Sunday, October 9, 2011

FT Island's Remake of Like The Birds

Okay, I think the original is okay and FT Island's remake is meh. I listened to FT Island's remake first so that I would feel less disappointed in their cover. Great strategy. It's not as if the original blows the cover out of the water of anything, but FT Island had to insert fucking rapping into the song. I already knew the rap was out of place just based on how light/poppy the song was, but then I listened to the original song and disliked the rapping even more. I imagined the rapping from the remake while I was listening to the original and facepalmed. This further proves my point that idol music (yes, these posers are idols) would be more enjoyable without the rapping.

There was another thing that irked me. If you open up the window for Byun Jin Sup's video and read the comments, they're all FT Island fans saying "Came here for FT Island", "Can't wait for FT Island's cover", and "Derp derp derp." No one cares why you go to a video, just saying.

I'm not reviewing the actual MV. It bored me and I remember nothing about it.


  1. but both songs suck hairy ass balls......

  2. The rapping was the only part I loved... o.o
    The rest of the song was what's meh to me.

  3. Although I liked their song cool vs. pretty and I'm not saying they're untalented, I always found them horribly overrated tbh. Mostly their songs kinda suck and I'd hardly consider them alternative. "flower rock" wtf is that anyways?

  4. They are better than cnblue.

    The only ~good~ cnblue song is In my head but its not a promoted song

  5. Well this is stupid and unnecessary, the song is old and turning some of the lyrics into rap would be just stupid.

  6. Their old songs from their first few albums were good. The only reason I still give a damn after that is because of Hongki. :DD

  7. That's why it's called "remake" dumbass


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