Monday, August 1, 2011

Why the fuck is Yura an idol?

Yeah, Girl's Day's Yura drew those pictures (I'll believe it for now at least.)

And why the fuck is she an idol?

Yes, we know she's hot and an idol so she'll get more fame as an idol than as an artist. But seriously, what the hell? If I could draw that well I wouldn't be wasting my time, slaving 18-21 hours a day every day in order to be an idol. Idols don't make shit unless you're from a big company. I bet most of Yura's paycheck comes from the horny 50-60 year old guys in show business making Yura suck their wrinkly dicks and tickling her face with their gray pubes.

Yura needs to drop out of Girl's Day and become an artist. Will be be rich and famous for her art? Probably not. But she could improve her artistic skills and make much more money while working a lot less if she became an artist.


  1. yura is so talented...she is the best...

    but what's with her no makeup face...girl needs to get some sleep

    she can't really earn money drawing...so she took the idol route...wait what am i saying...

    she can earn MORE money drawing....*sad face*

  2. I am still confounded as to how Seohyun debuted in a group like SNSD when it is clear that she is a few levels ahead of the other members in both talent and intelligence. She wants to be a politician for Christ's sake!

    The rest of SNSD is beneath her in more ways than one.

  3. lol even if you're from a big company you don't make anything.
    if she seriously drew those, she needs to quit her company and become an artist.

  4. Since when do artists make a lot of money?

  5. Idols don't make any money at all. Yura could get a regular job and draw pictures in her free time and still make way more than she would as an idol.

    @Anon 8:43 Yeah, I'm also wondering why Seohyun is wasting her time in SNSD. But at least when SNSD disbands she'll be able to get a real job when she's done.

  6. I knew drawing was her hobby cause she talked about it on a tv show but never knew it was at this level. This makes me like her way more. Along with the fact that she has cleavage, thighs, and a cute face.

    The gray hair pube image sure made me want to vomit though.

  7. she's a quiet artist type, too? *dreamysigh&

  8. Not that I don't believe you, but what motivates idols to do what they do if they don't make a lot of money?

  9. Well, if you are really popular and make it big, then you can make money. Like TVXQ and Big Bang. But they should invest their money well cuz their fame won't last forever. It's like those people who dream of making it big in Hollywood but end up as porn stars and prostitutes.

    I wonder though, do they go into the entertainment biz knowing that they'll have to be call girls/boys for rich madams and old rich farts? Seriously, the Korean entertainment biz is so dirty and disgusting. Not just idols, but movies and dramas, you name it. Really shocked me when I heard about it.

  10. She drew some pictures on Kira Kira Slim. I honestly am surprised she had such a hidden talent.

  11. wow, that's awesome ;D

    but in all honesty, being an artist barely pays the bills unless you have connections and such. funny enough, it's harder to become a famous artist (well unless it's caricatures i guess? anime, manga, movies?) than to be a musician D:

  12. Well she could be an artist after retiring from music, and her fame could help jump-start her career in art. I actually think she's making a wise choice by being an idol first before she aged.

    @anon 8:43
    "The rest of SNSD is beneath her in more ways than one."

    I wish...

  13. @Sanda: agree with you last sentence.

    lol she'd make around the same amount of money either way. artists don't get paid very well because these days they're a dime a dozen. Her art is very nice, but of course there are some problems that need to be tweaked, like the perspective on the house (but if she's naturally talented i'll let her slide on some of the things you learn in art courses ^^).

    coming from someone who studied art and wanted it as a profession...then realized you had to be REALLY SPECIAL to make money in the field, i'd rather be a fucking idol. at least you get SOME fame.

  14. she probably loves her job. Girl's Day isn't like most idol groups if you read their bio, for example Sojin is going to school for an engineering job of some sort and was brought into the group coincidentally.

  15. her art is extremely good but trust me, there are many many people, even here in australia, that can draw to that standard. most of those that i have come across are in their late-teens.

    also, artists don't get paid much, and generally if you can aim for something higher, you'd do it.

    this is coming from a previous artist's point of view.

  16. I'd let her draw on my dick.

  17. I don't think any member is wasting their time in SNSD, I mean if you look at the swag they're packing, they seem to be paid pretty damn well. Even after Soshi disbands, Taeyeon could continue as a solo artist, her stuff is very appealing and she does have a good voice. I'm sure she'll get even better as she matures, she's only 23 after all. Sooyoung and Sunny are loaded so no biggie for them, Sooyoung is also going to college and she's a good speaker, so perhaps a career in the media is possible. Yoona could conceivably model, act and do CFs until she's 40 so...Hyoyeon could follow the Seungri route and open up a dance academy or somesuch.

    Seohyun does seem to be on top of her life, so I hope she becomes someone even more influential, like Secretary-General if she really wants it.

    As for Tiffany/Jessica/Yuri...I don't know about them. Guess it's modeling. Or porn.

  18. for fame and having fans worship them/her, what else?
    She can draw but I LOL'ed at what I read from one of the netizens comment that she can sing and dance well...

  19. Yeah I have no idea why Sojin is an idol. I have no idea how much engineers make in Korea but I'm certain it's way more than she'll ever make as an idol.

  20. FAKE..let me see her draw this on live camera!

  21. great that you know so much about how easy it is to be an artist...


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