Friday, October 21, 2011

'The Boys' comeback perf (another fucking SNSD article)

The Good: Seohyun and Taeyeon. Impressive shit, girls. On an afterthought, Yuri deserves a spot here too. Despite her obvious lack of talent, she was looked fucking hooooooooooot (and really, that's the only reason any of us are still here, looks). The outfits were pretty cool too, well, except for the bovine-as-fuck cow suits worn by Jessica, Sooyoung, and Tiffany. I might add that the actual vocals were pretty decent (compared to, I don't know, Chi Chi).

The Bad: Fany's terrible fucking adlibs. Terrible. "Yeee-uh..... you know" "We bring the boys out, we bring the boys out..... yee-uh" "Get up-huh" "That's funny". That is funny Fany, in an excruciating sort of way. And might I mention the annoying fucking hand-flourishes that managed to infest every second of the performance? Do not want.

The Boys: Hyoyeon. Sunny. Sica. Wait, Sica? You heard me. He plastic surgeon dun fucked up (or maybe it was his twisted intention to bring the first (known) horse-man into existence). The first two don't need explaining (Sunny does look rather dashing as a man), but my fucking #1 bias has been raped in the face. I mean, when feedback from the actual fangirls themselves becomes negative, you know something is wrong.
Well fuck me, I never thought I'd see the day.

At least she still has boobs, and please don't tell me these were a result of the same surgeon that did her face... if so, I'd hate to see what they look like underneath those clothes.... Oh. Well if you're offering....


  1. Hand flourishes, FUCK!!!!
    Its everywhere. Snsd dance routine just sucks now. They all look alright, but damn, sunny is teh hotness

  2. never thought much of sunny but shes bangin

  3. Am I the only one that thinks Seohyun's outfit with that midriff is fucking hot? My god.

  4. Seohyun and Taeyeon make this performance need to watch. I can't expect less from these girls!

  5. Spazzing over Taeng's new hair. <333333333

  6. Wow david, Jessica looked fucking hot in that performance. She looks the same =_=

  7. Lol I just realized that you didn't mentionYoona once.......I think this is the first time anyones ever done that..... FINALLY!!!

    by the way, can some one do an article on how Yoona's supposed to be the most intelligent female idol <------ I know right, what crack is Korea on!

  8. A non-delusional sone? How often does that happen?

  9. Don't remember Sica's tits being so big. BOOB JOB?

    Seohyun looked great...Taeyeon too (thank god!)


  11. Their decents might have only been decent because they had to sing the song six times to get it 'perfect'.

  12. @sulli_fag

  13. going to gay for Seohyun. I did not know she had that VOICE.

  14. Sunny a definitely hotter version of Manber. But damn, i can't stand looking at Sooyoung, she's a dancing stick.

  15. @Sulli_Fag

    It's an illusion, they put white over her tits with a brown background to exaggerate them, giving the illusion that she got tits, horsey dont have tits

    Anyway, 2 out of 9 can sing, im so over snsd, i was expecting more and they gave me this... THIS?! atleast some of the other songs on the album are said to be good.

  16. I want to fuck Taeyeon. UNF!

    I want to kick Teddy Riley in the balls for making this shit song.

    I want to punch the camera director in the face.

  17. Yep, Tiffany is annoying. hand gestures are annoying. People always want to argue that Jessica is a great singer. In my opinion singing is not only about hitting the right notes,her voice itself is annoying,and it is obvious that she did something with her face

  18. ^
    You should be glad he gave Hyogre 3 sec.

  19. All of them except Sooyoung look hot!!! Fuck, even Hyoyeon looks good in this one.

  20. Find me some good cameltoe pics of Jessica, Yoona or Yuri and you will be rewarded with an e-BJ. Srs.

  21. Video took less than 3 seconds to make me cringe. How can girls so hot still make me cringe at their music so bad?

  22. about sika, push-up bras does it's wonders people

  23. Jessica had big boobs during the ITNW era, how the fuck did they get so small?

  24. Sica has put on a little weight now. I think she looks fabulous <3

    And tbh Hyoyeon needs to ditch this shit and join a real dance crew
    just saw this and holy shit if she can do that wtf is she doing with like two lines and this much hate. She has to hold back the only talent she has in vast amounts.

  25. so y'all saying she has a push up bra. I need to see proof lol

  26. sica have boobs? what are you talking about? too used to skinny kpop girls that you forgot what real boobs look like? lol chick look b cup at most, with push up can get it to C.

    song still shitty anyway. if tablo don't win against them even with that perfect album i call bullshit.

  27. Tablo's album was nowhere near perfect.
    Entire levels above SNSD, sure, but not perfect. Not even close.

  28. i think this perfomance was amazing an those who said it was bad .. come on? is not as good as their 2007-2008 perfs but is better than the shitty 2009-2010 era bubble gum popcrap they had..

    an how great is your love seem really amazing lived... they got my vote on that.. but BUT .. >__> yoona is not a rapper..

  29. I actually think Hyo looks hot now. So does Sunny.

    Yep. I said it.

    Y'all should stop making troll posts and actually make proper critical reviews. I'm sick of this trolling shit. Bring back the well written reviews/commentary plz

  30. hand gestures are indeed annoying most of the time. Tiffany's lines are hilarious LOL

    Taeyeon and Seohyun are the best. Seohyun is getting better everyday

    there's too much sica in this song. It's a bit annoying, esp when seeing her not putting much effort into it (compared to, say, TY or SH)

  31. LOL Has anyone seen this on tumblr/twitter:

    Butthurt ELF spreading lies about SME/SNSD (again). Apparently they wanna plan another black ocean.
    Now I just can't decide which fandom is the worse between SONE and ELF.

  32. ^ lol the last one is just dumb. anyone can just search mr. simple in like 2 seconds and see that what they said is bullshit.

  33. TAEYEON! is a fucking goddess. the rest can gtfo

  34. ^ Incorrect! Seohyun is the only goddess in SNSD. The rest are cardboard throwaways.

  35. Lol at who said Tablo's album was perfect. Hardly mate. Sure, I'm glad he's back on his two feet again but it's a shame a large proportion of fans are fucking rabid fangirls (the same idiots that listen to GDTOP and feel they are "ghetto" enough to rob a bank after doing so) who don't know jack shit about hip-hop.

    Anyway, back to SNSD. More tits and cameltoe. Otherwise, gtfo. No one cares about their shitty music. We only care about their titties and ass.

  36. Anon @ 6:01

    /smh. I love Super Junior until that awkward second when an ELF opens their mouth.

  37. This song is so terrible.. Fergie could have sung this.

    Bring the boys out? Seriously?

  38. The chorus ruins the damn song, you Seohyun and Taeyeon singing awesome vocals and then the beat just changes and it goes to the horrible chorus...

  39. Sooyoung is freaking hott. Now she just needs to get some fat injected into her legs so she doesn't look like a toothpick. Must suck to be a shikshin. Seriously, if she can't gain any weight, at least inject some into her SM, or else her hawttness is over-weighed by her freaky skinniness.

    btw, does anyone else thinks that she looks Thai?

  40. lol@sones trying to say "get it in" has no sexual or alcohol related meaning

  41. I beg you SNSD, stop rapping!!!!!!


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