Wednesday, October 19, 2011

[Album Review] Moving in Secret

Secret. Sexy and cute Jieun. Succubus Hyosung. Annoying girl with nice legs. Girl who should move to 2NE1.

Track 1: Sounds like my dad trying to be cool. I like this part: 왔다 갔다 왔다 갔다 흔들어 내 맘
Track 2: Sounds like a show for children. Not even kidding. This is what you would expect to hear on Nick Jr.
Track 3: Sounds like an IU song, so it's forgettably good. Hyosung sings too much of it. Leave more for Jieun because y'all are alright but Jieun is in another league.
Track 4: Like BEG minus the edge. It might be good live if they really sex it up.
Track 5: Zinger trying to be Biggie, so I guess it fits in some ways.
Track 6: The intro was flavorless but the rest is really sexy and has a nice melody.
Track 7: Super generic. I expect this from male groups but girl groups usually get more interesting songs.
Track 8: Nice sound but the melody is lacking. I don't expect every track on an kpop album to be good.
Track 9: This is definitely a girl group song for girls. I am not a girl.

Overall: Even on the shitty songs, the production was really nice. They used live instruments and the mixing was great, so that puts it over shitty boyband albums that use all midi. I like track 6 so that's a base score of 1/10 but 3 of the members are hot so I'll give it 4 out of 10 flailing Sunhwas.


  1. I wonder how many of the guys on here who make fun of how "ugly" these idols are could even get girls who look any better than them

  2. ^ boys will always be boys.

  3. ^I just keep hearing all these guys talking about how ugly zinger is
    if they think shes ugly id love to see the kind of bitches they pull in real life lol
    must be super models

  4. ^so defending a girl means you're jealous of her?

  5. I never stated where your jealously lies. You do sound really bitter, though.

  6. 1.I'm male
    2.I think all the girls in secret are pretty

    but good job at taking what I said out of context lol

  7. You can say a lot of things on the internet.

  8. ^all I'm saying is if you think zinger is ugly
    I'm genuinely curious about what kind of girls you're dating in real life lol

    I don't get why kpop fans always pull the "jealousy card" out on every kpop disagreement
    I'm new to this fandom so its really strange/new to me

  9. ^if u ever even seen girls in real life then u would know that zinger is ugly compared to regular girls

  10. ^You must live in an area where most girls get plastic surgery regularly then lol
    ive even read articles on here where people are calling victoria and g.na ugly...o_0
    Idk I'm just not seeing whats so "ugly" about them
    maybe I just have really low standards for women XD

  11. Oh lookie here, anons are talking about looks again.

  12. ^I agree, a lot of the girls they find ugly, I don't find unattractive at all. They might not be models or the plastic cookie-cutter image that Korea likes but they're not freakin' ugly.

  13. whoops meant to say to anon 5:59

  14. @anon6:11:aren't the majority of the articles on this site talking about looks though? its not like much discussion about music is done here
    lol even this article is talking about looks

  15. @anon 6:11
    Yeah, because Kpop is allllll about "talent"
    Fact: Most of most popular members don't have a ounce of talent but are popular cause of their plastic, cookie cutter image of Korea's ideal standards of beauty. Famous examples: UEE the robot, Yoona the "under-rated princess", Sulli the big baby, Hyuna the whore <---lol sorry couldn't help myself.

  16. "Girl who should move to 2NE1." Oh my god. LOL. This is gold.

  17. 6:14
    I noticed on this site the more "real asian girl"the idol looks the more likely writers/readers are going to call them ugly :p

  18. @5:59
    G.na IS ugly imo.
    Victoria has her moments too.

  19. @6:24
    Have you seen real Korean girls? They're 98% ugly. So yeah, I can see why we call girls ugly the more "real asian girl" they look.

  20. @6:38
    i dont see it that way
    but thats just my opinion

  21. ^So sad.....*tear trickles down* :p

  22. I wouldn't say 98%... unless the Korean girls around me just happen to be fucking hot by general standards.

    If you're talking about the girls who are in the audience of music shows to see the boy groups they're stanning, then yeah, 98%.

  23. anon 6:20 even with more effort Hyuna cant outwhore Suzy

    shes a total slut

  24. ^ When was Suzy a slut?

  25. Say, how much does Suzy cost? I'm interested in being a client.

  26. ^
    LOL, 아저씨 you ruined my questionnnnnnnn.

  27. if Zinger was given the chance, i'm sure she'd move over to 2ne1 in a heartbeat
    honestly, i was half expecting her to leave Secret during Starlight Moonlight promotions but i guess there's the contract and all that

    The lead vocalist, Song Jieun, added, “The solo song is a present for Zinger, who had to be patient because she had to match with Secret even though there were other types of music that she wanted to do.” - secretupdates.tumblr.com/post/11678079143/

    she has to watch labelmate Yongguk start his rap solo career while she's in a girl group singing "oppa ur my shy boy~"

  28. adding to above, plus she gets so much shit for being "fat" and the least popular in Secret, if she wasn't in an idol group she would actually get respect

  29. @8:09 she accepts a big dick in her cooch as payment

  30. ^ Sounds like a deal. Who's her pimp? I'd like to conduct some business with her pimp.

  31. Her pimp is your swagger, if you've got enough.

  32. @anon 8:37 & 8:39 100% agree, she's not a bad rapper like those wannabe idols, I actually like some of her rapping [not really in the promoted songs] and I HATE when they make her rap all cutesy and crap like in shy boy and in this song. This song sucks, I was expecting more from secret.

  33. ^
    Yeah. Definitely the biggest letdown this week.

  34. I agree with your rating ahjeosshi. The album was a let down, but some of the back tracks I like.

  35. G.NA is fucking hot. Have you seen that body?

  36. Their dance is ridiculous. They look like crazy bitches waving hands non stop on stage.

  37. @1:29


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