Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Korea's Justin Beiber

Being that this new soloist was from Canada, I just had to look into it because I know all of you here love another fellow Canadian-Korean singer, G.NA.

Park Seong Min is Korea's latest male solo singer (those are rare nowadays, aren't they) to debut this year in hopes of making it big. But, much like every other rookie, he probably will not succeed. At least for a long while anyways. And for some terrible reason, he has been given the title of Korea's Justin Beiber. I feel kind of bad for him. He is already condemned with a horrible label even before a stage debut. His chances of succeeding are probably even lower now. I don't understand why he was labelled as such though. He doesn't even look that young or effeminate.

Park Seong Min (박성민) - Beautiful Girl (뷰티풀 걸) [MV]

To be honest, I found this music video almost excruciatingly boring. It is not like he is drop dead gorgeous, nor is his voice impeccable. But I suppose he is pretty alright. The song was not very captivating either though. I can see him ending up like Eru (who actually had a nice voice) sadly. And for those of you who don't know who Eru is, that just proves my point exactly.

On a scale of 1 to terrible, I would give this song and MV about a 6.



  2. It was over the first second when I heard the autotune and midi piano. Why is female kpop doing a lot of new stuff but male kpop on stuck on 10-year-old euroshit?

  3. I wouldn't even give it a 6...I think you're being a bit too nice.

  4. Her scale wasn't 1 to 10 it was 1 to terrible.

  5. You should be sorry bitch.

  6. @ 아저씨: I'm glad someone understands my scale <3

    But @ anonymous 7:23am
    haha yeah upon second look, 6 was kinda high.

    I forgot to mention that I liked it at 1:28 when the girl tries to grab his hand, but the camera doesn't show that, so it looks like she's basically playing around on his lap given by his facial expressions of bliss.

  7. female kpop is doing a lotta new stuff? what?

    i cant stand kpop boy bands/singers, especially when theyre shit ugh

  8. I love white snow by Eru, but mostly I find his songs boring tbh. And for a canadian born Korean, his english sounds kinda bad. This MV gives me second hand embarrassment, the whole thing is just kind of awkward and lame.

  9. This guy's got nothing on The JB. My nigga Biebz could shit all over this kimchi chump any day. This little bitch Seong Min ain't gonna be able to handle the B's mean song.

  10. he's cute and his song style is similar to Bieber's but no one can ever come close to being like Prince Bieber King of Pop (micheal jackson sucks)

  11. ^Bitch you trollin'?

  12. ^do you even need to question that? srsly, pppl here...

  13. Why does his english suck so bad for a canadian kid...? Beautifurl girr lol.

  14. He's just growling. You know, to be sexy.

    "Beautiful, GRRRRRRRR"

  15. I can see why they call him the Beiber of korea....fucking song has the same progression as "Baby" just a slower tempo.....

    @anon 3:17
    MJ raped you or something LOL

  16. Eru is so much better than this guy.


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