Monday, July 18, 2011

Yet another way that fangirls ruin the kpop experience

Hello, I'm the latest contributor to the site, representing 아저씨 fans. I won't reveal my true age but let's just say that when I fanboy over mangnaes it may not be too far off. I can't help the way biology has wired me but I can be honest about it, and non-PC honesty is what this blog is all about. This brings me to the point of my first post here.

You see, looking at the last article, fanboys are starting to come under fire. However, it must not be forgotten how bad fangirls are and what they do to kpop. I would probably like Korean boybands ten times as much if it weren't for fangirls. What do I mean?

Before fangirls:

After fangirls:

Before fangirls:

After fangirls:

There are plenty more examples but I think you know already.

I really don't think it's a case of bad concepts. Fangirls seem to actually WANT this stuff. Aside from being plain awful, there is a general trend of turning young men into young women...

...and the fangirls LOVE IT. I can only assume that this is because female kpop idols are so incredibly smoking hot that fangirls want to get in on that action without being gay. Thus, we get male idols dressing like girls, acting like girls, singing like girls (although, to be fair, rather than the agency playing to fangirls, I think Heechul is actually into being a girl)  and how is a masculine guy to respond to this?

I'd rather sing along with a Rainbow song and have the excuse of it being a girl song than sing along to these male idols as if it were somehow cool for a guy. Truly, if a girl sings and dances with girl groups, it teaches her how to be incredibly hot and cute. If a guy sings and dances along with guy groups, it teaches him how to be a total asshat. That is purely the result of the twisted desires of fangirls, as you can see what a man expressing himself according to his own choices looks like with Rain, Jay Park, Taeyang, Seungri, etc.


  1. Not enough asshattery in this post

  2. lol ^ that's true. put more asshattery in your posts

  3. "before fangirls" there has always been fangirls in those two groups, i dont get your point. Those are just concepts and the music industry its...renew or die

  4. Welcome to the blog! :)

    Nice first post, liking the clean cut intro. It's perfectly fine if you're an older fan, age isn't an issue here.

    IA with some of your points. Fanservice is a huge thing in K-pop, esp. with Suju and clones, furthermore it doesn't help if you're a contemporary group like SHINee where every concept has to be drastically different. However most stylists fail at their job miserably, it's either a hit or a miss.

    My problem with 80% of K-pop girl groups is how they go for the lolita concepts. That shit is degrading and uncomfortable to watch esp. if they're like 20+. No prizes for guessing why they exist in the first place.

  5. I'll try, but you will always get more asshattery from other contributors. I'm too old and forgot how to be edgy.

    @1:53 Agencies draw up an initial concept which changes and develops according to the responses of fans.

  6. @dee The only loli concepts I can remember are SNSD's Kissing You, pre-Lupin Kara, Orange Caramel, and Girl's Day. It can be odd to see, especially on the Orange Caramel extreme, yet all provided short skirts and thigh-highs. Unf. I really think it's more about the skirts+thigh-highs than it is about being like schoolgirls. Also, being a "flowery" kind of pretty doesn't have to be limited to young ages. That's a cultural bias of post-feminist western society.

  7. as an MBLAQ fan, us fangirls (at least i-fans) don't really like that retarded shit they're wearing in "Mona Lisa" either (though we have some that really like Thunder's damn SKIRT!).
    but i did like the shinee comparison.

  8. as for heechul...some bitches are in SERIOUS denial about him being gay. he's either gay or one of the best trolls i've ever seen.

  9. Right, because this is new for MBLAQ...


  10. I've always had a question. When I used to really like SNSD, I would search youtube videos on them. When I did, I saw all these lesbianic videos SicaRi and TaeRi (for Jessica/Yuri, Taeyeon/Yuri) hinting at a possible love connection.

    What the fuck are these? Are they made by guys or girls? If it's guys I totally understand. But I once asked on one of the videos and I got raided by comments asking why I had such a perverted mind, but the video suggested it.

  11. as a girl, i love the "lolita" concepts. i just think the fashion of it is really cool.

    and i never understand why every fangirl thinks it's ~sOoO~ funny and cool when guys dress as girls and do girl group dances. it was cute the first time, but why do they do it for every show i don't get it
    i get how it can be somewhat amusing (still not hilarious) when Heechul or Key does it, but when a masculine guy does it it's just not hot and really awkward anyway

  12. how is it the child(fangirls) fault for getting everything they want blame the parents(companies) they'll go to any lengths just to make them happy and get that $$$$

  13. @ajusshi: lol well you gave the example of mblaq's "Y" and then transitioned to "Mona Lisa". In between those two are "Cry" and "Stay" (the images you gave in your comment). Not saying all of us liked "Cry" and "Stay" look either. Their eye makeup in "Cry" is...for shame. But i like them in suit-type outfits and so do alot of their fans (so for the most part..."Cry" mv was okay). But the weird jacket with cut-up sleeves joon wore in "Cry" still haunts me. "Stay" cracked me up with all the damn fur and horrible prints. Also, they were actually gonna wear something more ridiculous (the "power ranger" like outfits in the mv) to promote "Y" but fans were against it thus j.tune camp gave them the more tame outfits you see up there ;). See, even fangirls sometimes know when it gets ridiculous (sane ones at least).

  14. For that stupid skirt thing I blame that douche nozzle Gay dragon.Now that dude is a tool of note,kanye wannabe.Wait what is this post about again?

    Heechul seems to think that he isnt gay and tbh i kinda believe him not just cos im a ever lasting friend (awwwww) but becoz he...i......fuck it.me thinks the dude dont just look like a lady but wants to be a lady and im fine with it as long as he lady's it up with my dearest Siwon,yes i ship them shicul and im proud.

    To be serious:
    I dont think fangirls are to blame for the concepts,i came into kpop with the boys already looking like they do,wearing make up and shit,these companies make the decisions to sissy up their male idols just like they sex up their female idols to the pleasure of fan boys,no matter how un-sexy it is *bubble pop try hard*.So if the fangirl enjoys her oppa looking gender ambiguous than get off her dick, let her be,leave her to fap in peace.

  15. un-sexy? try hard? lol you jelly

    queen hyunah flips the switch and radiates the pure white hot sexy of a thousand suns from every pore

  16. Yes dice im jelly,jelly because of that bony ass girl,with no curves,no ass and men like face. yes yes yes.

  17. @ahjussi
    Ahhh I'm curious about your age now but welcome fanman and I like your first post. :)

    I'm a fangirl, and I don't get the whole androgyny-crossing over to womanly with the male idols thing either. I prefer my men to be hot and manly. But I do remember being really into pretty boys when I was younger, and I think maybe it's kind of an extension of new girl hormones + young girls being attracted to ideals for themselves. And when you combine that with kpop in which all things are magnified and twisted x100 you get young girls obsessing over pretty boys who look and act like pretty girls.

    ...err yeah anyway. Thirding the request for more asshattery!

  18. lol there's no point comparing a girl's point of view with that of a man.

    little girls like girly looking men.
    men don't like girly looking men.
    men also don't like manly looking girls.
    men like hot and cute girls.

    (sometimes girls like manly looking men.)

    it's so easy.

  19. Don't blame that crazy shit on us!!

    (Okay....i did like the Lucifer concept but only because I saw skin.)

  20. As a gay fanboy i have failed to ever find some shred of masculinity in the world of k-pop.
    I want a man, not a cake-face transvestite, and this is because they aim towards fan girls who like this kind of stuff. I feel bad for the fan girls who dont, thunders skirt is very... flamboyant(atleast i see some leg action?)
    But yeah, 2pm put your hands up was pretty fappable though, when you forget about faces and look at bodies :D
    I dont blame fan girls, as long as i get some skin, im ok.

  21. Heechul will forever look like a tranny to me. Not saying it as a bad thing, just being honest. Even when he looks manly, he still has a hint of girl there. Same goes for Shinee Key (who I swear has no damn adam's apple).

  22. Naw...The fan girls are told it's "fashion/art" when it’s just poor styling. Dress boybands sleekly or freaky - they'll buy it. I also don’t get the promotion of homoerotcism for entertainers that are supposedly straight. Whether it's legitimate media, UCC or the devil's instrument "fan service."

    I think this trend has more to do with the growing popularity of that horrid super troller lady gaga gaga, or at least the exponential rise of it. In the past few years she and many others have resurrected a lot of things in music and fashion that should have stayed dead.

    Another one would be overdone auto-tune. Just when I thought it had diffused in my western music it popped up in k-pop, with a vengeance.

    I don’t know, maybe it’s that Euro-Asia-Pan American cycle where every culture copies the next; then one day somebody realizes that they saw the very same party wagon pass by two decades prior.

  23. Fangirls/ More like fapgirls. They always fap off to gay-looking men such as Jo Kwon! How stupid are they? Oh and by the way, I have a theory behind Manber. You see, SMEnt wanted to boost their whole bias towards good-looking guys. Thus, they turned Amber into a dyke. What happened afterwards is how thousands of Manber fapgirls fapping off to Manber. Such sick idiots!


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