Sunday, October 16, 2011

KARA performs Winter Magic.

Because this song is amazing. It's absolutely magical. The stage and the pale pink dresses only add to the effect. And despite Gyuri's lisp, despite KARA's overall inability to perform well live (well alright, mostly Hara {remember this?}), despite Nicole's terrible attempt at being a rapper; despite KARA's many flaws, they are the only Kpop girl group where every member is attractive. Chew on that, but try as you might, you won't find an exception. Not one.

But enough fanwar fuel. Regardless of whether they're lip-syncing or not (I really can't tell this time), the performance was undeniably entertaining. What is the use of talent if you can't be entertaining? KARA has found their niche in Japan, and I'm glad for it.


  1. Gyuri, Ji Young and Seung Yeon aren't attractive. Nicole's bare face is just meh.

  2. the dance is so cute, the song is great, and yes every member is attractive

  3. Man fuck, these new authors are terrible.

    Tissues Fresh, PROGRESSION.

  4. Lol dude you furreal? I find Kara to have some of the most unattractive faces in Kpop. Gyuri looks like a transexual, Seungyeon is a fucking gerbil, Hara, despite her numerous "modifications" still looks questionable at times and that other girl is so insignificant I don't even remember her name. The only one worth mentioning is Jiyoung who is quite cute but can't help making me feel like a paedo (and I'm only 19).

  5. ^ most unattractive? lol do you just got your eye surgery or your contact lense melted on your eye?? The TrollNE1 and some others are worse

  6. don't get the point of this article

  7. For a minute I thought I was reading K-pop Secrets.

  8. they are the only Kpop girl group where every member is attractive.

    :) agreed. and im not a kamilia. LOL hardcore sone .__.

  9. gyuri does make me feel like im watching a transexual its fucking freaky. The other girls are fine hara alien face turns me on.

  10. How the hell is David a new author? And David, I thought that regarded Nicole as fug haha.

  11. lol boys are so stupid when it comes to girl's looks. you're either tearing them apart relentlessly or praising them for what they usually don't deserve.
    looking good on stage is solely about about cosmetology. kara looks so good because they're popular so it's worth the investment to have the best stylists.
    the same goes for real life, you ever notice there are those girls who really aren't pretty, but trick you into thinking they are using hair and makeup? (if the answer is no, then that's just because she was too good at it. ask any girl [or effeminate guy] that is conscious of this type of stuff and she/he will tell you. your poor fanboy world will be shattered. :'()

  12. this song makes me cringe - absolutee

  13. Kara is just so meh.

    They look alright but I think T-ara is hotter over all even with Derpy and Stoner.

  14. @10:40 I know Derpy is Hwayoung, but who is Stoner? Jiyeon?(since she is born with a bitch face)

    And this article has no place on this blog, just a butthurt fanboy stanning for his wet dream gals.

    Back to Kara, I suppose their attractiveness really contingents on the context. If you steal a glance at the likes of 2ape1, 4minus etc first, then yes, Kara is definitely hot in their own right, despite boasting the peculiar combination of 2 trannies, which makes it 2 out of 5, one rat faced, one alien faced and one retarded faced(which also explains their popularity in Japan, the japanese are into all sorts of queer fetishes).

  15. @10:40, yeah the hotness of Eunjunf Qri and Soyeon alone pwns Kara big time

    Im still waiting on them to adjust Gyuris meds I swear shes on like lithium or something

  16. @3:33 Jiyoung not attractive? you must be high.

    also, have seungyeons boobs gotten bigger? or her padding?

  17. timchan in your opinion who is the most attractive group?

    if you say snsd then all of what you have stated is now invalid

  18. @AKFG
    =.= >.< <.< >.>

  19. @2:13 why is that the case? because hyogre is in snsd and she is more lethal than all the extraterrestrial species in kpop combined?

    In all honesty, I used to like snsd until I got freaked out by their(well, some of them to say the least) increasingly plastic faces. I couldn't help but heed to Yuri's zombie face of late(overdose of botox?) and how Tiffany looks like she is wearing the mask from V for vendetta.

    I don't pledge allegiance to any particular kpop groups nowadays. But I must confess that I find Yoona's over-arched face attractive most of the time so long as she doesn't show the crooked side of it. Suzy's mentally handicapped face pisses me off as much as turns me on. And for reason unbeknownst even to myself I enjoy looking at Jiyeon's Cyclops face. So I must be harbouring some weird fetishes myself........

  20. I don't think Nicole is ugly, I'm not stupid. But it is true that her looks don't do anything for me. And yes, this article was written with makeup in mind. They're probably the ugliest group w/out makeup.

  21. 6-ara pwns Kara in the looks department imo.

  22. ^Why are you guys talking about looks again? This is kpop, you're all stanning plastic, sry2say.

    Also, this is one generic and boring song. KARA sounds like they got one of their old songs, slowed it down and added some guitar strumming.

  23. ^thats how u make money in japan

  24. I disagree with Kara being the only group with all attractive members because I can't find Seungyeon attractive although i've tried really hard. Her face annoys me.

  25. I find Kara attractive but the only person that I would have trouble looking at is Hara. I mean, I find her cute not attractive, like sexually :) She is a boner killer for me. The only other groups that I find everybody to be attractive is GsD, Rainbow, and A Pink. I would count Rena in that grouping but its not a group per se since its only her, but her friends help out also :P

  26. oh, and also....why I am so drawn to the outfits. I love them!

  27. anon 7:59 hell yeah!

  28. ^
    ^Rainbow has some fug members. A-Pink is basic. I don't even know who GsD is.

  29. LOL people are just jealous because davidfresh praised Kara yet he didn't do that you biased groups like SNSD or 2NE1. Chew on that =P

  30. @12:09, I wouldn't say jealous as much as confused because KARA sucks (dick most likely though Gyuri is really close with Eunjung...).

    I think all members of kara are pretty in their own way.
    Jiyoung= used to be young and cute, but her short hair has a mature,adventorous youth type look.
    Hara= Sexy alien
    Seungyeon= Cute hamster (i dont think its gonna change though)
    Nicole= Sexy, mature, and adorable all at the same time (Also, the vid of the week, THATS ADORABLE)
    Gyuri= She reminds me of a milf

  32. I agree, KARA is the only group where every member is atractive !


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