Monday, September 12, 2011

Question of the Week 11

I got 5 minutes before I have to drive to class.

Who is the last idol on Earth that you would ever want to be with? As in, even if you knew you had to re-populate the Earth, and the only one left to do so with was him/her, who would you absolutely refuse to be with, even if it meant saving humanity?

If anyone has suggestions for later Question of the Weeks, please send them to zomg.oppa.sareanghae@gmail.com. Thanks!


  1. Ew... Shingdong. Uck.

  2. SHINee's Key if I were a girl and SNSD's Yuri if I were guy

  3. Aww, you already spoiled it for me... but yeah, Kwanghee.

  4. hyomin

    idk why everyone is up her ass lately but the chick is too bony I need cushion for my pushin

  5. Kwanghee. I'd kill him.

  6. Jiyeon. Can't pass on those near-one eye genes...

  7. Leeteuk, no contest.

  8. GDragon, he looks anorexic and probably has a small weener too.

  9. Really? Guys here are picking Jiyeon and Hyomin over M(Amber) as the last idol you'd want to stick your dick in? You sure you guys don't want to re-evaluate? Because... Um...


  10. Hyuna. Bitch, start whining and I'll kill you.

  11. At first I was like all the girls look good...then I remembered amber... everybody always forgets that she's a girl

  12. GNA, Bom, Hyomin, Amber, Hyuna. I'd die first.

  13. Kwanghee (do i need to explain?..EWWWW), Daesung (there's so much personality can do and i can't imagine populating the new world with Daesung looking babies) & GD (he would be too gay to know how to make babies & lord knows he needs to gain some weight first & height)

  14. Easy answer: Shindong

  15. I agree. Shindong does have great fashion sense but nothing really beyond that. Plus he's fat and ugly.

  16. Not this Shindong shit again.

    I have to say, I'd never want to be with Shindong though.

  17. Hey! there are worse guys in SuJu than Shindong!! For example, Leet.... No actually, Shindong's the worst.

  18. Shindong. He's fat, ugly, and proud of being a sexist fuckhead.

    And that kid from Teen Top with the huge lips. YUCK.

  19. Miss A Jia. He fails as a girl and boy and I would feel ashamed to have babies with that. Also Suju Leeteuk, his face (probably among other things) is more plastic than kwanghee... he just has a better surgeon but a worse personality, disturbing as fuck.

  20. Shindong - that fat, ugly, racist, sexist pig.

  21. i mean there are idols i don't like but let's be honest here: they're all good looking enough to be in the public eye, if it were necessary to repopulate the Earth there's no one i would absolutely refuse

    to be in any type of performing job, you need a sense of how people perceive you so there's no one that's like completely and utterly disgusting.

    but if i really had to choose i'd say Leeteuk because he called Suzy fat, and it's not that i stan Suzy or anything, but what an asshole

  22. I'm gay so this would be difficult for me to begin with, but if I had to put my beautiful penis and va-va-*vomit*-gina it couldn't be Hyomins.

    Bitches think that girl is a style icon, gag. I couldn't disgrace my dick or my people with that snank... Hay~

    I'd take Amber though ^^ I could be the girl she could be the guy it would be perfect lol

  23. I was just thinking about a world without Shindong and how perfect it would be. I would never be with Shindong. asdgdagdas hate that guy.

  24. Speaking of Suzy:



  25. I can't think of one (this includes Amber, I'd destroy her vag).

  26. fake bitches jessica krystal
    cyclops jiyeon
    hyogre hyoyeon
    manber amber
    whiny hyuna
    stoned boram
    tryhards min minah
    crybaby luna

    so on and so forth

  27. all of super junior

  28. Oh, oh, oh! I have to hurry and call you a dumb bitch first @1:58 because Soyeon is HOT (and she can sing, duh!) so why wouldn't you want to fuck her?! Wae!?!?!? lol

  29. Janey. I'm not a pedophile. Pretty sure she wouldn't be able to bear children anyway.

  30. LOL, because I'm sure you nerdgins are getting so much action that you would turn down free sex from chicks like Bom and Hyomin.

    Come back when you've lost your V cards and then we'll talk.

  31. Fish-eyed twins from Boyfriend.

  32. If I was a guy, then G.na. The horror...! And since I'm a girl, Shindong. Yuck!

  33. Nobody. Even the uglier people in Kpop are better-looking than average.

  34. Half Suju and almost all 2PM members. Ewww.

    Oh,and Daesung. I like his voice but he is so damn fugly I can't even.. >_>

  35. trololololol at Soyeon comment.


  36. thank you 3:50pm-anon. true fact.

  37. Soyeon she's basic people ride her dick too much

  38. I would have no part in doing...
    12/13 of super junior
    5/6 of 2pm
    4/5 of Shinee
    2/5 of U-kiss but I'm sure 2 of the three I'm willing to bang are gay...
    Teen Top
    4/5 of DBSK
    5/9 of SNSD
    2/7 of Rainbow
    2/5 of f(x)

    I would do all of KARA though...aww yeahh

  39. Have fun with the alien and bucktooth mouse 5:52 oh dont forget the witch Gyuri

  40. Park Bom im surprised im the only one who's said her

  41. Soyeon - her big, blank eyes scares me
    Hara - looks to much like an alien that there's no chance her offsprings are going to look like humans
    Hyoyeon - Hyogre. 'nuff said
    Manber - do i even have to explain this?

  42. 2PM's Junsu. I wouldn't want my kids to have weird jaws like him.

  43. all the plastic people in sm.. o wait

  44. Park Bom

  45. Obvious but GD LOL.FUCK humanity,and plus he had bad teeth and i have bad teeth so our offspring would have some fucked up teeth,so yeah oh and because he is a complete douche!

  46. everyone except snsd................except hyoyeon

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. @5:52..is Soyeon really your answer because she's "basic" its the last person you would be with so if you think she's at least basic you would rather be with someone you find hideous??

  49. LOL what did lovebombs say?

  50. What is with the Soyeon stans lately? She's talented, but that doesn't mean everyone is going to love her... If someone doesn't want to repopulate with her they don't want to repopulate with her, yesh. You're giving Soyeon stans a bad name. Get off her dick.

    @2:02, I got you XD Too bad not everyone else did...

    Personally, I'd take Soyeon over Manber or GNA (I don't think anyone will dispute that though...).

  51. ^to all above, just because someone is fat does not give you a viable reason to hate them. Yes, shindong is a sexist person, yes, shindong is untalented in suju, yes he is fugly, but because someone is fat does not make them disgusting.

    Being gay, any girl is hard to do, but if i was straight then i would not want to go anywhere near the new hyuna, she looks...sticky.

  52. Why can't I hate on people for being fat? They have a blatant disregard for their own well being. Not to mention they invade my personal space on trains and airplanes. And even truthfully, they are an eyesore. I would never ever imagine myself in bed with a fat girl, ever.

    I know some people have disorders that make them fat, so I don't direct any of the above to them, but the vast majority are just lazy eating machines.

  53. ^You probably weigh like 500lbs lol Fuck off.

    Hating fat people is as useless as telling someone not to hate fat people... Fat people and haters are always going to exist. Get use to it or off yourself.

    I personally like big gurls, but then again I'd fuck anything lol

  54. 1. Kwanghee.
    2. All of SHINee
    3. All of Boyfriend
    4. 2PM's Junsu & Taekyeon, I wouldn't want my children to have misshapen jaws and teeth.

  55. "but because someone is fat does not make them disgusting"

    Who made you the boss of attraction and revulsion?

  56. @7:31
    Have fun with your fat girl then. I hope you can take care of her when she gets diabetes, atherosclerosis, sleep apnea and all the other diseases fat people are more prone to. I'd much rather be with a girl who has a good chance of living past the age of 50, and who can be a good rolemodel for children, promoting a healthy lifestyle.

  57. Hating fat people should be perfectly acceptable. You're allowed to say things like "i like chicks with long legs", "i like girls with big eyes", "i prefer straight hair as opposed to curly hair". Well one should also be allowed to say "i don't like fucking fatass blobs with folds of fat coming out of their sides".

  58. I think their are worse things to place on your kid then bad eating habits... How about a hateful heart? Becasue you know teaching your kid that judging and hating someone soley on their outer appearance is a GREAT thing to pass on...

    That being said I wouldn't fuck Bom with someones elses dick lol

    In all seriousness, I'm all for caring about peoples general well being and health, but hating really isn't going to help the situation now is it? But this probably won't make a difference, just thought it should be said.

  59. @1:04, I totally agree, but its useless to argue with people on this site. Being anonymous gives people mad balls and they say shit they couldn't back up in real life. Its best to ignore the fucktards that are trying to be difficult and really just need to get laid and comment around them. This site is pretty cool and funny most of the time don't let a few bad apples spoil the bunch.

    In response to the question... I'd say Amber. I don't think either of us would enjoy that very much.

  60. moving on...

    i only follow rainbow kara and tara id fuck all of rainbow and kara and most of tara but hyomin and hwayoung just rub my dick the wrong way

  61. As a dude minah....I just damn cant...Id even be piggy dolls and amber(whos actually pretty dang chill) before her.And if I was a girl,key.It'd be so damn awkward.

  62. Did some fat person body slam you when you were a kid? ARE YOU GUYS A SNORLAX HATER?
    Personally i like big guys, and there are fuckloads of other gay guys who like the big guys. I'm fat ffs, but its a simple fact that i do eat healthy, and excersize about 5 times a week, im just a big person :/ And really, the bear community sees it as a good thing. Tall, wide, masculine men with extra pounds...Thats my style.

    Anyway, attraction is all based on society, and usually, it is based on what the majority of people dont have. In history, fat was good, because poor people were not fat, only rich could enjoy the luxury of good food, and people found the fat sexy. Nowadays, alot of people have the money to splurge on Maccas so anyone could get fat, but only those with the self control and discipline will be skinny.


    People aren't using the fat thing as a way to say they are not attracted, they are using it as a base of hatred...

    I think saying "I don't really find fat people attractive, so i believe shindong would be my least wanted person to be stuck with" is the correct response compared to "Shindong and his lazy ass flabs is so disgusting, makes me want to throw up and shoot myself"

  63. and before anons start guessing my weight, i weigh 105 kgs which is like... 230 lbs?
    a big rugby player

  64. ^I'd fuck ya. I like my men and my cars built tough!

  65. I hate fat chicks and gingers.

    And Park Bom.

  66. Half of Super Junior, and all of Boyfriend and 2PM. Jesus Christ.

  67. Jess looks so real! ♫

  68. SHINee - they have vaginas and I'm not into tribbing

    All of Super Junior (excluding Kang In and Kibum) are some ugly ass motherfuckers

    2PM Taecyeon - I could just imagine him going down on me with those beaver teeth and giving me an accidental Clidoridectomy

    Mblaq Joon - He doesn't like bathing so you can just imagine how musty his balls are

    Teen TOP - same reason as SHINee

    Taeyang and Jay Park - Girls go crazy for them but they both look like they can't fuck to save their lives

  69. @6:17 About Jay Park (hell even taeyang probs...) I'm strongly convinced he's in the closet tbh.

  70. Kwanghee. The correct answer people.

  71. @2:02 Ooh a pretty girl with a decent voice in Kpop. Too bad Soyeon sounds like she can't breathe when singing on stage.

  72. I love this place hahahahaha!September 14, 2011 at 5:11 PM

    ^Guess you didn't catch the sarcasm huh? lol

  73. I love these questions of the week! XD

    My pick... SHINDONG! Yuck.

  74. @4:53

    wait. are you saying that t-ara can sing?

  75. shindong i don't want an asshole stealing all my food

  76. Boa, Yoona, Sohee... not cause I don't find them attractive or anything but i'd like for their fandoms to watch me wreck them. If that doesn't count though... doesn't matter who's last if any of em willin to toss me the ass i'm sure to dive for it.

  77. you guys are fucking sad, go get laid in real pls.

  78. ^You should probably do the same...

  79. ^ Nah, he's busy telling people on the internet that they are sad. Keep up the noble work!

  80. ^HAHAHHAHAHAHAH! Good one! LOL

  81. Daesung. Even if I had no choice but to repopulate with him, he'd probably run my children over anyway.

  82. lol some people here are so full of themselves... they drop names as if they really mulled over this n took it too seriously...

    newsflash! as if those 'idols' would want to be with you too...

  83. Sohee. Ooh, god. Sohee.

  84. @955, U mad because NO ONE (idol, civilian, horse) wants to fuck you? XD Don't worry the dildo/artificial vagina market is getting more and more advanced. I'm sure someday it will be almost like the real thing...


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