considered "the female TVXQ", doesn't automatically make this song/comeback the shit. (spoiler: And it really really isn't).

The Teddie-as-of-recent sounding beat (complete with autotune and all!), the Kesha-esque "rapping" (fuck, first SNSD, now this), and CSJH's 'unique' flavor' (whatever the fuck that is) contribute to an overall mediocre sonic experience. It's not that the song isn't catchy, no. Rather, the concept feels recycled (as opposed to the mind-blowing comeback everyone was expecting), and they didn't even do it particularly well. Also, was it just me that had trouble locating the actual fucking chorus?

They seem to have dutifully followed their label as 'the female TVXQ', even going as far as to depleting themselves to a mere two members (lolol), and sometimes even incorporating a bit of the infamous Yunho-ghei choreography from 'Why'. Unfortunately, they're unable to keep up with their male counterparts (and this isn't the first time, obviously).

At best, Dana slighty resembles an uglier Son Dambi, but for the most sticks to being unbearably ugly like her friend Sunday (I'm sorry for making fun of you before Lina, Sunday is clearly the real drag queen of this group). The outfits are nothing special, at times, even resembling 4minute's during 'Hot Issue / Muzik' (aka biggest eye-rape ever).

Fans (cough// SM bandwagoners) are calling this comeback the greatest thing since online porn, but I'm not buying it. All I see is an old burnt-out group that's trying to become relevant by making the same shitty music that has infested Kpop. Were they not backed by motha-fucking SM Ent., this probably would have been their final song.


  1. I love all your posts david, I'm a fan <3

  2. i was disappointed...after 3 long years the comeback was nothing special...typical SM track and typical SM MV.

    SM suck these days...

  3. Added a title, oops.
    3:42 - Fuck, I'm getting emotional. Let's get married.

  4. saw and heard the mv and live perf this is a BIG disappointment esp how SM fans hype this group like 'OMG~! the QUEENS are back!' as what i saw today no they're NOT! their comeback song sounds like another song he bought from western song writer, ery mediocre and the hell with the autotune it's so annoying and the dance choreo it's not amazing as what those SM stans are describing really. this is a WEAK comeback for their so called "QUEENS"

  5. What the fuck was this shit?

    /forever unimpressed by CSJH, even when they had all their members. Fuck you, DB5K could make a better song with barbed wire on their balls.

  6. and please don't generalize SM stans .-.

  7. Wow this song's real shitty,the MV is just as shitty,and im being real nice.Same ol generic SM crap.Aish i shudder to think what they are going to release when my beloved suju comes back.Cmon SM surprise me JEBAL.

    I know what ya'll thinking "you love SJ" well yes bitches i do.

    @Nona "Fuck you, DB5K could make a better song with barbed wire on their balls. "

    bwahahaha Im trying not to imagine Yunho's hairy bits with barbed wire on them.hahaha *graphic*

  8. the song overall sucks and the rap part is fucking annoying i give +1 for hyuna for rapping better than that girl (don't know her name) it's not even catchy heck even thou i don't like T-ara's roly poly i prefer listening to roly poly over this crap.

  9. lol at the fanwars on YouTube

  10. "I expected better tbh.....it sounded like in F(x) reject song......well im glad their back...but im still gonna be honest about the song.....its not that great"

    Some commenter on YT
    and i agree,its exactly what i thought when i first saw the mv teaser.Its a F(x)now you know that shit's bad.

  11. well, i guess its okay. nothing special, youre right. and especially nothing special for their long awaited comeback. i would be disappointed if i was a csjh fan.

    and youre right with another point. sm is fucking lazy with concepts. they are all completely boring. one can be thankful if they at least have a tiny storyline. only tacky clothes and mediocre to cool dancing. hot summer, danger, replay japanese, mr taxi, even keep your head down follows the track (although i think th mv is supercool), sj's no other and perfection were completely boring... and so on.
    only exception was tvxq's before you go. it had a cool storyline. all the other stuff from 2010/11 is what i put on replay when its time to go to bed. puts me asleep very well.

    thats why im totally afraid of sj's comeback. god, sm will screw it, i know...
    at least once in a while sm could really make an slightly interesting mv, if you ask me.

  12. I am totally disappointed, the song was just like a reject song from other SM artists.

  13. I don't like it. It wasn't good at all.

    I never listened to their music before but figured since people considered them the female TVXQ and would boast about their vocals, I'd definitely give them a listen whenever they'd a comeback.

    Now I feel I shouldn't have even bothered.

  14. id say calling it mediocre would be fairly generous

  15. It wasn't that bad tbqh, since my expectations weren't THAT high to begin with. I like the blonde one she's sassy.

  16. sounds like an f(x) song

  17. I wasnt expecting much in the first place so i wasnt that dissapointed, with that being said though, this song is really forgettable for me and the live isnt any better in any way.

  18. Well I don't give a fuck about the song, it's mediocre, but am I the only one who think that their performance is one of the best on Music Bank TODAY, or in other words, least shitty?

  19. Shit just like all of CSJHs other crap...plus one of the members looks flawless queen IVY's ugly sister.

  20. its sounds like an fx song o.o
    Just saw the live performance, they did their best (?) but their vocals didnt sound...natural at all? why do have to make that voice, its not pleasant to the ears. Fuck you however chosed thats song and concept, what type of comeback is that?

  21. Everyone was hyping them up as the female DBSK and they ended up sounding like f(x).

    And looking like them, too.


  22. "All I see is an old burnt-out group that's trying to become relevant by making the same shitty music that has infested Kpop."

    Let me rephrase that for you.

    All I see is SM Ent pressured by fans to make a CSJH comeback so they just picked the 2 available members, picked one of the rejects of reject songs, tried to copy the shitty concepts from other groups, and voila.. CSJH comeback.

  23. I found the chorus, I win.

  24. i agree with all the comments about the song being f(X)ish. At some point it sounds like 2NE1...bad 2NE1...

  25. Why the fuck does it fucking sound like fucking f(x)? Aren't they original?

  26. i agree the song wasn't anything special, i really don't know much about the group LOL
    but why do you have to insult the looks of the girls in every article? yes, some girls don't look perfect, this isn't news.
    it's just that you do it in every article.

  27. I stopped watching once they started singing.

  28. ^
    I watched the MV once.
    And I won't watch this again.
    But the comments of the SM stans are as funny as always.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. sounds like a rejected f(x)song....

  31. I posted that on the wrong article. BTW this song sucks.

  32. I thought it was pretty meh too.

  33. It's so freaking disappoiting. It sounds like an f(x) rejected song, and we all know how bad f(x)'s songs are, and they MV reminds me of a mix of 4minutes, f(x) and 2NE1. It's unoriginal and borring as fuck and it doesn't even sound good. Even the choreo is shitty, looks like a recycled SNSD's dance but worse, and what the hell are they wearing ?! O.o I expected so much better cuz I heard these girls singing ballads before and they sounded great. But I guess that now they can really be called TVXQ's female counterpart since TVXQ's comeback sucked too (eventhough I know fangirls thought it was the shit as well, "return of the king" my ass).

  34. This is even worse than TVXQ's comeback and almost as worse as f(x)'s, SM is seriously going down...(but well, fans still seem to enjoy it so I guess it's okay =_=)

  35. @Nona
    "Fuck you, DB5K could make a better song with barbed wire on their balls. "
    LOOOOL OUCH that sounds painful. Wonder what that would do to Changmin's high notes. ....ouch.

    Uhhh as for the song and comeback, I don't knkow anything about CSJH but I'm disappointed cuz everyone was saying they're the female DBSK and awesome singers. So why was the entire thing autotune?!

    MV and song wasn't bad, some of the lyrics/storyline made me laugh. But agree with everyone on the f(x) and 2NE1 comparisons. All in all pretty generic.

    And btw, I thought TVXQ had a great comeback. Agree that SM is getting too inbred though. All their concepts and choreography and stuff is starting to bleed together. They need to freshen things up, bring in outside influences and styles and stuff.

  36. This song sucks harder live. After seeing their first two live performances of this song...

    SMH. The era of CSJH has ended already.

  37. Nah, TVXQ's comeback sucked but this is even worse. Nothing can be beat how crappy f(x) is though...

  38. *can beat (sorry, typo ^^")

  39. What the fuck is that shit ? If they were going to comeback with such a lame and crappy song they should never have cameback.

  40. I couldn't agree more with you.

  41. "Nothing can beat how crappy f(x) is though..." --> Lol, so true XD f(x)'s songs are pure garbage, I cringed every time I hear one of them.

  42. I like this song, idk why? Probably cause haven't listened to any type of music for weeks???

  43. I was disappointed by this comeback. They were pretty talented as four. And sadly they are still more talented than most girl groups active, even with this song.

    TVXQ's comeback should have been Maximum and Before You Go. Keep Your Head Down should have stayed quiet on the album...which by the way as a whole is pretty good. It moves a way from the non-stop auto-tune dance track K-pop's been playing.

    Typically I've been one to enjoy CSJH and TVXQ's Japanese songs more. But now high-pitched singing and auto-tune, electro pop is infiltrating every k-pop artist's J-pop song.

    I think I need to revisit the 1900s for a while; find a decade when music was more diverse and clear.

  44. I dont like the song but I dont see why people have to bash them just because they dont like the song, first of all they arent untalented, they are the best group in performing live and YES, IM NOT A SM STAN, they are all amazing dancers too but they have just crappy choreos and crappy songs and thats why they arent as famous, that and their company didnt give them enough attention. Their ballads and their dance battles show their talent, not all CSJH fans are SM stans because the company ignored the group. And some people like for real this song


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