Monday, September 5, 2011

Kara's Step MV

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuucccccckkkkkkk yeah!

Okay, now that I got that out of my system, let's get to the review.

The outfits are hit or miss, depending on the person's taste. Some people will hate the blue outfits that have a lot of color to them and other will hate their individual outfits. Others may hate the black/blue and yellow outfits. Some people will bitch about how they barely wore those dresses in the MV. My main complaint: not enough skin. Come on DSP. Come on. Though, can't blame you. The girl groups have to dress like the fucking Amish if they don't want their MV to be banned.

"Their choreography is so easy!" So? It's fucking Kara. But right, it's okay if your oppas from another group have a simplistic choreography. I forgot. My fucking bad. Anyway, they shake their hips a lot so I like it. I would have liked more ass shots DSP. Just saying.

As for the song itself, I only have one problem. The Kamilia in me is like "Shut the fuck up, nothing is wrong with that part." The Korean music fan in me is like "Yes, there is a problem asshole. It's my biggest pet peeve about idol songs." I'm talking about the rap part.

The Kamilia in me: Shit man, just compare the raps to previous songs. It's much better than the rap in Honey.

The AKF in me: Dude, it's idol rapping. It blows. Come the fuck on. That shit needs to be eradicated from idol music. Plus Nicole can sing (compared to some of the other members) so it's not like she needs to rap. The energy in the part of the song is good, but the rapping is still bad.

Kamilia: Fuck you.

AKF: No, fuck you.

But there's a bigger problem after the rap. It suddenly goes to the slowest part of the song right after that. I feel like the chorus should have been stuck in between those two parts. Speaking of the chorus, it's easily the best part of the song. And I'm fucking happy this wasn't a hook song. We haven't had as many hook songs this year. Good going Kpop, because the hook song needs to be benched for ten years or so.

This is also the first MV where I had no problems with a member's appearance. Usually one member gets trolled by the stylist but none of them really bothered me this time. Plus there's some Gyuri cleavage (check tumblr for that shit, I'm too lazy to go look for it and post it yet on the other hand I was able to type all of this filler in the time I could have went to tumblr to find a pic of her cleavage. Oh well) so that's a plus.

Step is one of my favorite idol songs of 2011. Yeah, and in case you're wondering, I haven't listened to many idol songs this year.

아저씨 review:


*nicole's rap come comes on*

Almost all gifs (I made the testicles one because I don't have ovaries) taken from ELFs. This is how you look to the rest of the world.


  1. Verses were boring, chorus was good.

  2. i really like the song, most songs this year have sucked since around April. So Cool, Starlight Moonlight, To The Night Sky, Sweet Dream: they were all okay, but kind of disappointing.
    this is easily the best song that has been released in a while

  3. Strawberry should have been the title track.

  4. @ 3:24 - I love you! So funny!

    The weave in kpop is always hit or miss, sigh.

  5. Good song and mv
    Awesome gifs btw lmao

  6. God, Goo Hara is fucking scary! I'm going to be having nightmares about this alien for weeks! Why couldn't they put Nicole in the middle instead?!

    As for the song itself... it's generic electropop music. I honestly couldn't care less about it.

  7. I reckon Rider was better but it was a good move for then to release this one because colorful concept is what makes Kara..well Kara in Korea.

    They will probably go futuristic and sexy like Rider and Jumping in the future as hinted by the Outro song in their album so to all those who didn't like it just wait(or wait for their next Japanese single).

  8. boring. sounds like a worse version of any gay song snsd pulls out of their plasic asses

  9. ^ well i guess that's why it went straight to #1, like all the shit SNSD pulls out of their asses

  10. lol? doesnt that happen to EVERY new song? gtfo butthurt stan






  12. ^ SNSD can pull shit and dildos out of their asses and it'll still shoot to #1. Same goes with 2NE1. But, that's not my point. New songs are expected to get #1 once it's out. We'll have to wait and see how long they'll hold out to that spot to know whether or not they're better off beating SNSD's asses in Japan or being relative nugus still to the public in Korea.

  13. how are all new songs expected to get number one? that's the dumbest shit I've ever heard, ever. gtfo with that bull shit.

  14. Rainbow could have got an all-kill if they released today. Real-time charts don't mean much if you're generally popular to begin with (not rookies) and your only competition is a non-idol album that has been out for 2 weeks. Give it some time before measuring success against other big names.

  15. ^
    i disagree with ALL OF THAT. Rainbow? really? I don't think so...also the same can be said about most big idol groups when they release songs.

  16. @5:55 Anon: Your comment is the dumbest shit I've ever heard. It's just as Ahjussi stated. Real-time charts don't mean much for popular groups, more so if there's no competition. Fandom is expected to pounce on the song a soon as it's out. Longevity wil be the one tol tell you whether the public has caught on to the song (or bot).

  17. Yes, Rainbow. On real-time charts "To Me" hit #1 and right after it "Sweet Dream" got #5 among heavy competition. With zero competition and a good song it could be done. Although I did try to pick a group at the lowest level of popularity that could still accomplish it.

    My point is that Kara is getting #1 because they are Kara. Nothing can be said about their ability to compete in sales against SNSD based on these real-time charts on release day. And I say that as a Kara stan.

  18. "Almost all gifs (I made the testicles one because I don't have ovaries) taken from ELFs. This is how you look to the rest of the world." LOOOOOL nuff said. I love you.

    & I like it. I think this is definitely one of Kara's bigger hits. or will be anyway.

  19. When did rainbow hit number one? thye got close but I don't think they have ever hit #1. Also, I dont argue that they are getting number one just because it's KARA. I just think that it's pretty ignorant to say that when ANY idol releases a song, it automatically goes to number one. Also, depending on how you define competition I say every week for an idol group is a tough week.

    Also why does everyone bring up SNSD when talking about KARA? Why is SNSD's popularity and achievement constantly used to downplay KARA. Who is to say that Kara can't beat SNSD? Where is that written in stone?

  20. @6:37
    lol you don't understand do you?

    its pretty much a given that groups that have big names are gonna be #1 shortly after their newest release, be it 1 day or 1 week. i dont believe anyone wrote ANYTHING about KARA not being able to beat SNSD, but instead everyone's been using SNSD as an example of the instant #1 factor.

  21. ^ This. I think it's best if you leave him/her alone in his/her delusion. Sometimes, ignorance is really bliss.


  23. http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lr2uulWU3r1qcwii5o1_400.gif

    Only gif I could find, WHERE THE FLYING FUCK ARE THE REST?

  24. Gyuri....cleavage...what?
    My friend is going to die when he sees those gifs HAHAHA, he is a huge Gyuri fan.

    as with my way of listening to a song for the first time, I normally listen to the song then watch the MV. In this case I watched the MV first and I hated it, 6 hours later, I listened to the song only and liked it, watched the MV again and I started to hate it....I like the way the girls look, hamster looks great :P, they should use a fucking pole if they are going to pole dance the damn microphone stand, over all, I like the way the girls look, must be the atmosphere of the video that I hate...the theme of it sucks.

  25. @mondegreen I figured you would have been all over the MV and reviewed it lol.

  26. perfect omg the song is good the choreo is awesome nicole is awesome

    bt not liking the outfits tho, some of them are totally random.....

  27. The transition to the slow part after the rap is just really fucking awkward. I actually really like the sound of it, especially when I first heard it in the 2nd Teaser, but man what the fuck is up with that arrangement jesus. As someone said before me, good chorus. Rest of the song is mediocre, but adequate. Good enough outfits + nobody getting trolled in the style department = A pretty good comeback. Dare I say, I'm looking forward to the performances?

  28. Like akfg, the kamilia inside me thinks this is pure fucking awesomeness extracted from the awesome root, cleansed into concentrated fucking greatness in which we are all to bask in and enjoy until our testicles explode and cum shots like geysers fill the room...

    But the normal person in me says, wow what a great song, the rap is alright, but why would they put the build up RIGHT after it, still a good song though. And they look pretty good, im glad to see jiyoung shaking her ass knowing she isn't the best dancer, and her hair looks good too, same with gyuri, and nicole and long hair is a plus. Hara needs to gain more weight though, but she seems just to be skinny on her own.

  29. Agree with everything
    But my oppas choreo is much more difficult, dont be blind
    I like the hip dance!

  30. Their outfits are fucking hideous, biased much? I usually like KARA's other songs, but the mv and the dance isn't as good as their others, lets be honest here.

  31. Their blue outfits were cut from inflatable swimming pools, and their yellow ones are wolverine + pacman.

  32. I bet one of them will fall during one of those dances

  33. Hara and Jiyoung are fucking hot!!!!!!! They should just kick everyone else out, I don't know why they are wasting my time. Gyuri, never will like her though I don't know why. Nicole, butterface and I don't like that random creature on her head. Other girl I don't even know her name. Fuck you DSP for adding useless members.

  34. I agree with 6:37 PM's comments.

    Why the fuck is SNSD (those 9 evil witches) always being brought up when it comes to groups like Kara?

  35. @2:49 Atleast she got up and continued, LIKE A FUCKING BOSS.

  36. The chorus is definitely catchy. THe rest of the song, just like all other Kara's songs, is boring as hell. That's one of the reason why I've never got to like Kara. The dance in here is ok, not as impressive as butt dance or Lupin dance. I like how Jiyoung is growing up so beautiful. Nicole and Hara are always pretty. I like Gyuri but she's a hit or miss here. I don't care about Seungyeon [or however u spell her name]. Her face is just too small for her eyes and it doesnt look good in anything

  37. @11:45 PM:

    Um. Hara and Jiyoung are the members that were added on later; the other three were from the original KARA lineup.

  38. Also, Seungyeon is not useless. She has the best vocals in the group, even if DSP doesn't draw attention to it and instead spends their airtime giving gratuitous shots of a flailing Hara instead.

  39. WTF, I wonder their 'singing abilities' on live perf.

  40. I don't like it.
    First the colorful outfits/ lively stage doesn't go well with the excessive aegyo in the clip... Doesn't have anything to do with the beat of the music as well... I used to like Kara cause they had cute dance songs, like Lupin & Jumping, but this song has no dance steps, so it's boring... So basically, everything's bad about it.

  41. KARA can't sing for shit, even more shitty are their fans who defend them xD they're just sluts

  42. you are the big slut here


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