Thursday, August 11, 2011

About the update

I'm gonna make this as short as I can.

- Suckmydee won't be an author. She'll be on for the design. mynameisnotsuzy will be here for the same reason.
- Shin-B will be on for her Question of the Week articles and an occasional article if she wishes.
- The main authors are gonna be David, Ahjussi, ADKF, mondegreen and myself.

This will take effect September 1st.

As for the rest of the authors, you have done well, but I'll admit it was a mistake to let so many authors on so quickly with such leniency regarding the articles. I do hope you guys stick around for the comments, the chat, etc. If you all do leave and create your own blog (individually, together, etc.) then let me know and we can affiliate.

I chose the authors based on the original direction blog. This blog was becoming out of control for me and not what I had wanted. Just want simple articles that points out the shit that needs to be pointed out, making fun of what needs to be made fun of, posting articles about hot chicks (because there are more than enough Kpop blogs focused on the guys) and the trolling articles here and there.


  1. good job. What I liked about you and certain authors was that you pointed stuff out humorously...even though you may like it, you still made fun of it. Originally why I started coming on here. Keep up the good work, you guys are awesome.

    Love that you LOVE Kpop but don't take it fully seriously.

    I may back up 2ne1, but I know hate you vid was shit, song was shit, bom has a plastic face (but I kind of like her still), and CL is probably a beshhh. Also thanks to 2ne1tv, I'm probably a darafan now--she's just so cool. Oh and I know she can't sing.

  2. also wondering if SUCKMYDEE can be author from time to time. One, my fav name on here, but she's good at what she does.

  3. this is certainly disappointing; i looked forward to blackbeltbaybee's rants all the time...

    now she'll have nowhere to unleash her fury..

  4. Well why don't you just allow the ones you actually like to post.

    I think that would be ok...I know you want the blog to be more than just you. But in the end, you are the TOP DOG and should make the choices.

  5. Why would you cut BBBB?!?!

  6. So fucking glad u cut liley and friglet. Damn those articles were fucking retarded theyre practically illiterate or smth

  7. ^ Agreed. Nothing against liley but her articles were like something straight from Kpopsecrets and 6theory tbh.

  8. glad you purged.. hahaha

  9. No girl writers :( You should have one semi-nice straight girl author to balance it out. To solidify your female fanbase.

  10. ^looooooooooooooooooool

  11. awww, you cut blackbeltbaybee. i liked her articles a lot

  12. quit complaining about blackbeltbaybee being cut. go cry us a river sheesh. or why dont u just go start a petition or something if it bothers u sooo much

  13. Suckmydee is hilarious. The layout with the fish is awesome. I love how she trolls fangirls.

  14. Yay..!!!! no more mynameisnotsuzy....

  15. i won 20 dollars off of your cutting ties with liley. saw it coming a mile away.

  16. August 11, 2011 9:32 PM: thts a pretty good idea. why dont we start a petition then. like August 11, 2011 8:36 PM said, u shd keep a girl for a main author. besides blackbeltbabe ws the only reason i rly stayed on this site

  17. ^ you are not serious right?? this is not 6theory. LOL!!


    "Nothing against liley but her articles were like something straight from Kpopsecrets and 6theory tbh."

    Ill take that as a compliment.

  19. Mixpod and Myflashfetish are pretty good music widgets. Streampad, SCM, and Hypester are also okay.

    Oh. And good riddance about the cutting down on authors thing. -_-

  20. soo, just wondering, are the remaining authors all male? -_- Not that I don't mind the posting about hot chicks, but I'd like some hot guys too.

  21. Oh and Chuck I was thinking,that maybe you guys should look into the business side of your blog.

    Your numbers arent bad you've got a good number of page views.Think about promoting the site better use social media to your advantage and maybe some advertising.Im an online manager so i look at these kinds of things on a daily basis.

    Do you guys have a google analytics account,its a great way to see who is visiting your site,how many unique you get daily,what times people come to check the site,how much time they spend on the site and shit like that.

    Thank business dude think business and who know you might be the next akp or something.

  22. but mynameisnotsuzy's article on Super Junior dancing in a box is fucking hilarious and I LOVE YOU


  23. Yes thank you! The voice of reason. At least the original creator of this blog understands the reason for why it was made. Straight to the point, funny, and a bit troll. Nothing should be too serious.

    For some of the writers such as blackbeltbaybee, I'll admit you at least aren't illiterate. But the content just doesn't fit with what this blog is going for. A serious post on a serious topic on THIS blog?! Fuck that. Go start your own blog if thoughtful discussion is what you'd like. I'm all for it, just not here.

    As for the majority of the rest, good riddance. And liley, no, what are you 14? Never take being compared to akp as a GOOD thing...

    Yours truly, a week one reader.

  24. ^
    I was talking about the business side of things you idiot!Say what you want about AKP,but they are making money.On that front I know what Im talking about,so sit the fuck down kid!

  25. I think lile is pissy that they got fired

  26. good decision, you cut the worst writers on this article.

  27. good, wasnt a fan of BBBB.

  28. Very nice move. I come to this site for the lulz and some of the new writers just didn't troll enough for me :P
    I also didnt come here to see stupid people VENTING about stupid shit.. yes, I'm looking at you. Seriously go cry your stupid ass somewhere else.

  29. anon 8:36PM "No girl writers :( You should have one semi-nice straight girl author to balance it out. To solidify your female fanbase."

    anon 9:58 PM "u shd keep a girl for a main author"

    ... Do none of the anonymous commentors realize I am a female author?

  30. OMG sooooooooooooo happy Liley is fired she's a huge bitchh.... hate her article :)

  31. @shin-b congratulations! I think we were just thinking of the main authors, but reading it a second time, we realized you could write articles as well! :) You have our full support!

  32. @ liley. Are you retarded? The fact that you so fastidiously defend yourself on the 6theory comparison due to the "business" side of things only further proves how much of a little kid YOU must be. It was an obvious diss, and your childish wannabe-smartass attempt to turn it around by talking "business" is completely unnecessary and just pathetic. Get real.

  33. Ooo. I approve of the cuts cuz this site was starting to get into incoherent unfun clusterfuck territory. Hope Suckmydee pops in once in awhile as a contributing author, glad you're keeping the authors that you are. To the ones who are being let go errr most of you I didn't pay much attention to cuz like 10 of you joined at the same time, one in particular I'm really glad is gone though. But best of luck and all.

    Please ignore liley. Please. Lol. I'm sure it's feasible to make money from this site and all that, but that's the quickest cut to sell-outsville and no one wants that. We already have AKP and various other "kpop!news" sites after all.

    And I miss the fishies.

  34. Ya'll are tighter than a virgins pussy

  35. Chill out people. The "new" writers are gone, no need to rub salt on wounds.

    I miss the fish too! :(
    That cat is freaky. Eyes dilate when you move the mouse around and as soon as you don't move, they constrict. Let's call it syphilis kitty since it has weird pupillary control.

  36. YES! No more articles from mynameisnotsuzy! The Krystal article was horrendous, I started worrying about what the site was going to become with writers like that. THANK THE LORD. mynameisnotsuzy, don't take what I say personally, you're probably a good writer but I just didn't like your articles very much, they didn't seem to fit into the site, sorry. :/

  37. it's okay liley, WE CAN WALLOW IN OUR TEARS TOGETHER!

    ha, how funny and oddly disappointing. i come on the blog today and i see that i've been totally fired?! shit. and i actually really liked being an author here :P.

  38. wow there are a lot of comments about me O.o and lol at the petition idea. please don't do it. thanks for the support(?) though. i love everybody , haters and all <3

  39. Talk about hypocrisy. Readers ask for substance; they get it. And then they complain that it's "too serious."

    And then the "Top Dog" drops belly up and gives in to everybody EVERY FUCKING TIME there's some kind of dispute, whining: "Nobody's happy with what I doooo" when it shouldn't even fucking matter! So much for being a Top fucking Dog.

    Not to mention he cut the only good, non-perverted writer besides Shin-B. At least he didn't fire HER, too.

  40. I stopped giving in over a month ago. I just picked the writers I liked the most and Suckmydee is going on hiatus which is the only reason she isn't gonna be a main author.


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