Thursday, August 18, 2011

Nine Muses....ugh...

The fuck? This is a reject of an 80s song. I wish I had never listened to it, but I feel like it's my duty to let people know not to listen to this song. Please, don't let curiosity get the best of you and listen to it. Don't.

That one chick with the short blond hair is fug. I mean seriously. How the fucking hell was she put in a group of models? Did Star Empire want to troll their fans? Oh wait, this is the same company that has ZE:A so we already know the answer is yes.

I don't know what's worse: this MV or seeing Kwanghee on your favorite variety show.


  1. 4 posts within 20 minutes!!!
    Are you feeling okay?!?!?!?! lol

  2. while i respect your opinions on a lot of things, i'm sorry, but you have no taste when it comes to pop music.
    this song isn't that bad, it's smooth and a nice variation of the "disco" theme. it's actually not obnoxious, which is rare in kpop and nice.

  3. T-ara owned the retro concept this comeback... this just doesn't compare.

  4. Oh no, my opinion is different so I have no taste. Oh no.

  5. I didn't think it was that bad, of course it wasn't "OH MY GOD! I THINIK I JUST HEARD THE VOICES OF ANGELS!" either but, meh...

  6. The song has nice retro sounds but the way it uses them is way too simplistic. Not only is it just the same 4 chords over and over, but all the instruments are doing practically the same thing, pounding out those chords. So there is little dynamic in instrumentation and the vocal melody also hardly goes anywhere. It's like a faster yet completely mindless version of Mach.

    Also, I saw them perform it and it has some of the most boring choreography I have ever seen and they have no charisma whatsoever. The one that looks like Seo In Young has the Uee blank face thing going on all the time. Ugh.

  7. After seeing them live, I'm convinced the one with the blonde hair is a tranny... man face but hot legs.

  8. THIS is the TRUE definition of a butterface group. It's a shame that after those 26 plastic surgeries they said they had between them they still look fug as fuck.

  9. This song is actually good.

    Way better than that Playboy shit they put out last year.

    In fact the song is so good, that I can forgive the fact that one the members looks like a witch spawn.

  10. Oh, c'mon! The song is good

  11. The song is not that bad, if it wasn't too repetitive, it would be great. And most of the members are good looking. Something confuses me though.. Since they were called Nine Muses, I expected an SNSD like group, but they are less than nine.

  12. 2 of the members were smart and left the group. That's why there are only 7 now.

  13. a poor man's Rainbow... Except matures... these girls look all look 30...

  14. T-ara doesn't own retro. Son dambi has made a career out of the concept with songs like Saturday night, queen, and crazy. Seo in young also does the disco. With that being said however the song is smooth and has a nice sound but the problem is it doesn't go anywhere.

  15. Meh, again I feel like I'm listening to jpop. Sheet suxs. None of the girls stood out to me. Yes, the short blonde is FUGing FUGly

  16. Wasn't this the group that was badly bashed by kpop fans, or by Sones?
    Song is alright, a bit boring but it grows on you. The song does the best retro concept than all the other retro concept songs done before ie. Roly Poly or the shit that is Bling Bling. MV was cheap, their company must be too poor to afford a decent MV being made with how badly this group flopped before and having ZE:A as their only semi-revelant group that has attention whore, plastic face boy and the athletic, flower boy as their more known members.
    Their first comeback performance was dull and boring, but a much improvement from their debut performance.
    Honestly, I don't see a bright future ahead of this group seeing how members keep leaving and the company keeps on planning to add more members. Lol.

  17. The song sounds retro, alright, except that it doesn't really possess that modern 'catchiness' Nobody and Roly Poly have, if that even makes sense (I know I'm contradicting myself). But really, the reason why those two songs caught on with the public is that despite sounding 'retro', 'Nobody' and 'Roly Poly' perfectly follows the recipe of K-POP music.

    This song does not.

  18. I keep waiting to see some vogueing but it never happens.

    This song is like 2 Different Tears without the tempo shifts or hook. Welp

  19. @ECFOTB "a poor man's Rainbow" TROLOLLLLL

  20. Even though the song is very repetitive, I didn't think this song was that bad...


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