Wednesday, September 14, 2011

JYJ's Heaven MV

So, I came into this thinking my ears were going to raped. I really did. But hey, at least the song was alright. Coming from JYJ, alright is probably the highest praise they'll ever get from me.

So it's a storyline MV featuring Junsu and Song Ji Hyo with a cameo appearance from Daesung. Honestly, it sounds like Junsu never went through puberty. I was also disappointed with Song Ji Hyo not showing her boobs. Just saying. But hey, at least we didn't have to see Jaejoong and Yoochun in the MV, so that's a plus.

Oh, as for the song, it's a great thing Yoochun didn't rap. He fucking blows at it. Though there was some strange sounding voice in a couple parts of the song so I'm assuming it was him. It didn't sound as girly as Junsu's and Jaejoong's voices.

In the end, the MV was alright, but it's an MV we've all seen, and done better. I'm glad Daesung was able to spend some of his time with a cameo appearance.


  1. Wait a minute. People here care about JYJ?

  2. LMAO at Daesung's cameo appearance!

  3. fucking daesung is everywhere

  4. LOL daesung... fucking daesung

  5. Watched the vid because of Song Ji Hyo and Daesung.

    It was almost worth it... had they not used their fugliest member to appear alongside the two. =/

  6. HAAHDHAHAAHAHAHHA omg, okay you made my day.

  7. dat Daesung, damn him. lol

  8. "...a cameo appearance from Daesung."

    HAHAHAHAHAHA dude you just made my day.

  9. I indeed do not care much for JYJ, but the song was alright!

  10. LOL. The song was indeed not bad. You sliightly overdid it with Daesung's cameo though. I don't think you needed to mention it a second time at the end. Don't start patronizing us readers. If someone's too stupid to get the joke, they don't deserve to know what it is.

  11. LMFAOOO!! It took me awhile to get the Daesung cameo, cause I'm slow, but once I realized what you meant I burst out laughing xD

  12. HAHA daesung's cameo man you don't ever stop do you?
    Song isnt half bad

  13. Sorry but the song is boring as fuck and the sound of Jaejoong's voice annoy's the shit outta me although I like Yoochun's weird singing. I actually don't hate these 3 as people because they were smart enough to get their money and go and keep talking shit on SM because they don't have to pretend to give a fuck anymore. But seriously, I'm sorry Cassies DBSK is one of the most overrated groups in kpop, their voices aren't fantastic... poor man's korean boyz 2 men without the soul with a hint of nsync gone ballad instead.

  14. Never understood the hype about DBSK, and probably never will.

  15. @ Anon 6:42 AM,

    I freaking love you, "...poor mans boyz 2 men without the soul". You are correct. I also never understood why DBSK was/is so freaking popular. I mean the only REALLY attractive member is Jaejoong. And the only singer worth while is probably again Jaejoong and/or Changmin. I guess people like them for the "personalities" AKA acting.

    Ok, now that I'm done...this will sound dumb and loser-ish, but I don't get the Daesung thing, I only watched 2 mins....

  16. "Ok, now that I'm done...this will sound dumb and loser-ish, but I don't get the Daesung thing, I only watched 2 mins...." - Never mind, lmao, I got it now. Damn I'm so slow.

  17. i think AKF will get some lovely votes instead of those hateful ones...

  18. I expect you to review the new TVXQ's MV in the same "objective" way when it comes out (unless it already came out, not so sure about that). I've never been a big fan of TVXQ/JYJ and think they always were overrated but I've noticed you suck up to Yunho, who was (and still is, without Changmin he would be in deep shit) the least talented member (can't sing, can't rap, can't act, average dancing, luckily for him he looks good since he got his teeth fixed) while you obviously enjoy bashing JYJ. Though, I agree with you on the fact that the MV is nothing too original but...what is in kpop ? And damn, at least it's much better than the Ayyy Girl's MV, which was just awful and ridiculous.

  19. Am I gonna get hunt down and tortured by you guys if I say (well, more like write) I actually like this song ? :S Because it looks like almost everyone is hating on JYJ on this blog...

  20. @Anon 1:20 Uh, there are 9 authors here. I've never sucked up to Yunho. I've only said that I prefer DB2K to JYJ.

  21. they hired daesung because he's got nuthin to do right now, so not very expensive to pay...plus the fact that no one would notice it was daesung due to the fancy car :3

  22. although it's a good choice, since Daesung is only a little better looking than Junsu (humiliation right thurr man)...plus, did i mention he's jobless atm?


  24. Probably gunna get shot but I liked the song *meh* Always preferred JYJ over DBSK(Homin) cause they can actually SING!! OMG LOL But seriously the MV was alright but the song was good.

    @Anon 1:20PM
    Totally agree w/ you on the Yunho thing except I always thought he was the LEAST good looking in DBSK. Nothing special about the guy, glad JYJ got out of DBSK.

  25. The song's alright but forgettable, I just watched it and can't remember what it sounds like. MV was meh and at times trolololworthy, damn Junsu is a fuggo and Daesung cameo? Lol. Ouch. But it kinda went down the same way no? The first car swerved and it was the car behind that actually ran her over... I feel kinda horrible but I chortled a little at that part. Just cuz AKF planted the thought in my head before I watched the thing. U r ebil AKF.

    I'm glad JYJ got out of DBSK too. DBSK is now free of the 3 most femme-boy whiny money grubbing members and their equally annoying fans.
    And for the record, Yunho is one hot studly muffin of a man hunk. xD Well, during Mirotic especially but now still too. I like his looks cuz he actually looks like a man as opposed to the femmeboy trend that is oh so popular in kpop. ew.

  26. 1:20-1:21 of vid (fapping so very hard).

  27. Though there was some strange sounding voice in a couple parts of the song so I'm assuming it was him.<- my type of comedy.. lol

  28. storyline could have been longer if there was no Daesung

  29. LMFAO @ Daesung comment. Thats so horrible but so fucking funny! I commend thee!

  30. AWESOME! It took me a while to get the Daesung joke cause I was actually trying to look for him in the video, HILARIOUS!

  31. O LAWD! The 'Daesung cameo'! XD
    That is so mean, but so hilarious and funny *__*
    i feel like a bad fanqurl for enjoying this post. LOL

  32. the song was actually good,not too special but it's not horrible either.
    I'm not a cassie not even a kpopper but I've heard things from my sister about DBSK disbanding.I dont care much about lawsuits ( and kpop as a culture to be honest ), but I heard that pretty boy's voice, his name is jaejoong , and I must admit it sounds so so good . And the one with the funny voice, junsu, he has a very good technique.
    the other two who still use the band's name sound awful ,one that screams and the other sounds like a cat , and they look ugly a f hhhhh, it'sall about the good production and autotune. So I think the other three still sound better,their choero sucks tho but I personally don't care much about dancing.


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